
Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

jaystarr Profile Photo
#1Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/24/07 at 10:22am

to Andy & Tony- thanks Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG
Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG
Speech & Debate
Black Box Theater at Harold & Miriam Steinberg Center for Theater
New Play by Stephen Karam (OFF OFF BROADWAY)
12/22 2:30 matinee
1 hour and 45 mins without intermission
Price : $20.00 (web full price)


A friend of mine once told me..that if someone knew something about you (dirt) ..that person has a power over you... We say that we dont care what people think of us... but it is really true? or sometimes..what people think about us.. is what really matter to us. There's a saying that a reputation takes a lifetime to built but a second to destroy. This is the theme of the new play by Stephen Karam, playing at the Roundabout's new Black Box Theater which interweaves with current issues such as teenage experiences about homophobia among the gay community, teenage abortion, rejections, alienation and lastly coming in terms with these issues.

It is my first Off-Off Broadway (?) play too. (I guess...less than 100 seats) Lately I am developing a liking to Off-Broadway shows since its more intimate, less crowded, less commercial and I dont have to climb a 3-stories high to get into my seat.

This is probably the "hip"-iest play on Broadway right now. It uses lingo such as LOL! ROFL...FYI! It talks about blogs, message boards, podcast & chat rooms..

Things I Like about the Play
1. The Story: Basically its a story of three teenagers...Solomon a closeted gay guy who is obsessed with outing a conservative politician, Diwata-teenage girl who is obsessed in starring in Mary Rodgers' Once Upon a Mattress and rejection issues and lastly Howie a "queeny" gay guy who is obsessed with gay.com chat room.

2. Sarah Steele (as Diwata)- she is very good in the play, she's very funny yet has that vulnerable part when she opened up to Howie about getting pregnant and having an abortion. Its so funny when she replied about homophobia as being soo 90's and gay guys should get over it...and its "IN" thing nowadays to be out and about and its harder for her to be accepted or fit-in being a double-minority as a female and a Filipino ( yup- she's 1/18 Filipina) BTW- her name is pronounce "Dee-wah-ta" which means...goddess or a fairy.

3. Gideon Glick ( as Howie)-Suprsisingly he got a more meatier role here than Spring Awakening as the "queeny Howie". He is probably one of the reason why I like the play so much . He is very convincing as a queeny gay guy who is really worried how his fellow students will perceive him...he tried to mask his loneliness & alienation by looking for casual sex at gay.com's chat room which for me - to find acceptance and probbably to make some $$ too. (?)

4. Jason Fuchs (as Solomon) as the closeted gay guy who hates being gay but obsessed in "outing" other people. He was very good in this role, though I felt that there was a problem with his posture (but could be a part of his character?)The part where the two guys confronted him that they knew his dark secret (getting a hand job in the male restroom by a closeted teacher) was a very good scene. His reaction... throwing up and he was all red in the face... is quite a theatrical experience... that alone is worth the price of admission. He is my favorite actor in the entire play. I was deeply moved by his character- being gay yet cannot admit to it and there's some sort of homophobia in him. His facial reaction admitting he was gay was just beyond words.

5. The Set Design - As you enter the theater.. Its basically a class room setting..
It has no platform stage.. all in an eye level. there's three chalk board and the 67 audience seats are movable seats (like the one they use in a classroom) but the last two rows are high chairs... it looks like a class room... with spotlights on the ceilings and movable classroom seats..I was a bit on the fence when I heard that the
set.. oh no! the theater is basically a classroom setting but after I saw the play. I really like the set (now I will call it set design) - I think it works perfectly and you feel like you were a part of it.

The projections on the chalk boards were really very creative. I like the part were Howie was typing at the internet (gay.com) while in his underwear at the begining of the play while the other chater's response was being projected on the screen-very creative yet functional.

6. The Lighting Design : I love the overhead projector that was used as a spotlight in during the George Michael's Freedom '90 song. Overall- the lighting really made you feel that you were in a classroom setting yet it also made you feel that you are inside a theater too.

7. The Direction of Jason Moore : just plain brilliant.. under his directions the three lead actors work perfectly together onstage.. no weak link even...Susan Blackwell is great as Teacher & Reporter. His whole staging- I really admired it --very unconventional yet very effective. I wonder what he will do with SHREK the musical?

Thing(s) I Dont Like about the Play


In Summary: As I said in the other thread.. I am very grateful to two posters here who encouraged me to see this marvelous play.. Its not to be miss ! Its extended now till 2/08 thought its $50.00 now but its worth it . The writting is just brilliant and very contemporary.

