Selling Playbills

#1Selling Playbills
Posted: 9/8/20 at 3:31pm

Moving out of my apartment. I have a large collection of playbills to get rid of. I'm selling mystery boxes that can be shipped anywhere in the domestic US. Grab bag of recent years, vintage, and pride playbills. 12 playbills for $20 or $85 playbills for 100, though can be flexible! That's just the most I can safely fit into the USPS boxes. Please send me a PM if interested!!

#2Selling Playbills
Posted: 9/8/20 at 6:47pm

Also could do pick up if in NYC for cheaper!

#3Selling Playbills
Posted: 9/9/20 at 5:00pm

Are there duplicates?