Once ( upon a time )

#1125Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/14/14 at 9:46pm

So excited for it to return in March! This episode was really good, and the villanesses about to arrive makes it all the more exciting! Once Upon a Time

#1126Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/14/14 at 10:22pm

The villanesses lived up to their names tonight. The next half of the season looks promising. Also, tonight Belle became a little bit stronger after being a weak character. Rumple had lied to her for way too long.

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#1127Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 12:30am


American's are so freakin' prudish.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1128Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 1:38am

Cruella lives in London, not some magical land.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#1129Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 12:40pm

So happy to see Elsa and Anna gone, but I will miss Elizabeth Mitchell who is a welcome addition to any show. I'm pretty excited about the villainesses coming in, they seemed to be having fun. I just hope they get something more original to do than place yet another curse on Storybrook.
Sad to see Regina and Robin depart. Hopefully Regina won't retread to her Evil Witch persona.
So is the author seriously going to be Mickey Mouse?

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#1130Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 12:44pm

Cruella just doesn't fit the group. She has no magic. Why on earth would they need her?

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1131Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 12:52pm

Cruella is the definition of "jumping the shark". Next thing you know, they're going to include those two siamese cats.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#1132Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 1:11pm

Bring back the boobs!

I mean, the ice queen who loves Emma.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

#1133Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 1:32pm

Madam Mim from 'The Sword in the Stone' would have made more sense than Cruella, but apparently she's not an iconic villain.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1134Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 1:42pm

Maybe next season the villian will be the fire that killed Bambi's mom.

#1135Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 2:23pm

If Disney still had the rights to 'Narnia' they also could have used Jadis the White Witch. That also would have made a lot more sense. However, an appearance from her will probably never happen because the rights to use those books belong to the C.S. Lewis Estate and they are apparently picky on who can use them. They also just had a sorceress with ice/snow powers.

Updated On: 12/15/14 at 02:23 PM

#1136Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 2:31pm

I'm giving up the show the day Mr. Clean makes an appearance.

#1137Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 3:18pm

Ratings hit a series low last night.

ETA: Though ABC and the staff are not bothered by this.

"ABC points out that Once Upon, on average this season, is still up 13 percent from the same point last year."

So Cruella: 'Once Upon a Time' ratings slip to series low Updated On: 12/15/14 at 03:18 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1138Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 6:59pm

Cruella seems like a tough character to shoehorn into the world, though the actress looks like fun, so I'll go along for the ride.

Actually, in a recent EW interview, they addressed (not convincingly, I might add) how they were going to tie-in Cruella:

Let’s talk about Cruella de Vil. Can you say what world she comes from?
KITSIS: We’re kind of taking some liberty there. We’re going to realize that our Cruella may have originated from the Enchanted Forest, and we may find out she has some magic of her own. She’s part villain, part Zelda Fitzgerald. There’s something glamorous and jazz age, but something very deadly about her as well.
HOROWITZ: She’s a fun character for us. We hopefully found a way to spin it and make her different and part of the Once universe while also having plenty of nods of the iconography of Cruella that everybody loves.

It sounds the sort of thing you're either going to have to accept the implausibility of, or you're really not going to like the second half of the season.

Once bosses tease new villains Updated On: 12/15/14 at 06:59 PM

#1139Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/14 at 11:32pm

And also, Cruella just has great hair.

Loved how the creative team converted her from cartoon to real-life. She's Disney and this is basically a Disney show, so it's not all that far-fetched, is it?

I love Elizabeth Mitchell, but was annoyed by her on this show. She "wanted a family to love her?" That was the plot of the whole first half of the season? The she vanished in a ball of light? Didn't love it. (And I'm not prudish about boobs. I just didn't want to see hers, and don't really want to see any on *this* show.)

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#1140Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/14 at 1:29pm

Her power was in her boobs. Don't hate. I have wanted to part of Elizabeth Mitchell's family and supply her with as much love as she needed since Gia and then ER.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#1141Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/14 at 1:39pm

Cruella fits in as much as Frankenstein.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#1142Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/14 at 2:40pm

I completly forgot Frankenstein was a thing! The thing about this show is for me it jumped the shark ever since the pilot. I just don't think it's ever been a good show or understood/cared about its rules all that much. So the way I see it is whether it's gonna be fun or not. Elsa and Anna were no fun for me, neither was Peter Pan (though the dark twist was very clever). Cora was fun, Zelena was fun; Cruella sounds fun and the actress looks like she's game, so I'm looking forward to it. The series plays fast and loose with its mythology all the time.
And Elizabeth Mitchell is one of my favorites. I can't express how obnoxious I find the comments criticizing her outfit, as Julia Roberts famously professed once: "they're called boobs, Ed."

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#1143Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/14 at 2:56pm

How soon can we expect The Witch from INTO THE WOODS to make an appearance in this? Huh? Anyone willing to take a wild guess?

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#1144Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/14 at 3:31pm

@Carlos, I highly doubt that, so far they're using characters from Disney's own animated films and didn't we have a different Rapunzel and Witch in this already?

#1145Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/18/14 at 6:16pm

Eion Bailey is returning as August for the season's 14th episode.

Eion Bailey returning to 'Once Upon a Time'

HighFlyingAdored97 Profile Photo
#1146Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/19/14 at 12:54am

^^ I'm so excited!!!!!! I loved him on the show so much

"The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#1147Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/19/14 at 5:05am

Have we had Rapunzel? I may have blocked it out.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

#1148Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/19/14 at 12:05pm

She was in one episode a while back. I'm hazy on the details, but I remember Prince Charming coming to her rescue back in Fairy Tale Land.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#1149Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/19/14 at 12:39pm

They did have Rapunzel in the batch of episodes featuring Zelena. I don't think there was a Witch, the twist was that Rapunzel was the Witch since her own fear manifested itself as a physical presence. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring in INTO THE WOODS character if the movie is a hit and if they get renewed.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"
