BWW Blog: Sharing Theatre with Non-Theatre People
by Student Blogger: Katelen Hankins - March 5, 2020

We all have loved ones that don't share our love for the performing arts - whether they don't like watching people randomly break into song and dance or they just have never given them a chance, but usually they will see how important it is to you and try their best to keep up.

BWW Blog: Why I Love Studying Drama at a Liberal Arts College
by Student Blogger: Elizabeth Perkins - March 6, 2020

My college search was complicated. On the one hand, I knew I wanted to study theater and vocal performance in an academically rigorous setting. On the other, I wasn't sure what school size or degree type would be the best fit. BFA program? Large research university? Conservatory? Liberal arts? Ivy League? I couldn't decide, so I applied to one or two schools from each category. 

BWW Blog: What to do When You're Simply Burning Out - Part 1
by Student Blogger: Lauren Knight - February 13, 2020

At some point in college, pretty much everybody has a moment where they wonder, am I over this? Some switch their major, some stick it out and hope that feeling passes, and I'm here in the middle of all of it to admit: I'm burned out. My acting class is a struggle, I'm unable to focus, and there have been days when my alarm goes off for my 8am class and I truly contemplate dropping Drama and just sticking with Literary Journalism.

BWW Blog: A Day in My Life as a Vassar Drama Student
by Student Blogger: Elizabeth Perkins - February 13, 2020

I'm a first year and prospective drama major at Vassar College, a liberal arts college in Poughkeepsie, NY. Here's a typical day in my life!

BWW Blog: Everyone's a Critic – Listen to Yourself
by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - February 12, 2020

This past weekend, I sat down and watched the Oscars. As I championed on some of my favorite films and those creative minds behind them, I reflected on those who were perhaps snubbed or didn't win in certain categories and it made me think about my own career and work as a creative individual. When you produce something which you love and pour your soul into, whether that be a story, a performance in a show, your photography, you never want to hear negative things about it.

BWW Blog: Living In A Small Town With Limited Access To Theatre And How To Deal
by Student Blogger: Grace Whiting - February 6, 2020

Having quick access to professional theatre no doubt made an impact on my love for the arts. Growing up in Minneapolis, I was surrounded by a booming arts community with opportunities to watch or perform pretty much whenever I wanted to. I didn't realize how rare and fortunate that was until I moved out of the Twin Cities for college. Now, I live in a wonderful small town in Iowa, but there is no professional theatre in sight.

BWW Blog: Third Week Blues: Giving Yourself Balance
by Student Blogger: Kharissa Newbill - January 30, 2020

It's the third week of the semester, and I can already feel myself losing steam. My eyes droop, my limbs feel heavy, and all I find myself doing is sluggishly wandering from classroom to classroom like some kind of backpack-wearing zombie. A combination between exhaustion and depression, it's not uncommon to start feeling this way once the back-to-school excitement has worn off. Seeing your friends again is exciting- being flooded by hundreds of upcoming deadlines isn't.

BWW Blog: The Importance of Separating Life From Art
by Student Blogger: Grace Whiting - January 30, 2020

One of the beauties of theatre is that it can be used as a platform to express a spectrum of stories and emotions. It is designed to take the audience on an emotional journey and leave them changed. One thing that is important to recognize, though, is the toll it can take on the performers. Telling an emotional story 8 times a week will not only leave a lasting impact on the audience, but on the actors, too. So, how do we, as actors, find balance between ourselves and our work?

BWW Blog: And The Award Goes To ...
by Student Blogger: Meghan Settle - January 22, 2020

This past weekend, five of my classmates and I traveled to Huntsville, Texas to compete in the USITT Southwest Winter Symposium Student Design, Tech, and Management competition (long title, I know). For people who don't know, USITT is the United States Institute for Theatre Technology, which hosts a big technical theatre conference each spring in a different city. USITT Southwest Winter Symposium is kind of a smaller version of that.

BWW Blog: 9 Resources to Help You Become an Informed Artist and Theater Maker
by Student Blogger: Elizabeth Perkins - January 22, 2020

As a self-proclaimed nerd and likely (albeit undeclared) drama major in college, one of my favorite pastimes is keeping up with current events in the theater world. I aspire to work in the theater industry someday, and staying engaged and informed is an essential part of working towards that goal. I've compiled a list of the 9 podcasts, publications, and media outlets (in no particular order) that inspire me and keep me feeling up to date.

BWW Blog: A Quick Guide to the West End on a Student Budget
by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - January 30, 2020

Whenever I take a trip across the Channel from France to England, seeing a show (or two or three) is always one of my top priorities. Unfortunately, tickets for shows on the West End (or even just around London in general) tend to be expensive and out of my price range, especially as a university student. But fortunately, I have found some tricks that enable me to see shows at relatively low prices. Today, I'm going to be discussing how to get tickets for West End shows for a student budget.

BWW Blog: Tips for Audition Season
by Student Blogger: Paris Johnson - January 22, 2020

I don't know about you, but this time of year is super busy for me, as it is for most students! Some days, it can feel like you're drowning in schoolwork. As if that wasn't enough, if you're a theatre student, you likely have some sort of audition coming up! I know it can seem daunting to prepare for auditions, especially when you have a million other things going on. However, with a little initiative and proactivity, you can get through audition season with as little stress as possible!

