Trevor Rush Tickets?

#1Trevor Rush Tickets?
Posted: 11/14/21 at 11:32pm

So sorry if there's already a post about this, but does Trevor off-broadway have rush tickets? Hoping to see it tomorrow or sometime this week and haven't won the lottery for it yet!

#2Trevor Rush Tickets?
Posted: 11/15/21 at 2:39am

Saw this tonight (Sunday 11/14)and really loved it. The theater was at 20% capacity. No joke. Broke my heart. Those kids are working so hard and it’s such a great and important story/message to get out there. I really hope this finds an audience!

#3Trevor Rush Tickets?
Posted: 11/15/21 at 10:16am

I was at the show yesterday. I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be a rush for this, given how little its been selling. There is a lottery. Goldstar also has some discount tickets and it has been on TDF fairly regularly. 

I really loved the show.