Twin Peaks

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#25Twin Peaks
Posted: 5/23/17 at 2:08pm

" Maybe slightly, but delivered with sincerity, like the usual Lynchian mix of irony and ingenuousness."

You're right about that. But I haven't seen anything so far that seems outside of the norm for Lynch. But I know a lot of people are talking about the Michael Cera scene so maybe I'll feel differently after I see it. But I'm limiting myself to one a week!

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#26Twin Peaks
Posted: 6/26/17 at 11:38am

Anyone still watching? I'm loving Naomi Watts and Laura Dern in this. And last night's episode was my favorite so far.

'Twin Peaks' Recap: Pretty Hate Machine

David Lynch just unleashed what's arguably television’s WTF-weirdest and most ambitious hour ever

hork Profile Photo
#27Twin Peaks
Posted: 6/26/17 at 2:55pm

Laura Dern is great. It's like, "OMG, we finally get to see Diane! OMG, it's Laura Dern! OMG, she's awesome!" It's like a triple treat.

Last night's episode was ... something. I think it might be my favorite, too, even though it annoyed me that none of the regular characters were in it except evil Cooper and the Giant (This show really needs to be on Netflix. If any show was crying out to be binge watched, it's this one.) It was definitely the most Lynchian episode. It was like Eraserhead meets 2001: A Space Odyssey meets Tscherkassky's Outer Space, or something. Plus a five minute Nine Inch Nails concert? WTF is right.

I think the last two episodes have been the strongest since the first two. Mostly because there hasn't been much "Dougie."  I hope Cooper gets his mind back soon, because I don't think I can take any more. There were a couple of episodes that I just completely hated, and I was convinced that Lynch was just fvcking with us. But now he's proved that he has a genuine vision.

Updated On: 6/26/17 at 02:55 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#28Twin Peaks
Posted: 6/26/17 at 3:25pm

I never actually watched the original series, but considered starting it for this return.  After reading many reviews online, I'm debating whether it's worth the trouble.  


I did this with Gilmore Girls to see what all the fuss was about and upon finishing, wish I had never started it (ended up just hate-watching to the end).

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

hork Profile Photo
#29Twin Peaks
Posted: 6/26/17 at 3:26pm

Oh, it's definitely worth it, trouble and all.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#30Twin Peaks
Posted: 6/29/17 at 9:53am

Epiosde 8 will go down in history as one of the most amazing and groundbreaking episodes of television ever.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#31Twin Peaks
Posted: 6/29/17 at 10:31am

TotallyEffed said: "Epiosde 8 will go down in history as one of the most amazing and groundbreaking episodes of television ever."

Agreed. I've watched it three times now.

Last Night's Terrifying Twin Peaks Will Be Remembered as One of the Best Episodes of Television Ever

David Lynch offers an origin story for the evil that lurks underneath the surface.


Updated On: 6/29/17 at 10:31 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#32Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/10/17 at 1:22pm

Looks like we're starting to get some answers...but still no Audrey Twin Peaks

Showtime made an actual site for Bill Hastings blog. If you're interested you can find it here:

Thought this was a great write up of the show up until episode 8.

The Best Show on TV Is Twin Peaks: The Return

"No other series takes as many chances as Twin Peaks: The Return, in story, image, sound, and presentation. No other series feels as strange, new, and confounding. Certainly none are capable of indulging in a nearly hour-long sound-and-light show that expands its own mythology and advances its main plot while also offering a surreal alternative history of World War II and the consequences of playing God with the atom bomb, as Twin Peaks: The Return did in its eighth episode. That hour alone makes the rest of narrative television seem imaginatively impoverished. It is so completely unlike anything ever conceived by anyone working in television at any point in its 70-year history as a commercial medium that even if the ten remaining episodes of this show consisted of a black screen with a timecode at the bottom, it still would have won this award."

Updated On: 7/10/17 at 01:22 PM

hork Profile Photo
#33Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/11/17 at 2:10am

No Audrey, but we got Johnny. I feel like an Audrey appearance is imminent.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#34Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/11/17 at 7:00am

I have a feeling Audrey might be key to snapping Cooper out of his current state. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see her until the last episode.

hork Profile Photo
#35Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/11/17 at 11:24am

God, I hope Cooper doesn't stay this way until the last episode.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#36Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/12/17 at 11:00am

If not the last episode I would not be surprised if the "real" Cooper does not emerge until near the end of the season. I think Audrey will play a key role because of the way Dougie/Coop fixated on those red shoes (similar to the ones Audrey wears in Season 1) in the last episode.

