
Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?

Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?

#1Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 4:45pm

Picked up a copy of Theresa Rebeck's script through Sammy French...what was on the list of questions we compiled back in September/October? Once I read it, I'll be glad to post answers...if there are any.

I believe the first one was "do they deliberately leave the stamp album lying around?"

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#2re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:04pm

Did Jackie kill her mother?

Who the hell is Dennis?- Not that I think the answer will be in the text.

I'm assuming that you ordered directly through Samuel French... I wonder if the Drama Book Shop has it yet.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#2re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:08pm

Remember the thread got deleted?

1. Did Jackie kill her mother?

(I cant remember the characters. okay?)

2. Did Allison Pill knew Bobby Canavale's character before their prior meeting?

3. What was Phil's real motives?

I will think more....


frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#3re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:10pm

I figured that Dennis didn't know Jackie, because Jackie asked him how she found out where she lived.

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#4re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:11pm

Oh and what happened between Phillip and Sterling... again that is not going to be in the text specifically.

I knew I should have asked Theresa Rebeck at closing night about Jackie's mother's death.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#5re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:12pm

Its something about Phil's wife...between the two.


#6re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:17pm

Yes - I ordered it through Samuel French. Drama Bookshop probably has it on their shelves, since it's in print and they have the other Sam French new releases...I just find the Drama Bookshop's website to be too uncooperative.

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#7re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:18pm

Yeah it is horrible to navigate.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#8re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:20pm

Speaking of Rebeck..... I am excited to see her new play with Julie White..THE UNDERSTUDY this summer at Williamstown!~

Btw- (my) Chris love THE SCENE soo much!!


frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#9re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 4/10/08 at 5:26pm

Jay I may have to take your up on your offer to let me crash in your living room so I can see that this summer.

#10re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 6:36pm

Did Jackie kill her mother?
I still don't think so, and the text doesn't give any clearer indication. I still assume the whole idea of the "plastic bag with tape around it" was used on Jackie by her father.

Who the hell is Dennis?
Again, no clear guide. He's a stamp dealer who works out of Phil's store but is in no way affiliated with it.

Did Dennis know Jackie?
No, Dennis didn't know Jackie; he followed her home. Phil got her home address from the comic book dealer.

What happened between Phil and Sterling? What were Phil's motives?
Sterling, we're lead to believe, had an affair with Phil's wife. When Phil heard Sterling would pay a large sum for the stamps, he had to do anything to stop it (my opinion, anyway).

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#11re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 8:02pm

I read the script too, but I still think Jackie offed her mother. I think it has more to do with the venom with which Alison Pill spit out the line, than with the text itself. Also, is there any indication in the script of what happened to Jackie's father? Did he abandon the family? Die? Theresa Rebeck is doing a book signing soon, so if I get a chance to go, I'm definitely going to ask her. In retrospect, I should have done that when I spoke with after the final performance.

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#12re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 8:13pm

I just read the script, but did not see it in the theatre.

I didn't get the feeling Jackie killed her mom, but I also didn't see Allison Pill's interpretation...

And yeah, I'm pretty sure Sterling had an affair with Philip's wife. At least that's the impression I got from the text.

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#13re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 5/20/08 at 11:29pm

I think it's the McGUFFIN thing. ( small homage to Hitchcock...)

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#14re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 5/22/08 at 1:25am

This story is going to sound absurd, but I'll tell it anyway. Today I had dinner at the Europa Cafe near Lincoln Center around 6. Who walked in after I had gotten my food? Yes, Theresa Rebeck. I couldn't help myself, so I approached her, and after verifying she was indeed her, I asked: "Did Jackie kill her mother with the plastic bag she talks about at the end of the first act?" "Yeah, yeah she did that."

If no believes me, I have a friend who was there. And then I ran into luvtheemcee like 10 minutes later walking up Broadway, so she could at least verify the existence of another person who was with me. Sorry if that sounded paranoid, but this story was too absurd to me, while it was happening for me to believe.

#15re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 5/22/08 at 8:16am

I believe the story - just strange enough to be true.

But I don't buy her answer.

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#16re: Got the script to MAURITIUS - what were our questions?
Posted: 5/22/08 at 7:37pm

Yeah, from the way she said it, it seemed like she was just humoring me to get me to go away. It's impossible for us to know for sure, though. Updated On: 5/22/08 at 07:37 PM