I will end this Report with a thought from the play...Be very careful what you do in the internet....what you type .... or what you post ....you think its SAFE and its personal but its OUT THERE for the whole world to read it...it may get back to you someday or worst... it may haunt you...but in the end...who really cares? LIFE GOES ON.. Everyone has their "little secret" and dealing with it ...is really what makes us of who we are....

BTW- My 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG will follow next which I saw the same day (12/22) at 5 pm matinee. I had a busy day last Saturday.

Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Score : 7/0- I like it and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Harold & Miriam Steinberg Center for the Theater
Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

The Black Box Theater

Photo by : Walter McBride
Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Production Photos
Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

The Program
Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

extended now till February 2008
Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on SPEECH & DEBATE (w/spoilers) & MAKE ME A SONG

Updated On: 12/25/07 at 10:22 AM

jaystarr Profile Photo
#2re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on SPEECH & DEBATE (with spoilers)
Posted: 12/24/07 at 5:24pm

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on SPEECH & DEBATE (with spoilers)

Updated On: 12/25/07 at 05:24 PM

jaystarr Profile Photo
#2re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/25/07 at 9:44am

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Make Me A Song
Musical Revue (OFF BROADWAY)
World Stage 5
12/22 5 pm matinee
1 hour & 30 mins without intermission
Tix Price : $26.50 (thru TDF)

Intro :

Stories of living
Stories of dying
and ways we can deal with our fear
Stories of horses, parental divorces
and how rich or poor, it's a very small sphere
where we appear

But you gotta have heart and music
Heart and music
Heart and music get along

You gotta have heart and music
You gotta have heart and music
Heart and music make a song

The first time I heard this song... I fell in love with the music and lyrics of William Finn. and on Oct.21, 1999- on my birthday I met Mr. Finn at SpeakEasy's Boston Production of A NEW BRAIN. Incidentally almost 10 yrs ago.. on that same event ..the City of Boston declared that Oct. 21, 1999 is William Finn day and they gave him a key to the City Hall. (Also this Report of mine is also #21)

William Finn was born in Boston and grew up in Natick, Mas. He went to the same school as Stephen Sondheim in Williams College in the Berkshires.

Ever since then I always love his music and I was glad that I met the composer.
So when I heard that there is a new musical revue about his songs... I went to see it.

3 Things I Like About the Musical

1. The Music of William Finn

2. D. B. Bonds- after I saw him at Boston's Touring Company of Dirty Rotten Scoundrel. I instantly became his fan. He has a beautiful voice and I guess.. Its one of the reason for me to see this musical. His rendition of Hitchhiking Across America was great and that's the first time Ive heard that song and I think I will buy the Cast Recording bec. of that one song in particular.

3. Sally Wilfert - I never heard of her.. but after I saw her last saturday...my god.. she has an awesome voice... I love her duet with DB Bonds ( I'd Rather Be Sailing)
very sweet voice yet strong.

***All the cast were good...Their voices blend perfectly. Their rendition of Unlikely Lovers (from Falsettos ) are really touching ...I specifically like the two cast that I mentioned but Sandy Binion was great, she did an excellent job with Mary Testa's Change (from A NEW BRAIN) and Adam Heller was very funny specially the Republican song- very funny!

(lyrics of the Republicans song)

I have never met a Republican....till I went to College......

So I went to bed with a Republican and he did not perspire.
He said as we were undressing..he admires Richard Nixon
and I said ....Are you a Republican?
and He just left and I said... bITch !

....to be in here & screwing a Republican
Its a damn unappealing, but I cant help the feeling...
Its nice to have the roles are reverse!

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

BTW : They did not sing any songs from The 25th Putnam County Spelling re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

1 Thing I Did Not Like about the Musical

1. Only one instrument- the piano : I guess..this is the only thing I did not like, though the piano player (Darren R. Cohen) did an excellent job... I just wish there's more instruments in the musical like strings and woodwinds. It feels a little bare for me.

*** I wish theyve included I FEEL SO MUCH SPRING-one of my favorite song.

In Summary :

Overall. The musical revue is fun. There is no dialogue at all.. No story .. its just William Finn's songs after another. The thing I really like about this one are the cast voices...they sung these songs soo beautifully and gave 110 % percent even though the house was 40% full. I admired the cast for that- they gave everything they had in the matinee show I saw. As I said.. I love the music..its a great show to unwind and just listen to good broadway music.

and also I love going to New World Stages.. it reminds me of a Movie Cineplex.

