Cost – chorus
The King And I — Equity Chorus Calls
North Shore Music Theatre Beverly, MA COST; $683/week minimum
Producing Artistic Director: Arianna Knapp
Producer: Bill Hanney
Director/Choreographer: Richard Stafford
Musical Director: Craig Barna
Rehearses in NYC: September 13 – 21, 2011
Rehearsals in Beverly, MA: September 22 – 26, 2011
Runs in Beverly, MA: September 27 – October 9, 2011
Equity Chorus Call / Singers who dance well
Monday, July 25, 2011 Pearl Studios
9:30 AM — Equity female singers who dance well 500 8th Avenue (btwn 35 and 36 streets)
2:00 PM — Equity male singers who dance well 12th Floor, New York, NY
Please prepare an appropriate song in the style of the show. Bring sheet music; accompanist provided. Bring picture and resume, stapled together. Equity Chorus Procedures are in effect.
Equity Chorus Call / Dancers who sing well
Monday, July 25, 2011 Pearl Studios
11:30 AM — Equity female dancers who sing well 500 8th Avenue (btwn 35 and 36 streets)
4:00 PM — Equity male dancers who sing well 12th Floor, New York, NY
Be warmed and ready to dance. Dancers MUST have strong ballet technique. Bring appropriate dance clothes and shoes. Also prepare a song in the style of the show in case asked to sing. Bring sheet music; accompanist provided. Bring picture and resume, stapled together. Equity Chorus Procedures are in effect.
Ensemble Singers:
All must be STRONG singers with dance ability a plus.
Ensemble Dancers:
All must have STRONG ballet technique, singing ability a plus. 18 to young 30s.
We are seeking performers of all ethnicities. Looking for artists with infectious personalities that leap off the stage.