Richard Ridge on the Red Carpet

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#1Richard Ridge on the Red Carpet
Posted: 4/24/17 at 9:27pm

I enjoy Richard's red carpet interviews. Seems like there is a red carpet every night this time in the season! He has the right amount of enthusiasm without overdoing the fawning like I've seen other reporters do when interviewing celebs. However, I wish he would announce who he is speaking with, such as he sometimes does as the interviewee is walking up to him. Being that I'm not in the industry, I don't know all the players, particularly the non-actor folks. He will often just start chatting with them. Sometimes I can deduce from the Q&A who the person is, but not always. 

So, if anyone knows Richard, or if he happens to read this, first tell him how much I enjoy his interviews, and second, if he could just quietly say who he is speaking with, it would be appreciated. Even if it's after the interview as they are saying good-bye that would work, too. 
