What's wrong with porn?

#1What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 1:32pm

Seriously. I don't understand why right-wingers get all fired up about porn. It's safe, it's entertaining, it keeps men busy for hours. As Grandma would say "What's not to like?"

"Why are we doing a project like this?

Because films are not only entertaining but they're also a way to teach people. Society learns their morals and values through music, film and television. Pornography is such a huge problem that simply telling someone how dangerous it is usually doesn't work. You have to tell a compelling story to catch someone's attention and then educate them while they're being entertained."
Harmless: The Paranormal Activity Porn Parody That Opposes Masturbation

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 1:59pm

Jesus and His Daddy don't like it!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#2What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:01pm

Jesus liked hanging out with twelve dudes and a hooker, though.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#3What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:04pm

Joe, yeah, I don't know. I guess it's like a lot of things....in my opinion, if it's not completely taking over someone's life, don't see the harm in it really. I'm talking human adult participant porn. If kids or animals are involved, that's just sick. (I guess the dog could be over in the corner watching.) But regular porn, gay or straight, with whichever parts going wherever the porny people can get 'em to go -- if people want to look at that, and if they can still take care of their obligations in life and also have recreational outlets aside from that, I really don't see the big deal.
2006 Slate article: Proof that Internet porn prevents rape

Elphaba Profile Photo
#4What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:05pm

The Far Right doesn't like anyone having any kind of fun that they don't approve of.....they are very much like the government in The Hunger Games.....their way, or death.

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

#5What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:19pm

They don't really give a poop about porn. They just need to make a big noise about it, because there is NOBODY who is going to stand up and publicly defend it, including all the Republican producers of porn like Jenna Jameson.

Mitt, Newt and Little Ricky Sweater Vest all took a vow that they would "stop porn." Of course, it left the messy free speech issues out of it, along with details of how they would accomplish this goal.

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#6What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:23pm

If you are doing it right no one even knows you did it.

tazber Profile Photo
#7What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:30pm

As soon as one of those idiots tries to stop porn (impossible) they would lose tons of votes. Tons.

Everyone on the right loves to bitch about the "evil of porn", but believe you me no one wants it taken away. In their secret little sanctimonious hearts they love porn just as much as anyone.

Not even going to address the 1st amendment issue because it's so obviously never going to happen.

....but the world goes 'round

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#8What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:31pm

Since porn has been around for thousands of years, I'm very curious how they're going to make this happen.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#9What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:33pm

Taz, I wish people were that integrated in their kinky and real lives. I think a huge portion of the porn audience would still vote for the "lower taxes" candidates who just so happen to be against porn.

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tazber Profile Photo
#10What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:44pm

You're probably right, Namo, people are going to vote on the economy at the end of the day. But it just boggles my mind how something like porn can be politicized. I find it unlikely that a person's desire to enjoy explicit material is based on their political affiliation.

It can certainly be argued, but I bet the vast majority of Americans watch and/or pay for porn.
I have no data to back up that point of view specifically....but come on (pun intended).

As long as people masturbate, people will seek out porn.

And everyone masturbates.

....but the world goes 'round

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#11What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:45pm

Wow that looks ridiculous. I think there is some problem when porn oversaturates culture -- it sounds hypocritical, but I'm glad I was born just a small handful of years too late to have been a teenager growing up with the way porn is available online now (I remember managing to download a few photos--which took hours, and finding some porn fiction but nothing else really till I was 16 or so which seemed an ok age lol). But i also made some stupid mistakes meeting up with people from online, etc. So I do think, as hypocritical as I feel saying this, there is some problem when it's normal for every 12 year old to have seen some really extreme porn compared to twenty years ago when they might just hand around a magazine they found.

But that doesn't make porn itself evil, and obviously if you actually feel like it's a problem with your teenaged boy (or girl--honestly in high school I knew one girl much more obsessed with it than most of the guys), the only way to deal with it is make it clear to them that porn doesn't often reflect reality, maybe don't put a computer in your kids room and never pay attention towhat they're doing on it, etc. The idea to just somehow get rid of it (like that would ever happen) or tell them that it's bad or evil is just gonna cause worse issues.

#12What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:45pm

Mister Matt, there is nothing in Scripture to support the idea that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, whore or anything else that might be deemed illicit. She's been given a bad rap by those who mistake her for the woman caught in adultery. Two different women, thank you very much.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#13What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:46pm

It just proves the old second wave feminist mantra that our bodies are politicized. Look at how women's bodies are the ideological battlefield a certain stripe of politician uses rather than deal with topics that need attention.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

tazber Profile Photo
#14What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:50pm

Smoke screens and scapegoats.

Every election cycle.

It's like pandering to the lowest common denominator.

....but the world goes 'round

#15What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:53pm

Which is weird, because you would think they would think people who watch porn ARE the lowest common denominator. It's a strange culture we live in.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#16What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 2:53pm

Porn has also gone through a seismic shift in the last few years. Truth be told, I never really found porn (produced by porn companies) to be all that exciting. I mean...yes...it worked as intended. But there was always a little voice in the back of my head nagging at me about the ethical issues surrounding the monetization of sex.

But in this day and age? With xtube and other sites that give you a peek into someone's personal life, warts, lovehandles and all? Now THAT'S totally hot.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#17What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 3:05pm

Dollypop - Like most Christians, I'm just going with whatever interpretation works in my favor. If homosexuality can be considered a greater sin than any other sin, then Mary Magdelene can be a cheap hooker. And the Last Supper...well...one can imagine the ways that's interpreted.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#18What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 3:10pm

Dollypop's right. Jesus would never have associated with a prostitute. He would have been the first to throw a stone at her.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

madbrian Profile Photo
#19What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 3:11pm

The GOP swept into power at the federal and state levels in 2010 running on a platform of job creation, but they've spent their time in office reviving the culture wars. In addition to rolling back women's access to health services, they've made it more difficult for young and poor people to vote, and they've stripped unions of some rights. And guess what? In November, 45%-55% of the electorate will vote for them again.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#20What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 3:12pm

Mitt Romulan is determined to shut down Planned Parenthood. He's got his priorities straight.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#21What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 3:18pm

A lot of things

#22What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 3:22pm

I guess it just rubs you the wrong way CWL?

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#23What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 3:24pm

It's not that Jesus wouldn't have associated with a prostitute. It's that the canonical gospels say nothing about her being one. Pope Gregory the Great said that he believed she was a prostitute in 591, by identifying her as another woman named Mary who appears in the gospels as a prostitute. Of course Maryam (Mary) was the most common woman's name in Judea in the 1st Century so there is no reason to believe they are the same woman other than that the pope said he thought they were.

#24What's wrong with porn?
Posted: 5/3/12 at 3:33pm

It wouldn't be another 1100 years before Marii were delineated by such nicknames as "Good-Time" Mary, "Bitchy" Mary, and of course, "MARY!"

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