I'm enjoying the Dougie stuff more than you though. I love the way MacLachlan and Naomi Watts play off each other. I also think MacLachlan is doing some of the best work of his career. He's playing drastically different characters between the "blank slate" Dougie and the menacing Mr. C. I hope he's remembered during awards season.

Updated On: 7/13/17 at 11:00 AM

hork Profile Photo
#37Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/31/17 at 12:11am

I was right! Too bad she's turned into such a shrew.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#38Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/31/17 at 4:00pm

Right about what? And she was always a brat.

hork Profile Photo
#39Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/31/17 at 4:10pm

Right that she'd be appearing soon.

A brat isn't the same as a shrew. They're not even close.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#40Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/31/17 at 4:28pm

It was announced she was coming back before the season even started. We were more than halfway through when you made that comment. Congrats on cracking the code.

hork Profile Photo
#41Twin Peaks
Posted: 7/31/17 at 8:36pm

Why are you being so catty? It's not like I was bragging about being right; I was merely celebrating what I was right about (viz. the fact that Audrey returned sooner rather than at the end of the series) in reference to my conversation with Erik. I love Audrey so I was excited. Chill out.

Updated On: 7/31/17 at 08:36 PM

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#42Twin Peaks
Posted: 8/1/17 at 11:14am

I thought we were doing the sassy thing. Sorry! Enjoy Audrey being back. :)


(But I did hate her scene.)

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#43Twin Peaks
Posted: 8/11/17 at 9:12am

I was on vacaton so I just got caught up last night. 

I agree about Audrey. Her return was a misfire for me. 

But I am still really loving this show. David Lynch is getting some amazing performances out of his cast. Obviously Kyle MacLachlan but also standouts like Grace Zabriskie, Naomi Watts, and James Belushi! Who would have thought anyone could get a likeable performance out of James Belushi??

And that closing shot of Ed Hurley this week was heartbreaking. One of my favorite things about The Return has been the way it portrays the passage of time. 

So not on board with Audrey yet but still very much on board with the show.

hork Profile Photo
#44Twin Peaks
Posted: 8/11/17 at 11:49pm

I'm pretty much hate watching it at this point. I can't quit now but it's a really terrible show, the worst thing Lynch has ever done, by far.

hork Profile Photo
#45Twin Peaks
Posted: 8/16/17 at 10:58am

This show is just getting crazier. Twin Peaks now has a superhero? Sarah Palmer is ... not human? I can't stop watching, and have no idea what will happen next.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#46Twin Peaks
Posted: 8/22/17 at 3:05pm

"I can't stop watching, and have no idea what will happen next."

And how many TV shows can you say that about?
I loved the stuff with Norma and Ed. And the Log Lady's goodbye.

Updated On: 8/22/17 at 03:05 PM

hork Profile Photo
#47Twin Peaks
Posted: 8/22/17 at 3:29pm

Yeah the last episode was pretty strong. Although I can't believe Ed went back to Nadine after she got her memory back, and stayed with her for another 25 years! The Log Lady scene was heartbreaking, for being both Margaret and Catherine Coulson's goodbye.

That reminds me, still no mention of Catherine Martell.

Luscious Profile Photo
#48Twin Peaks
Posted: 8/24/17 at 11:06pm

Loving every minute of the show! And love how it's all coming together and all roads are leading back to Twin Peaks.

Question... I haven't read through the entire thread, but is it the general consensus that Audrey is in a coma and that what we're seeing is what she's dreaming? Because that's what I think. She's obviously trapped in that house she can't seem to leave, much in the same way that a comatose person is trapped in their body. But she's getting closer to the door. I think Cooper (once he's Coop again) will play a big part in her waking from the coma. Thoughts?

Updated On: 8/24/17 at 11:06 PM

hork Profile Photo
#49Twin Peaks
Posted: 8/25/17 at 11:26am

Interesting. No, I haven't heard that theory. That explains so much. It's like her own private Exterminating Angel.
