
Rude Stage Door Experiences- Page 5

Rude Stage Door Experiences

#100re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 2/22/07 at 3:30pm

I do think it's strange that the stage door manager would actually discourage an actor from coming out and signing autographs when they want to.

Carl Magnum I had the exact same experience with the guy at the Imperial, he definitely is strange. I don't understand why he even wants to work there if he obviously wants to have nothing to do with dealing with the fans that come.

Are the stage door managers employed by the theatre specifically for that job? Do they have any other responsibilities during the show or is that their only job?

myManCape Profile Photo
#101re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 2/22/07 at 4:14pm

They are employed by the organization aka Shubert or Nederlander. They are usually assigned to a specific theatre (unless its dark). They watch the door, accept deliveries, check ID, allow guests in etc. Im sure JRB can give you more details on the exact duties.

"Have they come yet?"

#102re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 2/22/07 at 7:02pm

"The worst I have any experianced was Mickey Rooney. When he was in Will Rodgers Follies he literally had his car driven right up on the sidewalk in front of the stagedoor jumped out and muttered something to people waiting. He had no intention of signing anything. 2 years ago he did a show with his Wife at the Jewish Rep in the city, and after show he invited the audience into lobby to meet him where he would sign autographs. He would only sign autographs if you BOUGHT something. Like a CD, or Souvineer program. If you handed him your Playbill he said" IM NOT SIGNING THAT, I DONT MAKE MONEY ON THAT! I have a CONTRACT." Totally obnoxious. His wife however signed anything. I told this story to an Aunt of mine who had a friend visiting, and she said she wanted to see the show. She went, and said to him " Mr Rooney you and I were born on the sameday, and year." He replied "Everybody has a Birthday Lady! Move along!"...Could you imagine? How rude can someone be? If he didnt want to bother with the public why invite them to the lobby?... Not a pleasant man."

If it brightens your thought of him at all, simply because of how pathetic it is, my mom attended a benefit for our Governor that he happened to be at. This was a black tie event and she told me that he had sneakers on, and the first thought that entered my head was that it was rude to wear sneakers at such a formal event but then she told me that they were the velcro sneakers that you see little kids in all the time. And to add on to what I was already laughing at, she told me that when she saw him he was sitting down and that his feet were at least 3 inches off of the floor.

It made me giggle a bit.

#103re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 3/2/07 at 10:11am

Thats an interesting story about Mickey. I have another one. When he was starring as the Wizard in the WIZARD OF OZ at MSG. A friend of mine saw a performance when towards the end wheer the Wizard gives out the Brains, Heart, and Courage. Mickey turned to the Lion and said. " And you Bear..!

#104re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 3/2/07 at 2:09pm


#105re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 3/2/07 at 4:16pm

"The stage door guy at the Imperial is a bit odd. When I went to see DRS there was no barracade and he wouldn't stand out there, he'd come out and bark orders for us to clear a certain area and disappear for 10 minutes. Then come back out and bark again and go back. And each time he would shout "Joanna, Norbert and John have already gone home!" and then lo and behold, the three of them came out 20 minutes later."

Kevin is really, really, odd, but there was one time when he wasn't. When me, my mom, and my sister went to see DRS, everyone but Greg had come out and then Greg did come out as we were getting ready to leave and my mom was like go over there and ask, and I didn't want to bother him and then Kevin said that I should go over to him and I did and got his autograph and photo. Greg is one of the nicest guys I've ever met.

I think that the nicest stage door guy/manager/man is Dave at Jersey Boys. He's such a nice and approachable guy. He's the only stage door guy/manager/man that I've seen people wanting to get a photo with.

Gingersnap2 Profile Photo
#106re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 3/2/07 at 4:24pm

"I think that the nicest stage door guy/manager/man is Dave at Jersey Boys. He's such a nice and approachable guy. He's the only stage door guy/manager/man that I've seen people wanting to get a photo with."

I've actually seen a few people ask for photos of Richie at the Palace, too.

#107re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 3/9/07 at 2:32pm

Bwaydoc, it sounds like you didn't have much of an alternative to holding your Grimmerie in your hands, but you have to understand that your behavior would have fit the profile of any number of pushy fans, who might have said, "OK, sure, I won't ask her to sign it" and then when you're there with Kristin, stick it in her face and the path of least resistance is to sign it if she doesn't want to appear rude or get in a confrontation with you. If I was the stage door person in that case, I would put odds on you pulling out the book later when talking to Kristin. I believe that you intended to follow directions, but I'd bet the majority of people in that same situation would not have, and based on probability, the stage doorman assumed you were one of them. It's kind of like with cops -- you could be the most innocent person, but if you're doing something that fits the behavior of someone breaking the law you're going to get hassled, because it's their job to prevent certain things from happening.

