Step In Time Ad-Libs

#1Step In Time Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/24/17 at 11:28pm

Hello everyone!


I'm playing Bert, the loveable chimney sweep, in my theatre's summer production of Mary Poppins!


For those not familiar with the show, in the song Step in Time, Bert has his famous walk up and across the proscenium via MAGIC (flywire system...).


During this, Bert ad-libs various phrases as he walks "Over the rooftops". On the soundtrack I have he says stuff like "over the Rooftops!" "moving up in the world!" 


I'm supposed to come up with my own phrases for that section, but I only have a few so far "Look ma, no hands!" "Hello Caruso" (reference to Miss Andrew's Lark). 


Could you guys help me brainstorm more phrases? Your ideas will help spur other ideas and help my creative process.


Much love!

ggersten Profile Photo
#2Step In Time Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/24/17 at 11:58pm

"I'd like to see Dick Van Dyke try this"

"Step in Time? How about clap in time?"

"Steppin' to the bad side"

"Hey I'm defying gravity - and I'm not even green"


#3Step In Time Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/25/17 at 8:23am

Thanks for the suggestions! 


Let's keep 'em coming!

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#4Step In Time Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/25/17 at 10:13am

Bette Midler's "it's LIVE!" (her occasional ad-lib to her onstage mishaps in HELLO, DOLLY!)