
This week's UK roundup is now up...

This week's UK roundup is now up...

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#0This week's UK roundup is now up...
Posted: 11/15/03 at 1:08pm

by Jake @


The National Theatre takes over the world whilst Jerry Springer heads nominations amid its transfer...


ps - more UK news coming on Monday! This week's UK roundup is now up...

#1re: This week's UK roundup is now up...
Posted: 11/15/03 at 2:14pm

.. and also includes quotes from Jerry Springer the Opera.

Obviously these quotes have been taken out of context from the rest of the show but I'm sure a lot of you are interested in seeing some of the controversy behind this.. so although you can't hear the music you get a brief idea of what to expect.

Be warned - contains strong language and content.
Quotes from Jerry Springer the Opera