Diva Doll
#108re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 3/9/07 at 6:09pm

Kevin(the doorman at the Imperial) is really nice when there are no crazy crowds around. When I saw DRS, Sherie was the only one who didn't come out. The day before I left the City, I went over to the Imperial before call b/c I wanted to try and catch her(going to doors before a show is something I normally don't do), so I went over and he saw me on the camera so he came out and chatted with me, told me to wait around a few minutes b/c Sherie usually arrives at the same time every day. Then he actually let me GO INSIDE and wait for her. I even walked onstage and the drummer started a roll. Sherie got there, signed my stuff and took a pic, chatted for a few minutes with me and then had to get ready. Great experience!

toomeytwopiece Profile Photo
#109re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/12/07 at 5:44am

just wanted to respond to something someone said in this thread: "all actors get sh*tty sometimes"

that isn't true... sure in our personal lives LOL, but many many actors, myself included, do not think it is appropriate or decent to be rude to any fan who takes the time to wait and speak or ask to have something signed. If a fan is rude, that's another story.

the whole attitude at the stage door by the drivers, etc., it's all part of the illusion - just ignore it and ask the actors to sign things. If the actor doesnt' want to do it, fine.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#110re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/12/07 at 6:42am

I've never had an issue with the actors at the stage door. (Well, Liev Whats-his-face looked a little taken aback that I didn't ask him to sign the *yawn* Talk Radio playbill that I had...but I was getting Stephanie March's for a friend's girlfriends as a surprise, and she only wanted Stephanie's. I wasn't rude, just simply said "No thanks." And he wasn't rude...just seemed surprised. He quickly got over it when a group of women started fawning all over him.)

But the worst experience I had was with a woman outside the stage door at the closing performance of The Vertical Hour. Her daughter ~ the one who wanted stuff signed (and who was not a small child needing mommy there ~ was on the OTHER side of the door. So Mom pushed her way through the side I was on, saying "Excuse me. Excuse me. My daughter's over there." (Pointing to the opposite side.) The barricades had been set, but the guy was going to let her cross over, so we let her through. But she proceeded to stop right at the front, displacing two of us who had been there for a while. We managed to both get back in the space where one of us had been, but every time we touched her, she would glare at us. and then after all that, she spoke to NONE of the stars as they came out. Just stood and waited for her daughter to get done. (Again, she had been told since it was because of her daughter she could cross the walkway to go to the other side. She was not being kept from her daughter.) Thankfully she left by the time Julianne got to our side so there was a little more room. (Daughter had signaled she was good to go.)

But it really ticked everyone at the front of the barricades on my side because we'd been waiting a while and then she used an excuse that she didn't follow through on to get to the front. Even Dan and Rutina rolled their eyes and shook their heads when they came by ~ not that she could see...or that she would have cared. And Andrew had to come back to sign my playbill because he'd missed me due to her pushing me out of the way ~ he even asked if I was ok. And the girl next to me since she was having to balance on the curb. The actors were all fantastic.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#111re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/12/07 at 7:46am

""I think that the nicest stage door guy/manager/man is Dave at Jersey Boys. He's such a nice and approachable guy. He's the only stage door guy/manager/man that I've seen people wanting to get a photo with."

I've actually seen a few people ask for photos of Richie at the Palace, too. "

I love Dave from JB. The last time I went I got a picture with him, he was hilarious. He was making fun of me and my friend constant bickering. I think most of JB cast was making fun of us.

Rich and I go way back to All Shook Up. He was so nice. After Broadway on Broadway, I went to meet the cast and get a picture with Cheyenne and he talked to me and another person who was waiting the whole time.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

LifeofTheParty2 Profile Photo
#112re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/12/07 at 10:55am

A friend and I went to see Wedding Singer, and she apparently knew the Dance Captain. She usually left before the show was over, but my friend had talked to her the day before and she said to leave her a note at the stage door and she'd meet us afterwards, and maybe take us backstage if she could. That was exciting, but the main focus for my friend was actually seeing her. Anyway, before the show, we went and left a note with the guy sitting there and he promised to get it to her. After the show, we went to the stage door again and asked if she had stayed. The man goes "oh...she left five minutes ago..." which didn't make sense to either of us, because if she'd stayed that long, why would she leave right before the show was over? And besids that, the guy was now laughing in our faces. But, we were in no place to argue. So we thanked him and left, even though he was clearly being kind of a jerk. As it turns out, he never even passed on the note. I get that maybe he thought we were crazy Stephen Lynch groupies or something, trying to sneak in...but he could've at least passed along a note we left for somebody, right?

