Who hates their boss and why?

#0Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/12/03 at 6:55pm

Well, I sure do and it's because she is soooo dumb! Recently she decided to admit to everyone how she just figured out that you don't have to be a medical doctor to have your PHd. Sad, sad, sad. She drives me up the wall everyday! She also doesn't know how to forward an email nor does she know how to attach a file to an email. Amazing.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#1re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/12/03 at 7:01pm

Well I like my current boss, but I did have a job that I had to quit because I hated my boss that much. She actually made me cry a few times; and she made everyone that worked for her feel like crap. Maybe other people want to stay and take the abuse, but I for one was not about to stand for it. I told her exactly what I thought of her. I told her she was a bad supervisor and that anyone who worked for her should have their head examined. I told her she didn't know how to speak to her employess and that she should consider actually going to business school and learn how to be a proper manager. I was certainly not the first person to quit on her. I have no regrets for what I said or how I said because I really hated that woman.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/12/03 at 7:07pm

He is a micro manager. He trusts no one & feels the need to speak down to people to show how superior he is. Try working at a place that will dock you if you attend your wife's funeral. The economy & my age (57) work against me. I am trying to get the hell out & will as soon as something else turns up. He is a know it all so I do not even waste my time suggesting how he might better his company. Screw him & the horse he rode in on.

Poster Emeritus

#3re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/12/03 at 7:46pm

Did a Mrs. Roxy pass away?

I'm definitely ready for a career change. Not because of my boss though. Just burnout.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#4re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/12/03 at 8:46pm

Mrs Roxy is alive & well. I was just using an example as to why my boss is a horses rear end

Poster Emeritus

#5re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/12/03 at 9:12pm

I'm very lucky...my boss ended up becoming one of my closest friends. Unfortunately, he's transferring in 3-4 weeks after 5 years, and I'll probably end up posting to this thread about my new manager. re: Who hates their boss and why?

Hello Gorgeous
#6re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/12/03 at 9:39pm

I hate one of my bosses because she's really nasty to me. I hate people like that.

~*Christa*~ "Don't ya wanna be the life of the party?" Idina Menzel, THE WILD PARTY

#7re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/13/03 at 12:04am

Former boss --

~ did not approve of breaks and lunch hours, even on 8 hour shifts for those of us full time
~ did not like giving raises, only 5 employees made above minum wage
~ did not fix a/c or heater....EVER.. it was always broken and always burning up of freezing insdie
~would not spend money top fix up store... had to use a sawed off broom handle to brace the windows closed to lock them and it too two peopel to close/lock the door..
~ I was held up at gun point.. next day he said I could be replaced, money can't.
~ I worked 8-12 hour shifts every day for THREE weeks.. 21 days.. no day off... then I worked from opening (I was a manager so I had to be in at 9 AM) till closing (store closed at 11PM left at 12AM), I was woken up at 7:300AM with a phone call that said that the stor was closed immediately and that the owner was filing for bankruptcy and that I would NOT be paid for the last three weeks.. not even the managers/supervisors were given warning.)

orion59 Profile Photo
#8re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/13/03 at 8:33am

My immediate supervisor is dumb and clueless but a really nice guy, so i like him. The person above him, our glorious VP, is the kind of guy who would have loved to run a swaet shop back in teh days when he could have used corporal punishment on employees. He has a very Dikensian approache to employee relations.

I have the displeasure of working for Snoopy. When you see their touching commercials asking if you've met life yet, be thankful you haven't.


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#9re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/13/03 at 8:59am

To Orion 59

I wonder if your boss & mine were maybe twins separated at birth

Poster Emeritus

orion59 Profile Photo
#10re: re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/13/03 at 9:04am

They probably were. Here is the perfect example. It's year end so he instituted a mandatory saturday OT half day. We came in early this morning to find the system down, we can't do any work but he won;t let us leave. It's the freakin holiday season. Everyone has things to do. Just to be nasty he has us sitting here playing on teh ineternet.

Yeah, Have you Met Life today?

I hate Snoopy.


