
Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?

Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
americanboy99 Profile Photo
#2re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 3:17pm

I saw it on tour, and it was dreadful. Laughable, actually. I can't believe it's really coming to Broadway. That baffles me.

uncageg Profile Photo
#2re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 3:19pm

I skipped it when it came to Denver. I know it is not Cirque du Soleil, but I have seen 5 Cirque du Soleil shows and worked for one of them, Dralion, and I am Cirqued out!

Just give the world Love.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#3re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 6:19pm

If it goes to TDF I will.

Patash Profile Photo
#4re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 6:45pm

When I first heard of it, I thought it WAS Cirque Soleil. And since they have Monday night performances and tickets were 60% off and available in front row mezzanine, I got them. Will see it next Monday night.

logan0215 Profile Photo
#5re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 6:46pm

Hell no!

They've been ripping off of Cirque du Soleil for years (not well for that matter)...

If Cirque Eloize returns to NYC, I'd be there in the first row.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

azeller Profile Photo
#6re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:17pm

I saw the tour in Baltimore and thought it was awful! I'm shocked that it will be playing in a Broadway theatre.

"Let's admit one thing right upfront: With the possible exception of Bernadette Peters, not everyone stays young and cute forever." (NYPost 2/2/05)

adamgreer Profile Photo
#7re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:19pm

"When I first heard of it, I thought it WAS Cirque Soleil. And since they have Monday night performances and tickets were 60% off and available in front row mezzanine, I got them. Will see it next Monday night."

Where is this 60% discount? Broadwaybox only has one that is about 50% ($56.50). 60% might get me to go...

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
#8re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:21pm

Wow, I thought was Cirque du Soleil.
Why don't they come to Broadway? Or work on a Broadway show?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#9re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:25pm

"Wow, I thought was Cirque du Soleil.
Why don't they come to Broadway?"

They did, sort of. Last year, Wintuk played at the WaMu Theater, and is coming back again this year.

winston89 Profile Photo
#10re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:35pm

I thought Cirque Dreams was a Cirque Du Soleil show. I only thought that becuase the word Cirque is in both names.

Is Cirque Dreams a Cirque show. If not whats the difference and what makes this one so bad?

I never got around to see Crique Du Soleil's Wintuk this winter. But, considering that it is contracted to return to the theatre at Madison Square Garden until 2010 I am sure I will catch it at some point.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#11re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 10:06pm

Wow, I thought it was Cirque Du Soleil too. Glad I did not waste my time getting tickets if it isn't too good.

From what I know about Cirque Du Soleil, it takes that group 3 or more years to learn whatever they are doing in the shows. I give them so much credit for that because it's awesome and what they do is definitely not easy. I about the training time from a couple of people who work with the show when they came to speak and work in one of my classes in college.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

sally1112 Profile Photo
#12re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/9/08 at 10:24pm

Never been a fan of it.

Kev Profile Photo
#13re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 10:20am

There have been numerous tours with "Cirque" in the title, and unrelated to Cirque du Soleil.

For future confirmation, always check the drop-down bar on the official site: http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/CirqueDuSoleil/en/default.htm#

Vespertine1228 Profile Photo
#14re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 10:28am

This show is on TDF for the 4th of July for $35.50. Probably still too much money from what I hear. It's kind of shady to deliberately confuse people by associating yourself with a higher quality and better known product, although it's certainly not the first time such a marketing strategy is being used.

I'm reminded of this direct to video versions of the latest Hollywood hits that Blockbuster would always have. They were created purposefully so people would mistake them for their higher budget counterparts.

Patash Profile Photo
#15re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 12:30pm

Cirque is simply the French word for "circus" and the Cirque Soleil group does not own the rights to the word circus -- in any language. Just for the record they also don't own Le Cirque restaurant either!

logan0215 Profile Photo
#16re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 3:04pm

True, they don't own the rights to the word "Cirque," but that hasn't stopped them from sueing Cirque Dreams and Neil Goldberg's Cirque (with good reason).

