
STRANGER THINGS Chapter 3 ending....possible spoilers

STRANGER THINGS Chapter 3 ending....possible spoilers

uncageg Profile Photo
#1STRANGER THINGS Chapter 3 ending....possible spoilers
Posted: 7/5/19 at 11:20pm

Is anybody watching or finished?

I finished today and have a few thoughts on the ending and what is in store for Chapter 4.

Really enjoyed Chapter 3. Eica was a riot! 

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 7/7/19 at 11:20 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/6/19 at 4:22pm

I adored this season. Just finished it today and it was everything I could have wanted it to be. Make sure you watch through the credits during the last episode, though!

As for who the American is, I think it’s pretty obvious but Who knows how long we’ll have to wait for the next (and last) season.

uncageg Profile Photo
#3STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/6/19 at 7:08pm

I watched through the credits. I normally do anyway.

While it MAY be pretty obvious<I am thinking it could be one of 3 people including Dr. Brenner ad Sam Owens who appeared out of nowhere.

Just give the world Love.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#4STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/6/19 at 8:09pm

I think Season 3 is BAD. To the point after 7 episodes I really can't endure any more of their stupid childish antics.

I have disliked Ms Ryder from the beginning with her screeching and overacting and as for the sheriff if this season, his over the top screaming all the time--just shoot HIM, PLEASE.

The kids are growing up, pity, and those 1980s fashions do nothing for all those skinny legs and puddin' bowl haircuts.

They were much more interesting and amusing as kids along with all their quirks but moving into adolescence all that is now lost. Even the toothless charmer has lost his charm

It is now just ridiculous and I can usually suspend disbelief, but not here.

While all the other residents just go about their every day whatever, this monster lurks beneath with mad Russians and slimy goo[ and what about all those dead people in the hospital--nobody notice???]

Should have ended at Season 2

Good night Irene..x

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#5STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/6/19 at 8:33pm

Sounds like you totally went into season three with a completely open mind!

uncageg Profile Photo
#6STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/6/19 at 9:20pm

SweetLips22 said: "I think Season 3 is BAD. To the point after 7 episodes I really can't endure any more of their stupid childish antics.

I have disliked Ms Ryder from the beginning with her screeching and overacting and as for the sheriff if this season, his over the top screaming all the time--just shoot HIM, PLEASE.

The kids are growing up, pity, and those 1980s fashions do nothing for all those skinny legs and puddin' bowl haircuts.

They were much more interesting and amusing as kids along with all their quirks but moving into adolescence all that is now lost. Even the toothless charmer has lost his charm

It is now just ridiculous and I can usually suspend disbelief, but not here.

While all the other residents just go about their every day whatever, this monster lurks beneath with mad Russians and slimy goo[ and what about all those dead people in the hospital--nobody notice???]

Should have ended at Season 2

Good night Irene..x


Ok, so moving on....

Just give the world Love.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#7STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 12:21am

Jordan Catalano said: "Sounds like you totally went into season three with a completely open mind!"

I was literally counting down the days for Season3 to begin and I know your comments were meant to be silly, but my mind was ready for what was to come next[apart from Ms Ryder-she REALLY needed to go, and now the sheriff--God help us they ever show those two kissing-bad enough the young ones].

So yes, disappointed, a lot, but at episode 7 there can[hopefully] be only 3 more.

Can they possibly work in at least ONE piece of mature eye candy??

uncageg Profile Photo
#8STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 12:31am

I don't understand why you were counting down the days for a show you just pretty much ripped apart. But since you watched, I started this thread to discuss people thoughts on the season and what they think is coming with the ending we got.

Just an aside...Those clothes and haircuts you hated? Well the show is set in the 80's. They were the clothes and haircuts that were popular then.  And yes, they grew up. Kids do that. And they lose those childish quirks. It's called puberty.

You evidently just don't get this show. We get it, you don't like it so, again, I started this thread to discuss this season.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 7/7/19 at 12:31 AM

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#9STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 12:59am

Looks like you are not reading my comments properly. I ripped apart SEASON 3 as I thought it was just getting silly and stupid. The only thing I didn't like in 1 and 2 was Ms Ryder.

You started this thread, good, so I can add my thoughts, which I did, and you don't like my thoughts-that's OK, but why criticise my opinion?

You really jumped in too soon as I commented on the clothes and hair MENTIONING from the 80s and were not flattering. I also referred to the kids growing up and because of that[which they do] they lost their charm and appeal and now as teenagers, they have no quirky personality traits-just anguished hormonal youths.

This thread is open for people to comment on a TV series, which I did, Back off and let my thoughts remain for others to read without unnecessary comments from you. Your precious column doesn't state 'only positive comments allowed'.

You--'I started this thread to discuss peoples thoughts on the season.....etc'.

Thank you for starting this thread so I could add my thoughts on Season 3 ONLY !!!!!!!

uncageg Profile Photo
#10STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 1:05am

yup, that is why I started the thread. For season 3. 

Just give the world Love.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#11STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 5:04am

uncageg said: "yup, that is why I started the thread. For season 3."

and that's what you got===my thoughts up to episode 7 on SEASON 3; NOT 1 and 2----understand????

