
Parade or Songs for a New World?- Page 2

Parade or Songs for a New World?

#25re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/3/06 at 11:17pm

SporkGoddeess - Thanks for the examples! Interesting stuff indeed. I can see how some things would have needed to be overemphasized and changed for the sake of drama. I too have always been fascinated by this story. I saw the photo of Leo Frank after he was hung, and I must admit it was quite shocking. It brought a realism to the story that hadn't existed for me before. It makes sense, too, that antisemitism wouldn't have been as big a player as the musical presents....I think the vilinization of Leo Frank (however small it was) was the result of many other factors, with antisemitism playing a smaller part. Thanks for the info. I'll look forward to future discussion!

#26re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/3/06 at 11:34pm

No problem! I shall look forward to it as well re: Parade or Songs for a New World?

I think what's interesting about it to me is how everything went wrong. Everything was botched: the investigation, the autopsy, the trial... you name it.

Parade does a good job of showing the class issue--many people did resent Leo Frank for employing "child labor." Mary Phagan represented the epitome of southern girlish innocence, and Frank was seen as ruining that innocence. So I guess it wasn't much of a stretch for them to think that he'd ruined her innocence in that other way, too. Also, Parade doesn't really show this, but racism against blacks played a role too. No one thought Conley, a black man, would be smart enough to make up and remember his complicated affidavit. And Frank's lawyers didn't think that a black man's word would ever be taken over a white man's, so they were overconfident and didn't try as hard as they should have.

Oh man, I've seen a lot of photos of the lynching and it always gets to me. There's one where you can make out where the face is and stuff... gah. What REALLY gets me are the photos from earlier, like when Leo Frank was a kid or pictures of him and his friends at college... I also recently found online pictures of the historical sites as they are today: various houses, the old location of the National Pencil Factory, the lynching site (an office stands there now but there's a plaque on it that says "Wrongfully accused, falsely convicted, wantonly murdered" (I might be off on some of the wording, too lazy to look it up.) I am dying to go to Atlanta and Marietta someday to see this stuff for myself!

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 2/3/06 at 11:34 PM

#27re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/3/06 at 11:42pm

This story definitley suggests that truth is stranger than fiction. It's amazing to discover the things that have actually happened in our history. I think the dark subject matter of the musical was perhaps why it didn't run for very long. I think it's unfortute that the production didn't recieve more acclaim. The score got the recognition it deserved, but since it didn't run for very long, the regional productions of this musical are extremely few and far between. Did you see it in New York?
Updated On: 2/3/06 at 11:42 PM

#28re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/3/06 at 11:50pm

It's a very bitter story, actually... I didn't discover this musical until last year, in 2005. I don't live anywhere near New York City so I wouldn't have gotten to see it on Broadway, but I found out that the US tour came to a local theatre in 2000. I was so upset! If only I had known about it back then! But I also think that, well, I was younger then... maybe it wouldn't have had such significance for me.

I'm hoping to see a local production someday, if one ever happens... though frankly the thought of high schools doing it makes me laugh. Imagine a parent coming to see a happy little high school show and getting the story of a lynching. XD

However, I did shell out money for the complete libretto and I've read it several times. I actually got it after I went crazy mad about the case and did all sorts of reading on it, which is why the changes/inaccuracies stood out for me so much... I actually think that Parade's libretto is its weak spot (not the song lyrics but the talking ones) and most people have said so as well.

Still, like I said, work of genius. When I got the OBC from the library I put off listening to it because it sounded so darn depressing. Finally I put it on just to get it over with... and, well, I was hooked right at "The Old Red Hills of Home." You know when you put on a cast recording and you know from the beginning that you're in for something amazing? It was so like that for me. re: Parade or Songs for a New World? And like I said, I cried so hard at the end. I don't think I've ever cried so hard over a recording before.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#29re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/4/06 at 12:12am

Me too. I was hooked right away. I was doing summerstock, and some fellow cast mates played me an exerpt in the car. You know the court room scene when Conley sings his song about "Watch the door" and "That's what he said." I was floored. I thought it was so gritty, and dialogue driven, but catchy and dramatic too. Jason Robert Brown is a great composer. Anyway, I immediately borrowed the CD and listened to it all summer. Had to give it back to them before I left. Then I bought it the day I got back. It's still one of my favorite scores.

#30re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/4/06 at 12:28am

Being a GA citizen myself, it's really sad to see how not many people don't know about this musical around here. Not many productions do it at all. I wish it had a bigger name because I think it's really cool to have a musical set entirely in GA. I have been hooked on this musical recently and I just adore it so much. I am trying to convince my hometown community theatre to put it up because not many people know about the show, but we all know about the Leo Frank story thanks to GA History class in Jr. High. Yey for JRB!!!

"Have a child for warmth and a baker for bread and a prince for... whatever!"