BWW Blog: And the World Still Spins
by Student Blogger: Lauren Knight - January 22, 2020

This past Monday, I stood outside of a towering glass building, glancing from the map on my phone to the facade of the theater that almost glittered in the mid-afternoon sun. That's the entrance, right? Is that the right set of arts administration offices? As I passed my favorite sculpture in the plaza, I tossed my lipstick-stained coffee cup in the trash, looked over my resume one last time, and walked toward the glass doors tucked away behind a thick cluster of trees. This has to be it.

BWW Blog: Why Award Shows Are Important
by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - January 17, 2020

The older I get, the more I hear from people how award shows aren't important and that they are far too political, or have a host that doesn't quite land the jokes like they should, or their favorite movies get snubbed. I agree with many of these, but not the fact that award shows aren't important. Your favorite films or shows and actors may not always get the recognition they deserve but as an entity, these award shows mean much more than handing someone a trophy.

BWW Blog: Juggling Classes And A Show
by Student Blogger: Katelen Hankins - January 15, 2020

I started classes with only two weeks before my first rehearsal and already it can feel overwhelming - even if things fall into place perfectly and things aren't being forgotten or rescheduled. When rehearsals start, I'm going to have days where I'm in class from 9:00 to ending rehearsals at 11 pm, with few breaks for naps or food. All that on top of school work? There are a few things that can help you go from being overwhelmed to busy but handling it.

BWW Blog: Freshman Key to Success or The Triple Threat Method
by Student Blogger: Kharissa Newbill - January 15, 2020

There's so much tension involved in applying to college that no one tells you what to do when you actually get there. There's auditions to go to, resumes to make, headshots to compile, reps to pick out, but now that's all over and you've made it into the program of your choice. Huzzah! Now what?

BWW Blog: Room To Grow
by Student Blogger: Lauren Knight - January 15, 2020

You've probably read enough 'new year, new me' clichés to last you a lifetime, so let me spare you. No, I don't think I'm starting off 2020 as a completely changed woman. We're in the middle of the school year, and I really don't think there is much that can change overnight and magically transform me just because 2019 ended. However, I do believe that 2020 has the potential to bring forth opportunities that can lead to a change for the better in my personal well-being and success.

BWW Blog: No One in Your Area is Producing The Show You Want? Produce It Yourself!
by Student Blogger: Grace Whiting - January 13, 2020

I am fortunate enough to have grown up in a rich theatre community full of opportunities at every turn. Still, though, I found myself refreshing audition notice pages waiting for that special show to appear so I would finally get my chance at whatever dream role I was fixated on at that time. We've all been there. After years of disappointment-filled waiting, I made a decision that would change the trajectory of my life. I decided to produce it myself. I encourage you to do the same thing.

BWW Blog: It is Okay To Take a Break
by Student Blogger: Meg Graff - January 10, 2020

There's a lot of pressure when you want to pursue a career in the arts. That's been my experience at least. Because of that, I find the need to be on top of things and doing the best work I can all of the time. For awhile, I thought that meant not being honest with myself or other people about my mental health. I'm a huge advocate for talking about mental health and removing the stigma that kept me from reaching out for so long, so here's what I haven't been as open about as I should.

BWW Blog: Coming Home for the Holidays
by Student Blogger: Stina Pinsky - January 10, 2020

One of the strangest things about moving to college, provided that you aren't still living at home, is getting used to being away from home. I personally didn't have a hard time adjusting to being away from my family even though I was over 2,000 miles away, but it was incredibly weird. To me it felt freeing.

BWW Blog: Hitting the Reset Button
by Student Blogger: Nolan Robinson - January 9, 2020

When I was younger I never quite understood the hype surrounding the end of a year and the start of a new one. The traditions of counting down the last minute of New Year's Eve, making loud noises and yells when the clock struck twelve, engaging in champagne toasts with my family are moments of this precious holiday that I took part in, but I never really grasped the beauty behind why we do these things, and what they really mean.

BWW Blog: It's A New Year
by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - January 2, 2020

Resolutions. Plans. Discoveries. These are what people think of when a new year begins and I'm no exception. When a new year comes around, we want nothing more than to improve our lives through fitness, eating healthier, and getting more sleep, among the many mental changes we want to strive towards. However, I believe one of the most overlooked resolutions is seeing more theatre.

BWW Blog: Elf on a Shelf? More Like Elf on a Train!
by Student Blogger: Meghan Settle - December 26, 2019

School breaks are hard, especially if your job is an on-campus job like mine is, and if you like to stay busy. Usually during breaks, I get so bored that I don't know what to do with myself since I'm so used to being busy during the school year. In October, I was told about a Christmas break job that would involve me dressing as an elf and greeting people. It sounded easy enough and honestly, even a little bit fun, so I reached out to the person in charge and got the job.

BWW Blog: Waitress On Tour Review
by Student Blogger: Tayler Fess - December 12, 2019

I had the pleasure of seeing Waitress on its North American tour this past weekend at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, California. I was truly blown away by all aspects of the performance. It had me smiling and laughing throughout, and maybe even shedding a tear or two at times. To be completely honest, I didn't know what to expect going into seeing it.

BWW Blog: Seeing Theatre Solo
by Student Blogger: Emily Bonifacio - December 5, 2019

When I was younger, I always thought I needed to go to an event with a family member or a friend or I would feel awkward and alone, but as I've gotten older I've realized that seeing a show by yourself can be enjoyable and liberating. A few years ago, I went to my first show by myself; Avenue Q Off-Broadway. It was probably one of the best shows you can possibly see by yourself too because of the message behind it.

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