
What's your favourite song in musical theatre?

What's your favourite song in musical theatre?

#1What's your favourite song in musical theatre?
Posted: 5/8/17 at 7:24am

BroadwayWorld writers are sharing some of their picks in our new column: https://www.broadwayworld.com/westend/article/FAVOURITE-SONGS-Days-SUNNY-AFTERNOON-20170508

Let us know yours!

#2What's your favourite song in musical theatre?
Posted: 5/27/17 at 10:27am

Such a hard one!!!!

I really like "Goodbye" and "Fly, Fly Away" from Catch Me If You Can.

I also love "If I Could Tell Her" and "For Forever" from DEH

These are just some on the top of my head. So many though!

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Cat Guy
#3What's your favourite song in musical theatre?
Posted: 5/29/17 at 1:57pm

In 1968, I was a young sailor stationed on board a U.S. Navy ship in Scotland.  One weekend, I went down to London to see "Cabaret" starring Judi Dench (as Sally Bowles) and Lila Kedrova (as Frau Schneider).  I will never forget the impact that the song "What Would You Do?", sung by Miss Kedrova, had on me.  Half a century later, perhaps because I am older and the lyrics have more personal meaning, the song still packs an emotional wallop every time I listen to it.  Definitely my favorite song in musical theatre.

Here, from the cast recording, is Miss Kedrova's version of "What Would You Do?".




Updated On: 5/29/17 at 01:57 PM

#4What's your favourite song in musical theatre?
Posted: 6/19/17 at 2:28am

One song which I find is sadly underrated/unknown is "How Many Devils" from the "Civil War "concept album. About the horrors of war, switching POVs between Confederate and Union soldiers.