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

Score : 3/1 - I LIKE IT ! re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

New World Stages
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

Production Photos
(from Playbill...thanks matty re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG )
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

D.B. Bonds in "Hitchhiking Across America"
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

The Playbill
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

Updated On: 12/25/07 at 09:44 AM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#3re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/25/07 at 10:09am

"and also I love going to New World Stages.. it reminds me of a Movie Cineplex."

And of course you know that It was a movie complex before it was converted to stages! Glad you like coming to New World, Jay!


jaystarr Profile Photo
#4re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/25/07 at 10:16am

No ... I did not know that thanks for the info....

It does remind me of a Movie Cineplex....so what was it before? Do they have 5 movie houses there instead of the theaters or it was completely renovated?

I was so tempted last Saturday just to theater hop from one shows to another, but I had to go back to Boston and it was getting soo late for me... Unfortunately I think I will miss DIE MOMMIE DIE ! bummer re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

I love how they serve drinks and snacks inside the theater. I saw EVIL DEAD the musical last year at 11 pm after we saw SPRING AWAKENING.. I was laughing bec. they were serving shots before the show.. I thought it was funny... though they were serving sangria at CELIA too few weeks ago...

Updated On: 12/25/07 at 10:16 AM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#5re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/25/07 at 10:25am

Jay, I don't remember how many screens were there when it was a movie complex. They showed second run films for about $2-3 a ticket. I guess not enough people took advantage because it closed and remained empty for quite a while. The renovation to stages was wildly expensive but I think it was worth it.

About you hopping from one theater to another-naughty boy! lol.


Ryan30 Profile Photo
#6re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/25/07 at 8:28pm

thanks for sharing your reviews, jay! Do you know as to when the cast recording will be available?

Horton Profile Photo
#7re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/26/07 at 10:58am

I saw Make me a Song a few days ago. I had a great time at the show; I really thought the whole cast was top notch (especially Bonds. When I saw it, almost the entire house was empty, I mean, it was really pathetic, and Jennifer Simard was sitting only a few rows behind me. I didn't say anything though, as she was alone.

It closing very soon, but everybody should see Make Me A Song, and you will have a great night of theater.

#8re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/26/07 at 11:06am


I think you will regret not seeing Die Mommie Die. It is a great show, with a great over the top performance by Mr Busch.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#9re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/26/07 at 11:34am


Please forgive me for taking so long to respond to your review.

Thank you for such a wonderfully thorough review on SPEECH & DEBATE! It makes me so glad to hear that other people are enjoying this show as much as I did! I knew it would be right up your alley!

I think Jason Fuchs' posture was an acting choice, since Solomon is kind of a dorky, down on his luck, computer nerd. What did you think of the musical performance at the end? I thought Sarah Steele was just brilliant. It makes me think back to what a theatre dork I was in high school (I still am a dork, but I'm more of an adult one now) and how much I would have loved being friends with her, though those kinds of kids always tended to keep their theatre-nerdiness on the DL, because they thought they were the only one, when in reality there are tons of them.

The play really highlights how intelligent and underestimated kids are nowadays, and the censorship that the adults in their lives (teachers, parents) try to impede on them, but nowadays with the all of the resources afforded by the internet, kids are always steps ahead of the adults. Advances are made every day, and the kids learn them so quickly, and really gain an upper hand that totally flies over the adults' heads.

I have not seen MAKE ME A SONG yet, so I didn't read your review of that, as I may catch it before it closes.

If you do have the chance to see DIE MOMMIE DIE!, I really encourage you to do so. It is a total blast. It's such a classic genre, and actually, if you read Ben Brantley's review of the show in the New York Times, he points out that this genre of plays -- that center around a man in drag playing a 30s type diva -- are really on their way toward extinction, and Charles Busch is the queen of the genre.

Thank you again for another MARVELOUS detailed review with wonderful pictures to boot! re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
Updated On: 12/26/07 at 11:34 AM

#10re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/26/07 at 1:02pm

Thanks for the Shout Out-I am glad you took my advice ans saw SPEECH & DEBATE. I am returning, one more time before it closes.
I always look forward to your entertaining reviews!
Happy New Year of Theater Going in 2008!

jaystarr Profile Photo
#11re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/27/07 at 8:54am

youre welcome guys !!!


