Barbarian (2022)

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#1Barbarian (2022)
Posted: 9/10/22 at 9:57am

Saw this last night and HOOOOO-WEE was it crazy. Not at all what I expected. Topical and resonant without being ham-fisted (looking sideways at you, Bodies Bodies Bodies), funny as hell, consistently surprising without relying too heavily on twists, and - above all - actually frightening. Less about jump scares and more about leaving a number of seriously nightmarish images in your head. For the first time in a long time, I was actually afraid to go out into my hallway last night to use the bathroom.

I highly recommend it if you’re a horror fan, or if you’re into supporting comedy writer/directors as they foray into the horror genre. Barbarian is to Zach Cregger as Get Out was to Jordan Peele (although I don’t see the Academy Awards getting anywhere near this). Don’t read a single thing about it. Watch the trailer and leave it at that. The less you know, the better. I think this one will be a big sleeper hit once word of mouth catches on.

Updated On: 9/10/22 at 09:57 AM

TheGingerBreadMan Profile Photo
#2Barbarian (2022)
Posted: 9/30/22 at 8:32am

Caught this recently and looooooved it. Definitely not anything I expected it to be. I went in blind - I didn't even see the trailer - and I'm so glad. Definitely my favorite horror film so far this year (although I'm seeing Pearl tonight, and I have high hopes for that one).

Barbarian is so filled with dread and pure terror and it has really stayed with me since I saw it. The way that it almost plays like an anthology when the plot lines shift was so effective, and when the stories start coming together, it's mind-blowing. I haven't stopped thinking about it. And every performance in this film was thrilling. I loved loved loved every second of this movie.