Wicked facts??

Wickedfanx0x0 Profile Photo
#1Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 5:45am

Hey guys, I've almost finished my Wicked project and I want to top it off with some Wicked facts, do you know any??

Musicals are my passion, the one thing I can't live without!

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#2Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 6:07am

It's crap.

Wickedfanx0x0 Profile Photo
#2Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 6:08am

erm, not what I needed...

Musicals are my passion, the one thing I can't live without!

lotiloti Profile Photo
#3Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 6:29am

Sorry, but it is crap!

jamiekennywicked Profile Photo
#4Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 6:54am

As you can see, a lot of people are stupidly immature on here.

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for but -

There's also some nice features on the show in Showbusiness: The Road to Broadway and Broadway: The American Musical.

''With the number of people I ignore, I'm lucky I work at all in this town'' - Helena Bonham Carter

Wickedfanx0x0 Profile Photo
#5Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 7:14am

Thanks so much, yh I agree, what's the point in commenting if they think that

Musicals are my passion, the one thing I can't live without!

Wickedfanx0x0 Profile Photo
#6Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 7:15am

Why is it crap then?

Musicals are my passion, the one thing I can't live without!

Nickhutson Profile Photo
#7Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 9:41am

suggest you get the Grimmerie book to pull some facts and figures from!

Nick Hutson Co-Presenter/Producer MusicalTalk - The UK's Musical Theatre Podcast http://www.musicaltalk.co.uk

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#8Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 2:51pm

Here is something you can find out for me, the 4 times I have seen this 2x London, 1x New York and 1x San Francisco on all three productions about a 1/3 of the way in from the stage over the stalls, there is a wooden beam, what is it for?

Also what does the dragon signify?

you can see the beam and dragon in the photo below.

Wicked facts??

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#9Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 4:12pm

The beam I think is just for an overall look, like they want to have the set spill more into the audience perhaps? I can't tell but is there also lighting rigs on it?

And in the novel, the dragon is hovering over the action that takes place on a pageant wagon. I think that is tied into the production because the mechanical aspect of the set comes from the idea that the Wizard who is in charge of Oz has no real powers. It's all smoke and mirrors and mechanics that give him the sense of power, then in comes Elphaba who blows that apart with her "real" magic. And I think the Dragon is almost like the "all seeing" creature in this.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

Nickhutson Profile Photo
#10Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/4/12 at 5:39pm

Yes - the whole story takes place in "The Time Dragon Clock" (it's mentioned a few times in the script) and is the working of the wizard. When sets change, you can see cogs around the proscenium arch change...

The set, in a way, is VERY similar to Eugene Lee's design for the original Sweeney Todd - which also had a very victorian industrial feel to it... a bridge that lowered... visible machinery... central trucks...

Nick Hutson Co-Presenter/Producer MusicalTalk - The UK's Musical Theatre Podcast http://www.musicaltalk.co.uk

philitalia Profile Photo
#11Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 6:46am

LOL - you say it's crap and yet you go to see it 4 times

The producers of the show will be grateful Wicked facts??

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#12Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 8:42am

Mmmm, I was thinking the same. Thats a lot of $$$$$ to see crap!

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#13Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 11:56am

It would be insular, remiss and discourteous of me to say Wicked is crap, had to go back 3 more times just to make sure.

funnily enough there might be a 5th offering on the way, my two cousins are coming up from Cornwall, both girls 14 and 16 in the summer holidays, they have never been to the theatre before, as all teenage girls seemed to be wooed by Wicked, I thought this will be fair cop and a good first experience?

Anyone know any goods seats in the Victoria Apollo that are exceptional good value.

zyx987 Profile Photo
#14Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 1:04pm

Side stalls are pretty good, especially the ones in green on theatremonkey. If I was a repeat viewer I'd get G38 everytime. You miss very little.

turquoisefish Profile Photo
#15Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 1:07pm

I agree with the vote for the side stalls, I think they are £22.50 on Saturdays, a bit less in the week. You miss a little at the back but amazing view for everything else.

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#16Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 1:30pm

Firstly turquoisefish and zyx985, thank you for your help, this is very much welcome and appreciated.

So these seats, i will see 99% of the show and still see most of the show?

turquoisefish Profile Photo
#17Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 2:06pm

If I'm going on my own, which I have been known to do, I go for B36. You are so close to all the action that it doesn't matter what you miss. I really can't remember what you do miss but so much of the action is at the front of the stage it really is minimal.
I am taking 3 kids for what will be (I think) their first west end show and I have booked them D38-D40 and I have E40 just behind them.
When the same price alternative is the rear of the massive circle (which still has a good but distant view) I'd go for these every time. This chart shows all the prices http://www.theatremonkey.com/APOLLOVICTORIAstMAP.htm

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#18Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 3:49pm

Thanks again for that.

The B36 I guess is either £15 or £62.50, hard to tell as the shade of purple looks similar, but I bet and hope it is £15. D38-D40 looks to be good seats. Do you do what I do and if seats are empty that are better, shift along?

Has anyone else bought day seats for Wicked and sat anywhere else in the auditorium apart from the already allocated front row?

looking forward to taking my cousins up, plan to see Billy Elliot, Ghost and maybe Matilda, look to do as much as possible on day tickets.

turquoisefish Profile Photo
#19Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/5/12 at 4:03pm

Yes, B36 is £15 (on weekdays). The times I have sat there it has been too full to shuffle along. I have been in day seats on a very quiet day and they beckoned everyone to move to the middle as it was so empty 5 minutes before curtain!

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#20Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/6/12 at 1:20am

If you are going back I think it's safe to say that there is SOMETHING about WICKED that makes you okay with going to see it again :P

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#21Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/6/12 at 5:59am

All my Wicked visits have been sort of 'accidents'.

First time was New York, I planned this one, I was sitting high in the Balcony at the Gershwin Theater, right next to the safety rail, overlooking the audience below, I hate heights and loud explosions, so I thought there was going to be a loud bang and I would jump so much, because of my vertigo, that I would fall over the side, I ended up having a horrible panic attack.

Second time, I thought I give it another go with 'get into London theatre' and bagged a ticked for 35.

Third time, my mum invited me, as a coach party was going down and tickets were only 35 again including coach, so too good to turn down. Also money was going to be raised from that trip, to go to a local special needs school.

Fourth time, I was in San Francisco and all what was on was Wicked and In The Heights, so naturally I saw both shows and had the added bonus of seeing the Orpheum Theater.

When I say something is 'crap' or it is wasn't any good, doesnt mean I didn't enjoy myself when I went, I can still enjoy the performances, several songs from Wicked are excellent, it is a excellent spectacle, however the 'Winnie Holzman' book is a mess and is incoherent and confusing in places, with a dragon that hangs over the set and doesn't enhance the story in any way, which makes it being there very baffling. Also when I am negative about a show, it also can mean I disagree with the longevity of the show has run when a lot more worthy shows have closed down, that were a lot better and deserved a decent run.

However this doesn't stop me from respecting how well Wicked has been recieved and has made it as a global mega product and it was the first show to target teenagers as it's main demographic and succeeded.

Wicked is now a established tourist attraction in London and will be playing here for years to come!

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#22Wicked facts??
Posted: 3/7/12 at 12:07am

^I wish people on here would put their thoughts as well as you do into comments. Or at least respect other shows they may not like. Like I despise Lion King but I can respect it for what it is.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."