#11re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/14/03 at 1:24pm

Wow. Reading all your messages really make me love my job.
My boss is awesome. I come in anywhere from 8-830 am, usually take a lunch although sometimes I don't. Then I leave promptly at 3:30. Now this being said, all of us "non-union" employees wages are frozen and we don't know when or even if we will see another raise. My boss even let us take off black friday, as well as he is letting us take off the day after Christmas. Those 2 days are not paid holidays for us. I guess they figure they've got to give us something in return for the lack of pay increase. Besides the fact we are one of the lowest paid airlines around.
*sigh I'm ready for a change! The problem is all I've ever worked in is the airline industry. I am looking to go back to school though, just not sure what I want to do. I'm trying to get on with Penn State here...so cross your fingers!

#12re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/14/03 at 1:28pm

"I Am My Own Boss."

BudFrump23 Profile Photo
#13re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/16/03 at 5:04pm

My boss is quite nice. He takes dance lessons, and wants me to learn Jazz with him. I would much rather take Tap, but oh well. It's free.

I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#14re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/16/03 at 5:13pm

It's bonus time. I love my bosses more than my own family. More than myself. I'd take a bullet for them.

Ask me again next wekk.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

orion59 Profile Photo
#15re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/16/03 at 6:17pm

Mr Matt, you're so full of it. I asked my boss about people getting bonuses and he told me thats just a urban legend. Yeah, right, workers get a bonus at holiday times and if you look into a mirror and say Bloody Mary three times....


orion59 Profile Photo
#16re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/16/03 at 6:25pm

Ok, here is absolute proof taht my boss and my comapny are the worst in teh world to work for. After the aforementioend mandatory overtime, we are told taht we will have another mandatory overtime this Staurday, just before Christmas.

They gave us a holiday party yesterday. this consisted of the comapny have some mediocre food brought in and set up in our conference room. We were told that this would be during our lunch time but we would be allowed an extra half hour. everyone was to get into line to get their food then go back to their cubicles with it.

This is what it's like to work for Snoopy. Does anyone work for a worse boss or company?


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#17re: re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/16/03 at 8:23pm

To Add regarding my boss - Many months ago, a coworker with MS had a severe attack on the premises. I & the receptionist were the only ones there at the time. I made the decision to call 911 & probably saved her life. She thanked me. Even though I saved him a possible lawsuit, he never said thank you. By the way, he docked her pay for leaving early & I did not ride in the ambulance as he would have docked me.

This boy wants to disprove the saying " You can't take it with you ". He probably has every buck he ever made & intends putting it in his coffin . To coin a phrase "I wouldn't piss on him if his hair was on fire." He is one cheap SOB . The day I get another job is my last day there. No notice at all. Every dog has his day.

Poster Emeritus

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#18re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/17/03 at 12:36pm

Actually, my bosses aren't bad at all. We do get Christmas bonuses. There is a HUGE corporate Christmas party and a smaller company Christmas luncheon at a nice restaurant with great food and free booze. We leave work for the luncheon this Friday at noon and are not required (or expected) to return. Our bosses also take us (the assistants) out to happy hours or dinners and pay for everything. The benefits are awesome and lots of paid holidays (2 days for Christmas and 2 days for New Years), sick days, personal days, and service anniversary days. I think this is why I decided to go back to a day job. Full-time acting doesn't offer anything like this unless you are in the miniscule one-tenth of 1% that becomes a "star".

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#19re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/17/03 at 12:37pm

I almost forgot....It's a casual office, so I get to wear jeans every day. Can't beat that!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#20re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/17/03 at 1:58pm

I forgot to mention about our Christmas party. Our company is so cheap that we can't afford to rent out a room BEFORE Christmas.
We have our party the 3rd weekend in January every year. It is called a "Winterfest".......but it's really our company party.
The bad part is the employees have to pay for it! The bar is a cash bar as well...and they wonder why only 20 people have signed up to attend.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#21re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Who hates their boss and why?
Posted: 12/17/03 at 3:00pm

Sounds more like a cast party!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
