
PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season- Page 3

PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#50PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 8/31/12 at 10:29am

Dmitry's dress was my favorite last night, though I was happy with Christopher. Boy, Ven is really becoming quite the jerk. Pretty dress, but it didn't look like something that could be mass-produced very easily. And I really hated Elena's dress. I thought the harness made the boobs look poochy and weird while it made the back look confusing and messy. And the bottom half was just awkward and looked ill-fitting.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#51PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 8/31/12 at 10:59am

For me, Christopher is the most talented designer. And i was shocked that Elena was not only not sent home, but in the top few with that travesty of a garment.


#52PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 8/31/12 at 12:40pm

I'm not all that impressed by Christopher, especially this design. To me it looked like that models boobs were sagging, and you stick the normal woman into that dress where she can't wear a good supportive bra and you are asking for trouble. And the raw edge treatment he loves so much just looks sloppy to me, like you are walking around with a bunch of loose threads hanging off your dress.

I also hated the final results jerking me around. I was so excited until they told Gunnar he was also in. Damn and Andrea for both leaving early, and the producers for only bringing one person back to fill the gap. That gave them this safety net, so to speak, to allow an episode with no elimination. I would have actually preferred a challenge that spanned two episodes rather than saving somebody I just don't like.

Huss417 Profile Photo
#53PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 8/31/12 at 5:24pm

I wonder why Laura Bennett hasn't posted anything the past two weeks? I do like her spin on things.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

#54PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 8/31/12 at 7:10pm

I was wondering the same thing, Huss. It's become part of my Friday afternoon routine, watch the episode on Hulu (since I cut the cable cord a year and a half ago), then go and read the blogs. Come on Laura, where have you been? I'm sure she would have had plenty to say about Ven's attitude, especially last week with the everyday woman challenge.

TxTwoStep Profile Photo
#55PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/1/12 at 12:45pm

i gotta agree on Christopher's dress this week. i think he is generally pretty good, but Heidi's comment on "washed out" was what i was thinking the whole time in workroom lead up...isn't he going to pipe that neckline/back opening and cuffs of the sleeves? then to see how POORLY the bodice was fit with pulls, gaps, and doing NOTHING for her bust...ouch. i am really liking the calm vibe Dreadlocks Lesbian puts out, and thought the bodice of her dress was right on, just not crazy about the fit of the dropped waist (it is TOUGH to do a fitted/tailored dropped waist, even on narrow hipped modelians). i thought her skirt should have been fuller and more drape-y/floaty for that "hard/soft" contrast they all STILL go on and on about. Gunnar's was just too busy for me, but after their critique i could also see how they would have trouble sending anyone packing...plus due to the double departure of Grandma Conceptual and Anime Snuggle Panda, they were on track for eliminations anyhoo. My least fave of the top four was actually Turban Wearer Rope Necklaces, because other than the asymetrical hem, it was a basic black dress...and the hem would make it hard to "accessorize" as a layered basic for day/evening. i thought Blond Blinker Girl did well, and worked that fabric as best she could, but the Lord of Lord & Taylor was VERY generous saying A) there was a L&T client base for it and B) that it could be manufactured at price point. It would take some specialty bra for sure, and most L&T girls/women would not dare that bare.

Will: They don't give out awards for helping people be gay... unless you count the Tonys. "I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life..."

#56PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/8/12 at 9:43pm

Wow, I actually agreed with almost everything the judges said this week! It's been a long time since I've done that. My one disagreement was Christopher's coat. If it had been for an individual challenge I think it would have just been a safe design, right in the middle, and not received the raves it did because they had to talk about it due to the group aspect of the challenge/judging.

I do wish the producers would stop trying to make it look like the team selection is random. There is no way that two out of three of those teams were not deliberately set up to create the best "drama."

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#57PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/9/12 at 12:20pm

Honestly, I think since they already base their casting so strongly on personality types, the random drawing for teams pretty much allows for drama in any selection.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#58PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/9/12 at 12:32pm

Normally I would agree with that, Mister Matt, but this "random" drawing was just too perfect. Gunnar and Christopher, who just happen to hate each other more than any other two people there? And the two Eastern Europeans, who also seem to act as if the other slaughtered their parents and burned their villages to the ground? I mean, I know nobody wants to work with Elena by this point, but her being "randomly" paired with Dimitri was just drama ratings gold waiting to happen.

Also, is it just me, or has this season's cast been unusually predisposed to tap dancing around the answer to the "who on your team was the weakest" question? Next time somebody starts giving the kind of response that Ven was giving I want the judges to just say "that's not what we asked, now answer the damn question or we will assume it's you."

javero Profile Photo
#59PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/9/12 at 8:54pm

I'm just now catching up with the series after parting ways with PR when it moved from Bravo.

I'm extremely fashion-challenged but can't help but agree with the ladies this season. What's up with the dudes and their obsession with Chiffon?

And obviously Ven hasn't taken a look at his own fat azz in a mirror.

Elena has a real hard on for Dmitry. They should just get a room together already.

How did Raul Osorio get cast on that show? His taste in clothing is nearly as bad as mine according to a few women in my life.

Finally, I hate embracing stereotypes but the lesbian from CA is too cool for school. She was eliminated on the the last episode that I watched. With proper financial backing for her line, she should be rolling in dough. I have a hunch she's about to tap into a very lucrative vein.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#60PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/10/12 at 10:21am

The problem I had with Alicia's designs were that they looked like amateur examples of what Kara Laricks did so brilliantly on Fashion Star (and won). Alicia probably comes up with great stuff on her own and in her own time, but on Project Runway, I didn't see a single garment from her that looked impressive at all.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

javero Profile Photo
#61PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/10/12 at 4:05pm

"Alicia probably comes up with great stuff on her own and in her own time..."

