Audra McDonald @ SUNY Purchase

buffyactsing Profile Photo
#0Audra McDonald @ SUNY Purchase
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:42am

I just wanted to post that I saw Audra McDonald in concert for the first time last night @ SUNY Purchase and it was amazing. I had really crappy seats (well for the theater, they weren't too terrible I guess) and my friend Vinny and I were probably only 2 of like 10 people there under the age of 40, but it was sooo awesome.
I can't express what an amazing performer she is. She came out saying that she was sick but she sure as heck didn't sound like it. I wish we had had better seats so we could have seen the performance aspect better, but just hearing her was thrilling for me. I've idolized her since I was 13 years old, so finally seeing her
Lets just say, I rarely wear mascara and this was not good time to wear it. I had to run to the bathroom, hiding my face after the concert because I had streaks all over my face.
She sang (to the best of my memory as there was no listing in the program) When Lola Sings, Bill, The Man That Got Away, Hosing the Furniture, I wanna Get Married, Beat My Dog, I Won't Mind, Stars and Moon, I'll Thank You In My Book, The Christian Thing To Do, I Double Dare You, When Did I Fall In Love, Not Easy Being Green, and encored with Somedays...I wanted another encore, but it didn't happen. I'm greedy.
I was so nervous before seeing the show...that I would be disapointed, that she wouldn't be all that she was cracked up to be. I'm so glad my fears were alayed as soon as she opened her mouth. She sounded perfect...her notes were off...everything was pure and beautiful...I was just in awe. The moment she walked on stage, tears pouring down my face...almost like I was "that's my baby" which is funny because she's like 13 years my senior. The tears did not stop for nearly the entire concert. It took 8 years to see her but it was well worth it.
She's so funny too! She told us about going to Oprah's big party a week or so ago, and seeing Kathleen Battle across the street (I just heard of Kathleen Battle a few months ago through randomly poking around RealRhapsody, and thought, wow, she sounds a little like Audra) and Kathleen coming over to her and saying "Nice, to meet you Debbie", thinking she was a ice skater. She also said that Shaka Kahn had no idea who she was. I'm not tell it it right, but it was so funny.
Anyway, if any of you haven't seen her yet and get the chance, I urge you to go. She's amazing. You won't me disapointed.

"This ocean runs more dark and deep than you may think you know...I'll be the fear of the fire at sea." -Marie Christine

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#1re: Audra McDonald @ SUNY Purchase
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:45am

I'm glad you had a great time! There is nothing in the world like seeing Audra for your first time!

ShuQ Profile Photo
#2re: Audra McDonald @ SUNY Purchase
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:49am

Glad you had fun...she is truly amazing.

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#3re: Audra McDonald @ SUNY Purchase
Posted: 5/23/05 at 9:21am

I was there with Alex!! It was wonderful! She said lovely things about Judy Garland which always hikes someone's respect level up for me! She's great, I really enjoyed her.


dotmarie Profile Photo
#4re: Audra McDonald @ SUNY Purchase
Posted: 5/23/05 at 9:51am

I'm so jealous! I'm still waiting for the day when I get to see her live. =) Glad you had a fun time and thanks for the post!!

