
Named after something Broadway

Named after something Broadway

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#1Named after something Broadway
Posted: 2/12/19 at 1:50pm

The guy at the car dealership has the first name Loverly. I asked if his parents liked My Fair Lady, he said yep.


#2Named after something Broadway
Posted: 3/14/19 at 4:21pm

Our first daughter is a Les Mis character. She hated the name until she saw the movie.  That night she googled of the anniversary concerts and watched it 5 times. 

artscallion Profile Photo
#3Named after something Broadway
Posted: 3/14/19 at 4:29pm

brdlwyr said: "Our first daughter is a Les Mis character."

Yes, say hello to little Madame Thénardier for me.


Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#4Named after something Broadway
Posted: 3/15/19 at 6:03am

One of the male security people who works the stage door at a certain theatre is nicknamed Sally, so is referred to as Stage Door Sally.
