
International Thespian Festival's Hairspray

International Thespian Festival's Hairspray

#35re: International Thespian Festival's Hairspray
Posted: 4/13/07 at 3:52pm

I see a number of students are planning to audition for the International Thespian Cast production of HAIRSPRAY. boy_blake has given you a great summary of his experience with THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE. For those who wonder what happens at the first audition, you can expect this:

1. Start by registering for a time to audition for HAIRSPRAY at the Florida
Thespian Festival registration desk. You will get instructions there on
where to go for the audition.
2. For those who pre-registered, your materials will be sent to the
auditioner. For those signing up on site (walk-ons), sign up for a time to
audition. Walk-ons, please take your $25 audition fee, cash or check or
credit card accepted, to the audition room.
3. Go to the audition room early, please; 10-15 min early should do it.
Walk-ons will be given a form to fill out and instructions for what to do to
complete your audition materials and where to send them. Your troupe
director may go into the audition with you in Florida.
4. Please have your audition song accompaniment cued up on a CD or be able
to cue it up quickly on a player we will provide.
5. Your audition will be video taped for reference by the director. On the
video you will introduce yourself, then perform your song and your monolog.
That's it!
6. Letters concerning callbacks will be sent in about two weeks following
the audition.
7. Call backs will be held on Thursday and Friday in Lincoln, NE--you
must be registered for the International Festival to participate in
callbacks. The cast (and crew) list will be announced on Friday evening. The
first company meeting of cast and crew will take place on Saturday. No
meeting on Sunday.

8. Relax and have fun giving this your best performance. Break-a-leg!