That's really the only rude person I've encountered. There are always the crazed fans at particular shows and a lot of my friend have been mowed down or elbowed in the face by groupies, or parents, or high school field trips, or (my least favorite) people who are performers in some aspect and feel the need to tell the cast all about it. But, I'm six feet tall, so it's a little easier for me to maintain my ground.

ben1986 Profile Photo
#113re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/12/07 at 1:50pm

Ok I know several people have talked about the Studio 54 stage door. When I went there the stage door manager first said that Kristin was not coming out and then ten minutes later she did. That I did not mind and I kind of expected it. The stage door manager then said that Kristin will come out and that she will only sign Apple Tree stuff, NO Wicked.

Now alot of people, mostly pre-teens complained, but I was actually glad he said that. I know Wicked is her defining role to many, but she left the role two years ago. I felt like telling these people, "Give it up and get a life. It's not the best show in the world and be open to the fact that Kristin can do much more than just sing with a lady in green face paint."

Anyway Kristin was very nice and I would, but it's now closed, recommend the show.

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#114re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/12/07 at 3:58pm

I was prepared for the worst with the stagedoor guy at Studio 54, but he was actually very nice. He told us early on that Kristin wasn't coming out but I still waited to see if Marc and Brian were going to. They never did, and some people were very upset that they didn't get to meet anyone but the guy told them that if they came back tonight he would let them go backstage.

#115re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/12/07 at 4:01pm

The doorman at Studio 54 is one of the most friendly fellows out there.

Blonde Profile Photo
#116re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/12/07 at 4:21pm

"Thats an interesting story about Mickey. I have another one. When he was starring as the Wizard in the WIZARD OF OZ at MSG. A friend of mine saw a performance when towards the end wheer the Wizard gives out the Brains, Heart, and Courage. Mickey turned to the Lion and said. " And you Bear..! "

I'm in tears I'm laughing so hard. I've never been a fan of Mickey Rooney.

I haven't stage doored in a terribly long time because I've just become uncomfortable with it. I feel so imposing even though generally the actors I have met have been incredibly nice.

Worst stage door experience was at Wicked. I got up to the front and the amount of people pushing against the baracade (aka me) plus the playbills being pushed over my head/on every side was really terrifying. Idina looked terrified as well and I can't say I blame her.

I haven't had any issues with people working at the stage doors.

When I went to the Avenue Q stage door Ann Harada was signing my playbill and for some reason my father decided to take a picture of us, and she saw the flash and said something to the effect of "no, no, that's no good. Let's take a REAL picture" then proceeded to pose so that he could take a proper photograph of the two of us. I thought it was really sweet of her.

And this was at a local theatre where there was no stage door, but I came out late after looking around when all the actors were outside and kind of got pushed into them and John Astin attempted to have a conversation with me, no easy feat, asking me questions, introducing me to his son, Mackenzie Astin, and being the idiot that I am I kind of floundered but I still appreciate his kindness.

Charlotte Rae was also outside and after shaking her hand she either said "Thanks, I have a ride" or "Thanks, I have a life." I think it was the former because a car had pulled up that she was leaving in but I still find the latter more amusing.

And having the ushers delete pictures from inside is understandable for the same reasons that it is illegal to take audio recordings during shows. You're photographing someone's work ie. the set.

shalom kitty
Updated On: 4/12/07 at 04:21 PM

madame_no Profile Photo
#117re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/18/07 at 3:55am

I've been pretty lucky. I haven't had any rude stage door experiences. This one is a little strange though. I saw Ben Vereen in Wicked and he rushed out the stage door, waving at the crowd as he stepped into a car. The crowd was pretty disappointed, but life goes on. I was waiting for the rest of the cast, when my mother tapped me and point across the street from the stage door. Ben Vereen was getting out of his car and walking into the restaurant there! It kind of made me laugh that he went all the way around when he could have just walked it, but I completely understand why he didn't.

