Momentous Fridayt

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#1Momentous Fridayt
Posted: 4/28/21 at 9:56pm

This Friday Indian Point closes for good.Cuomo totally to blame. While demand increases Cuomo will not allow replacement power to come in.

Indian was non polluting so naturally he had to close it. Smart move during the summer is to not keep a lot of refrigerated stuff on hand. Buy a little bit at a time. . .Indian produced 25 to 30% of NYC power but King Cuomo closes it anyhow. How he intends to service electric cars with no electricity is a mystery

He has been a,total failure as governor

Poster Emeritus

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2Momentous Fridayt
Posted: 4/28/21 at 10:07pm

You’ve been a total failure as a human being so y’all have something in common.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#3You are the living worst
Posted: 4/28/21 at 11:05pm

You are the living worst

#4You are the living worst
Posted: 6/5/21 at 10:55pm

Thank God It's Fridayt!

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#5You are the living worst
Posted: 6/6/21 at 10:32am

I hear there’s housing available in Chernobyl, Roxy. Maybe you and the missus should look into it.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