#31re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/4/06 at 1:04am

Hehe, I have a friend from Georgia who was astounded to learn that there was a musical set in Atlanta. Part of Miss Saigon is set there, too, actually!

The only way we'll have a show set in Wisconsin is if they make a Happy Days musical or something XD

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#32re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/4/06 at 1:07am

There actually is a "Happy Days" musical. It's been running here in LA for a while now. I think it plays at a place called "The Falcon Theatre" (owned by Gary Marshall, go figure). They have been workshopping and developing it for a move to a bigger venue. They even got a star to play Richie. I think it was Joey McIntire.

Congrats, a musical set in Wisconsin.

#33re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/4/06 at 1:58am

Oh my God... you have made my day! That is AWESOME!

I guess I won't have to write Cows! the Musical after all, now. re: Parade or Songs for a New World?

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Jud Faginsky
#34re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/4/06 at 4:14pm

Thanks Spork. This was a really interesting thread. Oney's book sounds really interesting. I'll put it on my list of things to read (an ever growing list).

Jud Faginsky
#35re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/26/06 at 11:29pm

bump, to readers of the Parade and Leo Frank thread.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#36re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/26/06 at 11:31pm

Songs for a New World is more similar sounding to L5Y than Parade. I probably listen to Songs... more, as more songs fit out of context, but I think Parade is a better score. And any recording with Carolee Carmello on it is worth having.

C is for Company
#37re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/26/06 at 11:38pm

What happened to Governor Slaton towards the end of the show?-for anyone who has seen the show

NYUstud Profile Photo
#38re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 12:27am

Well I have been in the show, and Gov. Slaton, historically goes into exile and actually moves North to escape the threats against his life due to his letting Leo Frank serve life, instead of death. In the show during "Where Will You Stand When the Flood Comes?" he leaves when the crowds present danger after he gives his speech in that number!

"So much of me is made of what I learned from you. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart."-Wicked

C is for Company
#39re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 12:52am

Oh wow. That sucks, he is one of the only likeable characters with any sense. I guess thats how things go in history...thanks for the reply

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#40re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 12:59am

U guys are AWESOME
PARADE is a landmark musical!
I saw it a Rainey Sunday afternoon
and mostly knew JRB as a rehearsal pianist
From the first number to the last I was dewey eyed
One of the best things Harold Prince did it he Last 10 Years
He did enough to relax
But PARADE is full of amazing things
Jessica Molarsky!
So many great people
I like it so much I think it could be added to some Opera Reps.

U guys made me put it back on my CD player

#41re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 1:24am

Did Jessica Molaskey ever go on as Lucille?

lilprima2b Profile Photo
#42re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 2:00am

I am a brand-new JRB fan... I got The Last 5 Years last Sunday, and by Tuesday I had all 3 shows. He is AWESOME. His music is absolutely stunning. The lyrics are a little iffy, but there's enough poignancy in there to make up for the crap. I like L5Y best, but I can't decide between the other two. I like Parade for its story (and it made me cry!), but Ty Taylor is in SFANW, and... I love him. I saw in twice in We Will Rock You (Vegas) and he's just awesome.

"Sawyer, you're going out a youngster, but you've got to come back a star!"

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#43re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 10:04am

I'm currently doing a production at SUNY Dutchess of "Songs for a New World." We open this Friday, and it runs the weekend. Friday, March 3 and Sat. March 4 at 8 pm and Sunday, the 5, at 2pm. If anyone lives in the area, please feel free to check it out...or email me with any questions! re: Parade or Songs for a New World? Shameless plug, right there!!!


uncageg Profile Photo
#44re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 10:32am

I am listening to Songs for a New World as I type this at my desk!

Just give the world Love.

dotvmike Profile Photo
#45re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 11:58am

Parade I think is better than Songs for a New World, but thats just my opinion.

keatonbynumbers Profile Photo
#46re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 12:08pm

Parade is a masterpiece, IMHO. JRB's finest work and definitely one of my favorite musicals of all time, ever. There are a handful of songs that can bring me to tears just by thinking of them. (No, I'm probably exaggerating. But.) It was the first show I ever saw my lovely Carolee in, too, so it's memorable for that alone.

You can't go wrong with SFANW, though. I think it might be more accessible because it isn't a book musical, you know, so the songs stand on their own. But in the long run, Parade is better.

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#47re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 12:53pm

I prefer listening to Parade, but the music Songs For a New World has much emotional depth. Each of the songs can stand alone, something i admire highly about the piece.

Unmasked05 Profile Photo
#48re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 1:54pm

After reading what all of you guyz said I went out this morning and got PARADE and I almost bought "Songs for A New World" but something told me to get PARADE and I did and it sounds GREAT so far.

Facebook...ME !!!

keatonbynumbers Profile Photo
#49re: Parade or Songs for a New World?
Posted: 2/27/06 at 1:57pm

I mean, if you've listened to "You Don't Know This Man" or "This Is Not Over Yet" already, then you totally understand why it's amazing. :)