
TEA FOR TWO (1950) film based on NO, NO NANETTE tonight at 10pm TCM

TEA FOR TWO (1950) film based on NO, NO NANETTE tonight at 10pm TCM

#1TEA FOR TWO (1950) film based on NO, NO NANETTE tonight at 10pm TCM
Posted: 8/11/07 at 9:41pm

Staying at home tonight?

Join Doris Day, Gordan MacRae, Gene Nelson, Eve Arden, S.Z. Sakall in Warner Brothers 1950 film version of NO, NO NANETTE. Supplementing the Youmans-Caesar score are songs by Rodgers & Hart, the Gershwins, Warren & Dubin, and others. Technicolor, 97 minutes.

It's toe-tapping, tap-dancing film fun for the entire family!

TCM says...[SPOILERS ahead]

"When teenagers Lynne and Richard dress up in their parents' clothes from the 1920's for the amusement of some friends, their uncle, J. Maxwell Bloomhaus, chides them for making fun of their parents. He tells them what it was like for people in 1929 after the stock market crashed: In 1929, Max is the guardian of his niece Nanette Carter's fortune. Because of his bad investments, Nanette's fortune is lost in the crash. The stagestruck Nanette, who is unaware of her loss, is being pestered by theatrical producer Larry Blair to back a show written by Jimmy Smith and Tommy Trainor. To help convince her, Larry brings Jimmy and Tommy to Nanette's house, where he pretends that Jimmy needs the money from the show to pay for his sister's operation. Tommy and Jimmy play her some songs from the show, and despite the misgivings of her secretary, Pauline Hastings, Nanette agrees to back the show. Jimmy then suggests that Nanette play the lead, replacing Larry's girl friend, Beatrice Darcy. That night, Nanette asks Max to sell some of her securities. Not wanting to tell her that he sold her securities long ago, Max agrees to give her the money on condition that she say "no" to everything for forty-eight hours. When Nanette's negative responses to some of Larry's questions drive the other backers away, Nanette invites the entire cast to rehearse at her house over the weekend. Trying to force Nanette to break her promise, Max compels her to deny that she likes the play and the songs. He then learns from his lawyer, William Early, that he might be able to save some of the lost fortune if he can sign certain papers before ten o'clock, but after Nanette is stopped for reckless driving, her negative answers to the policeman's questions lands them both in jail. Later, Max encourages Jimmy to propose to Nanette, but even though she loves Jimmy, Nanette does not say "yes." Having lost his bet, Max is forced to tell Nanette the truth. Larry returns the show to Tommy, who suggests they raise the money themselves. Pauline uses her feminine wiles to convince Early to back the production, now called No, No, Nanette , and it is a success. Pauline and Early get married, as do Nanette and Jimmy. Max finishes his story just before Nanette and Jimmy return home to their children."
Updated On: 8/11/07 at 09:41 PM

alterego Profile Photo
#2re: TEA FOR TWO (1950) film based on NO, NO NANETTE tonight at 10pm TCM
Posted: 8/11/07 at 10:26pm

You have to wonder why they bothered keeping the names of the characters when they don't use the story from the actual show. Still, you do get to hear and see Call Of The Sea, I Want To Be Happy and Tea For Two on television - something that the Big Brother television program never does!

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#2re: TEA FOR TWO (1950) film based on NO, NO NANETTE tonight at 10pm TCM
Posted: 8/12/07 at 10:00pm

There was a film of NO NO NANETTE made in 1930 (presumed lost) and another in 1940. But apparently neither was faithful.

I've always thought Dan Dunn's book of backstage gaucherie THE MAKING OF NO NO NANETTE would have made a great little film.

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on www.proudfm.com