Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:03pm there is a show we never hear much about! Well, atleast I don't!

I am touring NYC this spring and one of the 5 shows I will be seeing is Spamalot. I have read a few reviews... but I wanna know what all of the normal Broadway fans have to say about the show! What am I in for?

Obviously its gotta be good (it got the Tony, right?) but its not usually a hot topic on any Broadway board and I haven't really heard any personal opinions about the show.

Any reviews would be great.

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:04pm

Let me be the first one to tell you that it kicks ass.

Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:06pm

care to go into detail? :)

wishinguweresomehow Profile Photo
Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:06pm

If you enjoy Monty Python and the Holy Grail, you will be in for a treat...even if you havent seen the movie, its pretty decent. All of the principals are REALLY amazing, even most of the understudies are good. It's left me laughing hysterically everytime I've seen it...(3 times, plus once in Chicago when it was doing its previews.) Hope that helps a bit!


"Not everyone can come and go by bubble"

Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:07pm

remember: getting the tony and being the best are not always synonymous, but judging from the cast recording and those I know who have seen it it sounds hilarious and is totally worth your time, although you might want to wait to see the reaction to Tim Curry's replacement before you make a final decision. That's what I'm doing for my spring trip to NY.

"Let me get my hat, and my knife!"
"I must meet your wife..."

Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:10pm

So what can it be compared to? Anything?

How is the music? (Its on my Xmas list)

And, having never seen Monty Python, would you suggest I rent The Holy Grail first or does it really matter?
Updated On: 11/30/05 at 10:10 PM

enjolrasissex Profile Photo
Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:17pm

I don't think it matters to see The Holy Grail before hand, people I went to see Spamalot with had never seen the movie and they still found the show hilarious.

I definitly recommend seeing it. It was very, very well done.

Who's stoned? I am merely travelling incognito.

pab Profile Photo
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:06am

Let me be the first to say don't waste your money. If you have a chance to see something else then by all means do so. It's not an awful show but there are much better shows on Broadway. I enjoyed Monty Python and the Holy Grail and trust me, this show was no treat. How it won Best Musical over DRS, Light in The Piazza and Spelling Bee is beyond me. IMO all three of them are far better shows.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 12:06 AM

Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:20am

I will say that yes I have seen Holy Grail, but it was years and years ago. Also I am NOT a fan of Monty Python. I had the chance to rendomly go see the Chicago try out for cheap so I said what the heck. I will tell you I LOVED IT! I am a huge fan of being blind sided by scene after scene and thats what this show is full of. You will be watching a huge production number and just laughing so hard because it is soooo random! I was fortunate to see the original cast which made it wonderful. I am a big fan of this show!

(Martha Graham from a letter to Agnes de Mille) "There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening That is translated through you into action, And because there is only one of you in all time, This expression is unique. If you block it, It will never exist through any other medium And be lost. The world will never have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, Nor how valuable it is, Nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, To keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware Directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, A blessed unrest that keeps us marching And makes us more alive than others."

Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:28am

Any additional thoughts on whether the show is more enjoyable if one has seen the movie? I have tickets to see the tour in Boston in March, and I've never seen the movie. Would it be good to see the movie before seeing the show, or could it actually take away from the experience by spoiling surprises/jokes ahead of time?

Posted: 12/1/05 at 8:14am

I think alot has to do with your sense of humor. If you like British comedy you should love Spamalot. I would suggest not seeing the movie beforehand(or listening to the recording) as it will spoil some jokes. I had seen the movie but so long ago I forgot alot of it. I have seen Spamalot several times. I have also seen DRS and Spelling Bee and I prefer Spamalot by a huge margin. Tim Curry and Sara Ramirez will be gone by the spring. I've seen the show with understudies for every cast member with the exception of DHP and they all do a fine job. The only understudy I would say that lacked a bit was Sara's but that is mostly because Sara is just in a league of her own. I'm curious to see how Lauren Kennedy does in the role. Anyway, I hope you get to see it and I hope you enjoy it. Do post a review.
Also, if you do a search there were quite a few reviews of Spamalot posted awhile ago, you just have to go back a bit.

dramaparoxysm23 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/1/05 at 8:20am

GENIUS. HILARIOUS. FANTASTIC. (Nudge, nudge – know what I mean?) My face was aching by the time I came out. It’s a brilliant show with numerous references to all the Python works. It pokes fun at many of the Broadway “standards”, which is also very entertaining. The songs are also hilarious, so I suggest you listen to the cast recording first so you don’t miss any action while trying to listen to the lyrics. Seeing the movie will help you understand a lot more, but you don't HAVE to see it to enjoy SPAMALOT!

Then again, I AM a Monty Python fanatic…so my opinion could differ from most people’s.

I remember days
Or at least I try
But as years go by
They're sort of haze
And the bluest ink
Isn't really sky
And at times I think
I would gladly die
For a day of sky

And Starbucks will use the words 'large' and 'small', not pretentious crap like grande and tall.
"You could get away with anything if you call it art and tell people who don't like it that it's cutting edge culture." --vmlinnie
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 08:20 AM

kasim Profile Photo
Posted: 12/1/05 at 8:37am

pab> I agree with you (i havent seen spelling bee but how it beat the other 2 i dont know)

I like the show personally. Its hilarious in parts of it. I am a monty python fan so of course i loved it. And if you are going to see a bunch i'd see it. But i'd definetly see DRS over Monty any day of the week.

liotte Profile Photo
Posted: 12/1/05 at 8:39am

I hated it. DRS and Bee are much better!

Nothatsmrt Profile Photo
Posted: 12/1/05 at 8:54am

Spamalot is pure doesn't pretend to be anymore than that, and it suceeds 100% at being 2 1/2 hours of crazy, outlandish fun! If you are looking to laugh and have a great time, go see it! The movie is one of my top 10 favorite, and I reccomend it as well, but it is not entirely necessary to have seen it to enjoy the show. All in all, it was worth every penny we spent.

Posted: 12/1/05 at 9:18am

Okay, the words "genius" and "Spamalot" should not be used together.

I thought the show was amusing the first time I saw it about a week after the Tony's. I went back and saw it again this past September and hated everything about it except for Sara Ramirez.

Posted: 12/1/05 at 9:27am

Why can't genuis and Spamalot be used together? I thought it was pure comic genious, as did my husband. We enjoyed every minute of it and thought it was worth every cent! We also saw Spelling Bee on the same trip and thought it paled in comparison to Spamalot.

pab Profile Photo
Posted: 12/1/05 at 9:31am

I did not hate Spamalot but of the eight shows that I saw on my recent trip to NYC it was number eight in my order of favorites.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Magdalene Profile Photo
Posted: 12/1/05 at 9:34am

Genius is a subjective term---obviously this show has its fans and detractors. I myself love the show---I've seen it 3 times thus far (with the 4th to come on Saturday!), and I'm not looking for Shakespeare---I'm just looking to laugh! It's fun, and doesn't pretend to be the greatest thing since sliced bread---it's just there to amuse.
Though if you don't like British humor, you may not like the show...

Updated On: 12/1/05 at 09:34 AM