
How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....- Page 1

How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....

broadway guy
#1How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 9:59pm

Juilliard doesn't have a MT program. Hmm...

ljay889 Profile Photo
egghumor Profile Photo
#2How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:08pm

I can only imagine the torrent of responses the OP's question might trigger!

broadway guy
all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
#4How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:19pm

Many great singers don't receive any kind of vocal training, hitting the notes comes natural to them. Patti struggled a lot during the original run of Evita due to her lack of technique, eventually she was taught by a chorus member well into the run.

Kad Profile Photo
#5How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:22pm

Remarkably, a performer's experience and abilities is not limited to their college education.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

broadway guy
#6How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:22pm

yes yes i know all about her Evita struggling.I wonder if she would of had problems with the Evita score if she attended a MT school. hmmm...

broadway guy
#7How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:25pm

Yes But It sure helps.I attend a professional Circus college school and there is no way i would make it with a big company like cirque du soleil if i wasn't at college.Lupone probably wouldn't of had vocal problems if she went to a school that specializes in Proper voice training.

all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
#8How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:39pm

Idina went to Tisch, and she still suffered in Wicked, not to mention Dame Julie in MFL.

#9How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:39pm

It is not as though LuPone had no musical theater training before EVITA. She starred in THE CRADLE WILL ROCK, THE BEGGAR'S OPERA, and THE ROBBER BRIDEGROOM during her years with John Houseman's THE ACTING COMPANY. She also starred in THE BAKER'S WIFE. One can assume she had paid vocal coaches during this period. EVITA is a very difficult role to sing and LuPone's reminiscences of her time in EVITA are that it was not a pleasurable experience. Her training at Julliard taught her how to be an actor. She has always considered herself an actor who sings and not a singer who acts. Updated On: 3/30/13 at 10:39 PM

D2 Profile Photo
#10How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:39pm

WOULDN'T HAVE, dammit!!!

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

broadway guy
#11How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 10:43pm

FINALLY! someone with a proper answer.Thank you! That's all i ever wanted!!!

#12How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/29/13 at 11:21pm

Read her memoir. It's good. She explains she had music lessons throughout her childhood and high school years. She was in choir and learned to sing there. She did musical theater growing up and commented on how she always had a musical theater type of voice. She could sing. With Evita, she goes into detail about her vocal struggle. She could sing it but didn't know how. A member of the ensemble helped her through out of the run.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#13How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 12:02am

Screaming at Bank of America and hotel employees really strengthens the voice.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

Wynbish Profile Photo
#14How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 12:11am

Pssh, Babs didn't even go to college.

broadway guy
#15How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 12:22am

I did read it but i just skipped all the childhood stuff and dove right into the Evita stuff HAHAHAHAAHAHA

#16How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 12:25am

"Screaming at Bank of America..."

Making her a hero in many eyes.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Playbilly Profile Photo
#17How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 12:42am

I was going to make a snarky joke about how I can't stand Mandy P's voice. But, I can't think of a subtle way to bring it up. So I won't. Be subtle, that is: He burns my eardrums.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

Wynbish Profile Photo
#18How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 12:45am

I love Mandy. He's like an uncle you want to get a bear hug from, but "distractedly" walk away from when he starts talking about anything.

#19How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 12:47am

Streisand never even had a voice lesson.

#20How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 7:46am

Mandy P. and Kevin Kline were also theatre majors at Julliard. They both did OK in musical theatre.

Audra McDonald - a classical voice major, has five Tonys - three for musicals and two for straight plays.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#21How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 8:44am

The point is: a college education isn't the only way people train --- for ANYTHING.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

broadway guy
#22How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 9:24am

Yes But it sure helps.

Tink2 Profile Photo
#23How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 9:38am

Thank you, D2! Another one that really bothers me, for some reason, is the misuse of then and than. A college education should help this, too. ; )

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#24How did Lupone get so good at Singing? She went to Juilliard....
Posted: 3/30/13 at 9:52am

I can't imagine at CIRCUS college there is an awful lot of emphasis on the English language. But we can hope that the random uppercase letters could be addressed.

It only "helps" to those that are successful. Gads go to college and do very well, and never score a single professional credit. MANY, many working actors don't finish college. It's simply ONE path people take.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
