Big Brother 17

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#225Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/14/15 at 1:05am

I realize that, but I'm still surprised.....what a great twist for him, I'd think it'd be MORE interesting to see.his duality.


I hate Vanessa beyond words.  Her paranoia and bullying has simply passed me off.  Hopefully whoever is next HOH will put her up.  Is there anyone that won't vote her off?  I suppose it's still worth splitting up Austin and Liz.  (Whom I can't believe she sided with. 

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#226Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/14/15 at 2:33pm

God, I can't stand Vanessa and her reigns of terror while HOH. Steve, come in this room and answer these questions. Don't lie to me. I can tell when you're lying. I can read people really well. She is paranoid about all the little side deals and people saying what they need to say in order to stay. What about her deal with Austin and Liz so that she would vote off Julia?


I really can't stand her and want her out, but even with all that said I would still vote for her if she made final two. Don't the other four realize that ALL of them would lose to her?

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#227Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/14/15 at 3:37pm

Or when someone suggests something in THEIR best interest, she gets furious   Does she really think anyone should be working for HER?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#228Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/15/15 at 3:10am

Vanessa deserves to win. She has outplayed everyone 100 times over. It will be interesting to see if she makes it to the final 2.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#229Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/15/15 at 9:58pm

With the exception of Steve winning over Johnny Mac, tonight's episode was amazeballs.   Austin is wrong, I think she would have the votes to win, which is why they HAVE to get her out tomorrow. 

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#230Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/15/15 at 10:13pm

Tonight was so much fun! Watching Austin get blindsided like that was so delicious. Why is Vanessa crying all the time? I pray they take her out in spectacular fashion this week. It's been a long time coming.


Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#231Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/15/15 at 10:25pm

And the angels rejoice.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Luscious Profile Photo
#232Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/15/15 at 11:01pm

Great pay-off episode! Re-watching Austin's reaction to being blindsided on a loop. The expression on his face was priceless! And loved that he left barefoot and without that stupid top hat... and that it wasn't even a live show! Perfect! -- Wish Johnny Mac had won HOH over Steve, especially with Steve's answer being so far off. Why can't they just make it whoever comes closest? What's with the without going over bit? It's not the freaking Price is Right. Oh well... at least Liz didn't win. Would LOVE to see Vanessa walk out the door tomorrow night. But something tells me that Steve will target Liz. In any event, it all comes down to who wins POV.

Updated On: 9/15/15 at 11:01 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#233Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/15/15 at 11:47pm

I hope he nominates Liz and Vanessa, but then it's do or die if he or Johnny don't win the veto.  He's the only one who'd be certain to vote for Vanessa.   Liz has a case to bore for either, and she's gonna be hella fraught now that Julia and Austin are gone.  I have no idea who the hell Vanessa would vote for, but Vanessa has 24 hours to convince Steve to target Johnny Mac which, given Steve and Vanessa, could very well happen. 

Get Vanessa out and I think Johnny Mac wins.  But if Vanessa doesn't get evicted tomorrow night, I think she's got the game locked up.  But I think they've all played games that served them well to get there. Even Liz. 

Updated On: 9/15/15 at 11:47 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#234Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 12:06am

I think Vanessa's crying is part strategy. I think it is something that is easy for her to do whether she is actually feeling it or not. That goodness they got rid of Judas. And to think he thought he was a great player of sorts....

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#235Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 12:14am

I think she's a good player and knows how to apply game theory, but when she gets cornered and things stop going her way she's like a scared monkey throwing its shiit at its enemy. I think she's hella paranoid, but the good and the bad have gotten her this far, so if she does win I can't say she doesn't deserve it. 

Austin is such a dumb chump. 

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#236Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 6:48am

Austin's interview with Julie was hilarious and so off-putting. He is very sure of himself in that he was convinced he would have won the game next to anyone and was so sure that Vanessa doesn't have any votes on jury, which isn't true. 


As much as I can't stand her personally, I think Vanessa deserves to win, which means the other three will keep her around because they're idiots. Hopefully Steve will feel the sting of being used by Vanessa this past week and go after her. It also really strengthens his game if he can be credited with breaking up Austwins and evicting Vanessa.  



Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#237Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 7:44am

Did you hear Austin tell Julie, right before the eviction, "see you on the Bold & The Beautiful"?  He really thinks he is well loved by the fans and is a shoo in for a post Big Brother career.   Out of everyone evicted, he responded the most childish.  I really think he was going to cry.  I was so happy.  Can't stand him.  The only relief was in his pre-eviction speech.  Originally he was going to call out Steve and tell him he can't "hide behind his mommy" and other nasty things.  He didn't go that route but did call Steve "boy"., which Steve has asked him numerous times not to.  Glad the big lump is gone.

#237Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 7:44am

Double post

Updated On: 9/16/15 at 07:44 AM

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#238Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 8:12am

I think the Bold & The Beautiful comment was because every year there's a week long story/setting with members of the previous seasons of Big Brother, Survivor and Amazing Race on the soap. 


Last year the Bold characters went to a bar where the casts were bartenders, servers, party-people, etc. Most of them only had a line or two, but they danced around in the background for about a week. 

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#239Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 8:17am

Yes, but if i recall correctly, not every cast member was included.  Didn't it include mostly the fan favorites?  I remember Donny having a line.  Caleb, was also included, although, a dope, was a favorite among fans.  That is why I don't think Austin would be included.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#240Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 8:24am

Yeah, it's not every member, but I can imagine they would have Liz and Austin on so one of the characters could tell him, "I've dated twins before. Trust me, watch your back," or something like that. 

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#241Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 9:18am


Vanessa won't be going home tonight, unfortunately. I hope she wins at this point. I'd love Johnny Mac to win. He hasn't "done" much. He's come in second a lot but hasn't done anything to really persuade the others. However, he has strategized decently on the feeds and his social game has been pretty A+. But still, I don't think he'll gain the respect of the jury to get votes. With that said, I can't stand Vanessa, Steve, or Liz, and if I had to choose one to win I'd go with Vanessa, simply because she's outplaying them all.

Vanessa is a GOOD player. She isn't a good (read: entertaining) player to watch, like Derrick last season or Dan... but she is a good player. Steve is a whiny baby who makes me feel uncomfortable every time he goes to hug someone and waves his hands back and forth. And Liz is Liz...

#242Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 9:03pm

Caleb came across not so full of himself tonight.  I wonder if he had a "wake up call' once the BB fifteen minutes was up.  I actually liked him tonight.  Rachel, I would love to come between "you and your man".  I did and still think Brendon is FINE.

Updated On: 9/17/15 at 09:03 PM

Luscious Profile Photo
#243Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 10:08pm

ArtMan said: "Rachel, I would love to come between "you and your man".  I did and still think Brendan is FINE."


But still dumber than a bag of rocks.


WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#244Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 10:09pm

Was Caleb allowed to practice those questions beforehand or was that the first time he saw them because he seemed a little ill at ease with reading some of them. Caleb certainly came with a few issues, but I always felt like there was a good guy there. It was nice to see him again.


Thinking about Rachel's no floaters comment, it's true that there weren't many floaters this season. Meg I guess. But even the people who got voted out in the beginning and middle all put forth some level of effort to play the game.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#245Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 10:10pm

I'm inclined to believe that Caleb just got a good edit tonight. Once an effing lunatic,  always an effing lunatic.  

Vanessa does deserve to win (if only because these fruit loop dingi never got her out when they had the chance) but I love chaos so I still hope she gets voted out next.  

I hope Johnny Mac wins the 25 grand. I love that guy!  

Luscious Profile Photo
#246Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/16/15 at 10:38pm

Because I have no life, I'm voting for Johnny Mac 20x a day for the next week!


Vote for America's Favorite Houseguest

#247Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/17/15 at 8:30am

Luscious, Brendon actually is in the process of a PHD in Physics.  So he is at least intelligent in "book smarts". But how smart he is, is my least concern of what my fantasy entails.

Updated On: 9/17/15 at 08:30 AM

Susanswerphone Profile Photo
#248Big Brother 17
Posted: 9/23/15 at 10:18pm

YAYAYAYAAYYYY!!!!!!!! Steve! Great move!!