Some people are just t.h.i.c.k.

uncageg Profile Photo
#12STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 10:16am

Sweetlips, let's just move on. Not going to argue. I wanted to discuss  what may be coming in the next season with the ending we got. It seems you did not watch the entire season. If you do, Share with us what you think may be coming in Chapter 4.

Just give the world Love.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#13STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 4:01pm

Nothing to argue about, different thoughts--that's life.

So....hyped on coffee and chocolate, clicked onto Nancie Netflix to continue the ST journey.

There was an awful lot of fast-forwarding as everyone chased monsters[with fireworks] and each other and thankfully someone dies. Skipped the looooong eulogy letter from the grave[and the tears] and the hugs and farewells--then thankfully the credits--the end.

NO, and thanks JC, would have missed the Season 4 teaser if not for you--the Russkies have cloned their own piece of monster doing a Mr Lecter and saving some American[s]--was it plural? for dessert.

 All might change for Season 4 now that the merry band has dispersed all over the USA[or not]----maybe they all moved to snowy Russia to be part of the feeding frenzy over there.

To sum up the ending and season 4--it's the end of Our Gang and it's 10 years later with a whole new crop of Misfitz continuing to save the world, though I would like to continue with El and the Scoop twins, oh! and sassy Erica[?].

No more, I promise but it's been amusing to have an internet disagreement.[I'm still concerned about all those dead bodies in the empty hospital and that receptionist-2 at a time!-is she still on the phone??].

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#14STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 6:15pm

You fast forwarded through the major battle, a character's redemption and death, and Hopper's letter.


Moving on, I loved this season, it was bigger and better than ever.  I am curious to know if Eleven has lost her powers forever or just temporarily.  Hopper is a huge part of Stranger Things, so I think part of season 4 will have him finding his way to Hawkins. I love seeing the kids grow up and mature, it will end after 5 seasons (most likely), but this show is so fun and something I can always go back to and enjoy. Love.  

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#15STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 7:44pm

The creators have said the series will be four seasons so next season should be the last one.

A friend of mine has an interesting theory that all the “Back to the Future” stuff is foreshadowing Hopper being alive but the doorway somehow took him to the future where he’s trapped now.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#16STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 7:54pm

Updated On: 7/7/19 at 07:54 PM

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#17STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 8:34pm

“I mean I will say we have a good sense of stuff that happens in Season Four. Season Four is definitely happening. There’s very much the possibility of a season beyond that one, that’s currently undecided"

-Shawn Levy (EP)

I like your friend's theory, but they referenced over a dozen eighties movie this season, so that may be wishful thinking. Interesting to think about though. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#18STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 10:18pm

I also thought that Back to the Future may play into future chapters.


I am wondering how 11 will get her powers back or if she may have a choice and decide not to get them back and be a regular teen. I can see this being like a final showdown. Also wondering if Bob may come back since Dr. Owens popped up at the end of this season. Again, I think Dr. Brenner is behind that door in Russia and I think Hopper and his crazy friend escaped.

I love how they split some of them up this season and showed a bit of their independence. Also, found it interesting that they just kind of let that scene hang when the comment was made that Will didn't like girls and then we got the revelation from Robin.

The Neverending Story scene was a riot. She really annoyed me at first but that song was worth it.

And Erica. She is the breakout star this season for me. The ice cream line at the loading dock had me on the floor and we now all know, There is no America without Erica!


Just give the world Love.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#19STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 11:23pm

Bob is dead, Dr Owens survived and was the one who gave Hopper the fake birth certificate for Eleven in the finale last season. 

Dacre Montgomery was the stand out for me.  The villain always has the better back story, and man, did he bring it this season. He dug into this season and never let go. Incredible, thrilling performance by him, he will be missed. And having Will Chase be his horrifically abusive Father was a treat, since it's always nice to see him on television.  

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#20STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/7/19 at 11:29pm

The “Neverending Story” sequence might be the greatest scene ever filmed. Winona Ryder made me laugh SO. HARD. during that.

And yeah, the moment with Will “not liking girls” was so great. Whether it means anything more than it did in that moment, it was written so perfectly and almost made me tear up a bit. I wonder if Someone who isn’t gay would even pick up on it.

uncageg Profile Photo
#21STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/8/19 at 12:16am

Totally forgot about that LuPita. The scene in the diner.

Just give the world Love.

Kad Profile Photo
#22STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/8/19 at 10:58am

This season was just fun. Not necessarily as creepy/horror-driven as the others, but a damn good time. Fine performances, good humor and adventure, exceedingly wonderful chemistry among the entire cast, great new additions to Hawkins (Robin and Erica are fantastic and I can't wait to see more of them). 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

BenElliott Profile Photo
#23STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/9/19 at 2:33pm

I loved the first two seasons, but I kind of hated this last season. The last episode was beautiful, however. I just think there was a huge dip in the quality of writing this season. It felt very much so like a "kid's show." *Spoiler* They also killed off my favorite character, so I'm not sure I'll be continuing to watch this. It's enjoyable, but not the great show that I loved.

uncageg Profile Photo
#24STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/9/19 at 10:58pm

Who was your favorite character? I put spoilers in the thread title so you can tell us?

Just give the world Love.

BenElliott Profile Photo
#25STRANGER THINGS 3..Possible spoilers
Posted: 7/10/19 at 12:51am

Jim Hopper is the best thing about this show. I'm not sure I'm interested in watching any further without him to be totally honest.
