
Should the names of characters be in quotes?

Should the names of characters be in quotes?

Paul W. Thompson Profile Photo
Paul W. Thompson
#1Should the names of characters be in quotes?
Posted: 6/14/12 at 10:25pm

This is a question I've been pondering for some time. When discussing in print the characters in plays and films, should the names of the characters be placed inside quotation marks? Or shouldn't they? Or does it matter? Like, listing Vivian Blaine as "Adelaide" in press releases and scholarly journals. Or, casting notices like, "EPAs for the role of "Tony" in "West Side Story," or, in novels: "When I grow up, I want to be like "Stanley Kowalski" and tear my undershirt!" Is this practice clear, or mannered? What say ye, Message Board?

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#2Should the names of characters be in quotes?
Posted: 6/14/12 at 10:28pm

No, they shouldn't. Not unless it's a nickname, or something similar, that one character refers to them by.

Paul W. Thompson Profile Photo
Paul W. Thompson
#2Should the names of characters be in quotes?
Posted: 6/14/12 at 10:46pm

And yet, I see this is press releases all the time. Maybe it's so that when they get to "Third Man" and "Girl with Tray" and use quotes there, it makes some sense alongside the characters who have names?

macnyc Profile Photo
#3Should the names of characters be in quotes?
Posted: 6/14/12 at 10:55pm

Names of characters should not be in quotes. If you see them in quotes, that's a mistake. Sadly, not all press releases are well edited.

Proper Villain Profile Photo
Proper Villain
#4Should the names of characters be in quotes?
Posted: 6/14/12 at 11:44pm

According to the AP Style Book, no.

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