As you can see, these companies use the "Cirque" title to confuse prospective audience members who think they'll be seeing a Cirque du Soleil production.

The main difference between Cirque Dreams and the Cirque du Soleil (other than being completely different companies) is: QUALITY.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

adamgreer Profile Photo
#17re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 3:10pm

I honestly thought this was a Cirque de Soleil show, too.

logan0215 Profile Photo
#18re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 3:15pm

Cirque Dreams
re: Is anyone seeing  'Cirque Dreams'?


Cirque du Soleil
re: Is anyone seeing  'Cirque Dreams'?


As for Cirque du Soleil on Broadway:

Yes, Wintuk is a permanent show that runs for the 4 seasonal months at the WaMu Theater. I have not seen the show but the general consensus among anyone who has seen other Cirque productions is that the show is below their standards and caters more to a children's crowd therefore dumbing down some of the high artistry found in their other shows.

At one point, and possibly still in the works, there was to be a permanent Cirque du Soleil show in NYC but disputes came to the front of if Cirque can be considered "theater" and therefore be granted the space of a theater to have a permanent show in.

Other talk I had heard at one point was to open up another production of their 18+ show "Zumanity" which permanently runs at the NYNY Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Cirque had hoped to "franchise" the show and open their second production in New York.

I'm unsure of the development on either of those productions. Currently they are working on 2 permanent shows: ZAIA at the Venetian in Macau and ZED in Tokyo. Then they have the Cris Angel "Believe" show they co-produced opening in Vegas as well as a touring show for 2009, a show in Hollywood in 2010 and a show in Dubai in 2011.

If you want to see a great Cirque du Soleil show (and a real classic) see Saltimbanco at one of its Arena stops in the area!:

Trenton, NJ - From 17 September 2008 to 21 September 2008

Buffalo, NY - From 10 September 2008 to 14 September 2008

Amherst, MA - From 3 September 2008 to 7 September 2008

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I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock
Updated On: 6/10/08 at 03:15 PM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#19re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 3:58pm

"Wow, I thought was Cirque du Soleil."

I thought it was too. Oh well, I wasn't going to see it anyway.

The Cirque Dreams costumes look like Lion King on crack and LSD!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

uncageg Profile Photo
#20re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 5:08pm

"Quidam" is my favorite Cirque du Soleil show.

Marianne2, it can take them up to 3 years to conceive a show but the performers only have months to prepare. I worked with Dralion and a large portion of the performers were young Asain kids. They can only stay in the states for a short amount of time, I think it is six months. So while a group is actually performing, another group is in Canada learning the show and go into the show when the kids who are performing have to leave. But a lot of the kids do come back and take over when their replacements have to leave. They just kind of keep switching them out.

It is pretty amazing working on their show sites. They have everything timed down to the second. And for what I was doing, I had to know the history, etc. of Cirque because I had to be able to answer any questions about how they did things and had to know about all of their shows and where they were. it was a fun experience. The best part is that I got to go "backstage" during a performance. (Which is off limits unless you are a higher up on the site) It is a tent behind but connected to the main tent (They have a name for it but it escapes me now). I got to see the performers practicing, changing for the next "act", etc. It was pretty cool. Just thought I would share.

Just give the world Love.

logan0215 Profile Photo
#21re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 10:44pm

The main tent where the show is performed is the Grand Chapiteau and the backstage area is normally just called the artistic tent which includes there dressing areas, make-up tables and gym/warm-up areas.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

#22re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 11:16pm

If I get comps, then maybe. Sure, why not.

uncageg Profile Photo
#23re: Is anyone seeing 'Cirque Dreams'?
Posted: 6/10/08 at 11:31pm

Logan, thank you. I knew the name of the main tent but The Artistic Tent name escaped me as I was typing. Before we started, we were given a booklet with all of the Cirque info which I packed away and couldn't get to. But the artistic tent thing was bothering me and I was actually going to go down to my storage unit and dig it out!

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 6/17/08 at 11:31 PM