On the flipside, one of my best stage door experiences was with Kristin Chenoweth. Way back before people started going to the Wicked stagedoor before the show, I was there not really seeking autographs but just hoping to catch a glimpse of the cast. (It was my first stagedoor experience. I admit, I was a geek.) There were only about 6 other people there. Kristin walked up and had genuine conversations with every person there. I talked to her for a good 10-15 minutes about acting. She asked what shows I had been in. I mentioned I had been in Bat Boy, and she said that Sean McCourt was in Bat Boy off broadway. We chatted about favorite shows. She gave me advice about sticking with it and not giving up. It was a really great experience. She could have been faking her ass off but she seemed to genuinely care about everything everyone said to her and I have so much respect for her because of that. So for me, Kristin and diva are on the total opposite ends of the spectrum.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#118re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/18/07 at 4:25am

I don't have the patience to go back and see if I posted on this thread earlier, so I'll just say any experience with Nathan Lane at a stagedoor has been a bad one for me.

pianojohn Profile Photo
#119re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 4/18/07 at 10:25am

re: Rude Stage Door Experiences

Two quick stories: when I saw "The Producers" after it first opened, I went to the stage door to get Matthew and Natan's autograph on my CD cover. As I was waiting for them (and not ready), Mel Brooks comes out and goes next door to the bar. Arrggh! Missed getting his autograph by that much!

I saw "Titanic" in 1998 and waited at the stage door for David Garrison. I had seen him in one of my first Broadway shows "A Day in Hollywood, A Night in the Ukraine." When he came out, I asked him to sign my "Titanic" CD. When I mentioned the other show I saw him in, he replied "Wow, that was a thousand years ago!" We both laughed about it, and he could not have been nicer.

Nowadays, I usually have my digital camera so I can get a quick picture. Here is one of Amy Adams (from American Idol) myself and my partner Shawn at the stage door for the national tour of "Joseph" in Orlando.

Updated On: 4/18/07 at 10:25 AM

Alex M Profile Photo
Alex M
#120re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 2/13/18 at 5:30pm

My friend and I were waiting to go see our friend (who is in spongebob right now) backstage. Before we were let backstage the security told us to stand to the side of the side door just because he had to go get the list of people allowed back. While waiting to the side some women who was not in the show walked out and as we moved to the side so that she could get through she gave us a nasty look. For some reason she went back into the stage door so my friend and I moved to the side again. Once more the women comes out the stage door and when my friend and I move to the side she yells at us that we are blocking her from walking and we tried explaining to her that we were waiting to go inside but she didn’t listen to us and continued to yell and demanded we move somewhere else and then walked away. The thing is we were not blocking her from walking through and I thought moving to the side was honestly pretty kind judging that she could have gotten through without us moving. Whatever. Just needed to vent.

#121re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 2/13/18 at 5:55pm

Alex M said: "My friend and I were waiting to go see our friend (who is in spongebob right now) backstage. Before we were let backstage the security told us to stand to the side of the side door just because he had to go get the list of people allowed back. While waiting to the side some women who was not in the show walked out and as we moved to the side so that she could get through she gave us a nasty look. For some reason she went back into the stage door so my friend and I moved to the side again. Once more the women comes out the stage door and when my friend and I move to the side she yells at us that we are blocking her from walking and we tried explaining to her that we were waiting to go inside but she didn’t listen to us and continued to yell and demanded we move somewhere else and then walked away. The thing is we were not blocking her from walking through and I thought moving to the side was honestly pretty kind judging that she could have gotten through without us moving. Whatever. Just needed to vent."

Wow! That sounds rough! Sorry your time at the show ended on a negative note.. I get it sometimes people are having a bad day but that doesn’t mean take it out on friends of the cast or fans. It’s super rude. Hopefully you don’t encounter that again!

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#122re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 2/13/18 at 6:45pm

I have not had many stage door experiences like most posters here but I will say I have never run into a rude stage door manager or bodyguard. They have all done their job professionally and without incident even with some "crazy" fans - lol.

faceleg Profile Photo
#123re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 2/13/18 at 11:20pm

Not rude as it is a little shocking: When I saw The Band's Visit on Feb. 4th, Joel Grey was there. THE Joel Grey. Who was also turned away from the stage door cause he, presumably, wasn't on the list. THE Joel Grey. TURNED AWAY. Yes, I know, security and what all, but he's a Broadway legend. 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#124re: Rude Stage Door Experiences
Posted: 2/14/18 at 4:45am

You do realize that being knowledgeable about Broadway isn't a prerequisite to have that job, right? (Still,kinda of sad.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