MM, as a software developer that has been an ongoing struggle of mine. I simply don't write (software or prose) well on demand.

I need sources of inspiration to produce my best work. This explains why I've spent countless hours working thru the night and over weekends to meet deadlines. Most times, I just don't feel inspired from 9 to 5 at the office and become easily distracted or pissed off at the project manager(s) who tend to lord over the team. I've been a PM myself more than once and get the friggin' metrics. There are forces within my industry who think of all software as a commodity akin to burgers at McDonalds with little room for a personal touch.

Also, I've been dealing with a snarky deputy CIO who makes Michael Kors and Nina Garcia look like saints.

I found PR very entertaining early in its run due to the parallels with software development, especially web design. And team challenges are rarely fun in either context by all appearances. While on Bravo, the emphasis seems to have been on design aesthetic, execution, time management, and the ability to collaborate. Now, personality rules; all else be damned.

I'm anxious to see if Alicia and gasp...Raul... will succeed in that industry when left to their own devices. Taste is subjective but I don't get Raul's design aesthetic.

sorry for the long post...guess I needed to vent.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

javero Profile Photo
#62PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 12:17pm

Bump b/c the queen of neuroses was finally sent packing, yippee.

And I think she should have been offed after the previous challenge for delivering a hideous majorette costume.

I'm starting to envision Christopher winning the whole enchilada provided he finds sufficient inspiration. The two remaining ladies are both headed for the loony bin.

As a non-fashion type of guy, I really like how Dimitri articulates his vision via the sketches and then goes about implementing it. Fabio seems gifted as well.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#63PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 12:31pm

That baby challenge was ridiculous. And Melissa should thank her lucky stars that the judges all lie when they say they only judge the challenge in front of them. Cause it looked like she dressed her baby in very white sandpaper.

I've always liked Christopher. Hell...I'd date Christopher. But Comrade Snape has made me laugh on more than one occasion. I can't imagine that it will be an all-boy finale (not on Lifetime), so I'm wondering which boy will be served up to the fashion gods as sacrifice?

Jane2 Profile Photo
#64PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 12:56pm

That baby challenge was indeed ridiculous. I wouldn't put my baby in any of those outfits. If I had a baby. Well, a human baby.

Christopher was my early-on favorite and I still have him in the #1 position.


Huss417 Profile Photo
#65PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 1:22pm

The baby challenge was painful. I would have just left the damn fake baby. What would the show have done to the contestant if they did? I doubt they would off them.

I loved Sonjias comment "Don't be too concerned about what Mary J. Blige is thinking." about Christopher's client. That made me laugh out loud.

The other thing I guess Laura Bennett gave up on her blog which is too bad as I like her take on things.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

#66PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 2:25pm

I think I've now given up on this season, especially now that we have the return of Wendy Pepper to look forward to in the newest All Stars season coming up. I'm sure I'll still keep up with this season, but my heart and real interest have already moved forward to late October. Wendy is going to put the smack down on all the Wendy-wannabes they are lining up alongside her (such as Ivy).

#67PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 3:07pm

"But Comrade Snape has made me laugh on more than one occasion."

LOL, me too. I'm finding him delightful.

supportivemom Profile Photo
#68PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 10:41pm

I saw Tim gunn at a Liz Claiborne fashion show at our local Dillards a few years ago. He was exactly what he appears to be on the show. Anyway, someone asked him who his least favorite contestants were. His first answer was Wendy Pepper and said he hopes he never has to see that woman again. I bet he is very unhappy that she is returning for an All-Stars season. He also said he couldn't stand- I believe her name was Victoria- she was Asian and Mr. Gunn said she had the most sour disposition.

#69PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 10:51pm

Well luckily for Tim he won't have to deal with any of the All-Stars. Joanna Coles will be serving as the designers' mentor again like she did with the first season. I actually really liked her, much as I missed Mr. Gunn. She brought a new eye to the workroom, and it was nice to see her reminding the designers about some of the things real women need in their clothes, like the ability to wear a bra (i.e. discouraging the designers from sending out backless garments week after week).

I dont' remember a sour Asian named Victoria off the top of my head, but there was Ivy during season 8 who could easily qualify as the most sour disposition. I remember Tim not seeming nearly as sorry to see her go as he does with almost every other designer. But then season 8 seemed to piss him off in general, especially with the final outcome (Gretchen winning over Mondo).

Jane2 Profile Photo
#70PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 11:28pm

This is probably not going to be a popular opinion, but I find the way Tim Gunn speaks extremely irritating. I'm looking forward to not having to hear him.


singtopher Profile Photo
#71PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 11:32pm

I actually think the final five are all quite talented. The next few episodes will be rather telling. In my view, there are no locks. All have scored and flopped before, and I don't think any of them have the confidence to carry them through at this point.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

#72PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/28/12 at 11:38pm

I would agree that the remaining five are all at the same level, not sure how I actually feel about their talent. There has been very little that has actually given me a wow moment this season. All in all it's been a disappointing season for me, especially with the even more blatant than usual producer manipulation, evident from the absurd number of team challenges (to create drama), to their blatant interference with the judging (if the judges were really truly looking at each challenge in the moment and not taking into consideration past results then Melissa should have gone home this week), to the terrible gimmicks (like the utter pointlessness of those robot babies; you could see in his eyes that Tim Gunn couldn't believe he was introducing that "surprise").

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#73PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/29/12 at 9:52am

I'm very glad little miss bitter went home.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#74PROJECT RUNWAY's newest season
Posted: 9/30/12 at 3:16pm

I'd date Christopher as well, and he's not my "type".