Ryan- I have no idea. I hope they release the Cast recording soon. I almost bought one but its $25.00 on the show and its pre-order. I might just get it on iTunes.
btw-there's a William Finn's live CD on Itunes which most of the songs from the revue are there- one is HITCHING in AMERICA which is my favorite...which has a special meaning to me. re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

Infinite Joy - The Songs of William Finn (live at Joe's Pubb)

WBaf- I agree with most of your assesments and for this :

What did you think of the musical performance at the end? I thought it was very funny and original though I enjoyed George Michael's 90 Freedom the most..


I think I might have a chance to see DIE MOMMIE DIE on 1/13 bec. I am staying at my sisters on that weekend bec. were seeing TLM.


Updated On: 12/27/07 at 08:54 AM

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#12re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/27/07 at 3:36pm

Thanks for the review!

#13re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/27/07 at 3:51pm

Is Speech and Debate not at TKTS because it's in such a tiny theatre? I couldn't find it on the TDF site.

As wonderful as it may be, I'm a little wary (for budgetary reasons) of spending $50 on such a small-scale show...plus I'm 12 years too old for the HipTix.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#14re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/27/07 at 5:57pm


There's only 67 seats on the Black Box Theater-probabably that's why its not on TKTS.
I paid a full price of $20.00 on mine (luckily) before they increase it to $50.00

I remembered seeing it on TDF for $11.00 when it was on previews-the show got a lot of good reviews and its been extended 3 times now.. I doubt if it will be on TKTS booth... bec. its easy to fill that classroom -literally !

All I can say is its worth the price of $ 50.00.. I will see this show before any other broadway shows...like .. i'm not saying re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG

Updated On: 12/27/07 at 05:57 PM

brainlessorwise Profile Photo
#15re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/31/07 at 10:22am

I was able to see Speech and Debate this Saturday evening, my first time seeing it since the first night of previews, and it is so much better. The changes they made cleared up the early confusion I had with the end and how initially it seemed to let Mr. Healy off the hook. Sarah Steele still steals the show. She is hilarious and the two boys were spot on. I talked a bit with the cast after as well, something I never do but it was just me and one other guy. Thanks jaystarr for telling me the tickets were still available right after the holidays. I loved it.

#16re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/31/07 at 10:31am

Thanks for ruining the ending of the show for those who have not yet seen it.

Updated On: 12/31/07 at 10:31 AM

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#17re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/31/07 at 10:41am

paphillyguy, the initial thread title says that the thread contains spoilers.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

brainlessorwise Profile Photo
#18re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/31/07 at 3:11pm

Do you mean me? I didn't spoil the end. I made a statement about how the ending was confusing in previews and was cleared up in the final product. "The End" was so much more than one piece of information I gave.

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#19re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 12/31/07 at 3:26pm

Wonderful review, Jaystarr, I'm glad you had such a great time at Speech & Debate. It's such an amazing show; one of the most honest and real things I've ever seen written about high school kids. Not to mention everyone in the cast gives excellent performances.

#20re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 1/2/08 at 12:19pm

It did not when I read it.

Rigazzi2 Profile Photo
#21re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 1/2/08 at 3:11pm

I so wish I could have had the opportunity to see MAKE ME A SONG. Sally Wilfert was my voice teacher when I lived out in NYC and she is, indeed, a BRILLIANT vocalist. Truly. She's the warmest person I know and she is the most gifted and fabulous vocal coach I've ever worked with. The woman is magic. LOVE HER!

I'm glad you enjoyed the show and I cannot wait to get my hands on the cast recording! Thanks for the wonderful review, m'dear!

jaystarr Profile Photo
#22re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG
Posted: 1/2/08 at 3:43pm

Thanks Rigazzi...

Sally Wilfert was just terrific. Her voice is worth the price for the show. I love her version of Anytime ( I am There) and I Have Found... I love it so much that Ive downloaded the songs from iTunes (William Finn's Infinite Joy) The "I Have Found" in that CD was sung by Carolee Carmelo , but I am dying to hear Sally's version again which is to die for! I can't wat for the OBCR of Make Me a Song. I actually checked Sh-K-Boom website every other day ..just to check as to when its gonna be available.

Of course... D.B. Bonds' Hitchhiking Across America- is just fantastic...which every gay guy could relate to that beautiful song.... If Iwill have some sort of concert or recital..definitely.. I will sing.."Hitchhiking Across America"-one of my favorite song now...

Too bad that the show closed prematurely... but I was so bless to see this show before it close! I will always treasure that special memory.

re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on MAKE ME A SONG


Updated On: 1/2/08 at 03:43 PM
