
Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman

Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#1Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/21/10 at 9:28pm

Note to self... never lie to get laid in Israel. Especially if I'm an Arab.

An Israeli man of Arab descent has been convicted of rape after allegedly duping a Jewish woman into having consensual sex with him.

30-year-old Sabbar Kashur was sentenced to 18 months in prison on Monday after a Jerusalem court ruled he was guilty of rape by deception. According to the complaint filed by the woman, Kashur, an Arab living in East Jerusalem, introduced himself in September 2008 as a Jewish bachelor seeking a serious relationship.

After the two met outside of a local grocery store, they had consensual sex shortly thereafter in a nearby building. When she found out that Kashur was Arab and not Jewish, the woman filed a criminal complaint for rape and indecent assault. Those claims were later changed to a formal charge of rape by deception as the result of a plea bargain arrangement.

Seriously. This really happened.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#2Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/21/10 at 10:10pm

Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman

Shalom, meydele. What's your rush?

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/21/10 at 10:24pm

I dated a guy for three months once who shaved ten years off his age. Can I accuse him of rape?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#3Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 12:36am

If this woman is so concerned about religion, why was she having sex with a man she just met?

Does Israel have a Supreme Court? I hope they appeal and his lawyer points out that this provides precedent that could cause basically every man in the country to be convicted of rape.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#4Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 12:47am

Girl, every man in the world!

I don't judge anyone who meets and decides they needed to get it on right then and there. But yeah, I'm generally less inclinded to care about you religion or politcal leanings if it's a "hey, nice to meet you, k, it's ON!" kinda thing than if it's some fancy dinner date.

Yes, I'm Chance
#5Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 1:37am

Stone the bitch for being a whore.

#6Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 3:20am

Does Israel have a Supreme Court? I hope they appeal and his lawyer points out that this provides precedent that could cause basically every man in the country to be convicted of rape.

Yes, Israel has a Supreme Court, and a pretty powerful one by most standards. And if the appellate system in Israel has any sense it'll overturn this appalling and ridiculous conviction, but...

It's worth noting that this case doesn't necessarily set precedent that would make any lying to get sex a rape offense. You can interpret precedent cases as broadly or as narrowly as you want. A broad reading of this one would be that if you lie about anything to get sex, you can be convicted of rape. A narrower reading would be that if you lie about yourself to get sex, it's rape. A narrower reading still (and a totally crazy one) would be that lying about your religious or ethnic group in order to get sex is grounds for a rape conviction. There are probably a bunch of other creative interpretations that could technically work, as well.

Or this case could just be ignored altogether, overturned implicitly if not explicitly. The common law system provides for a lot of possible outcomes.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#7Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 11:44am

"After the two met outside of a local grocery store, they had consensual sex shortly thereafter in a nearby building."

A nearby building? That makes the encounter sound so trashy.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#8Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 11:48am

I think it's great that straight people are cruising the supermarket. It's very book one of "Tales of the City." I just think it's horrifying that they've ruled that he raped her. When she consented.

Thanks for your insight, Plum. It's this part down the slippery slope - " A narrower reading would be that if you lie about yourself to get sex, it's rape" - that totally gives me the willies.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#9Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 1:38pm

Was it a circumcision thing?

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"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#10Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 1:55pm


"He said he would marry me!"
"He said they were separated!"
"He said he wore a condom!"
"He said he would pull out!"
"He said he was a doctor, but he's just an X-ray tech!"

Rape- all of them.

A narrower reading would be that if you lie about yourself to get sex, it's rape.

The prosecution claims it's solely because he lied about being married, but every man who lies about his relationship status to cheat is a very broad category.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#11Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 2:00pm

Could a man similarly charge a woman for rape if she lied for sex, or is this a one-way street in Israel?

#12Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 2:03pm

Phyllis I resent that you are airing our "dirty Laundry" on this board! I TOLD you I was 48. It's not my fault you were moaning so loud you misunderstood.

Well now that I read that back, I guess it was.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#13Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 2:24pm

Heh. Trust me, you don't want to compare yourself to him. He turned out to be a total waste of time.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#14Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 6:11pm

Why did I think all along he was convicted for lying about his ethnicity?

According to this CNN article, he wasn't convicted of lying and posing as a Jew.

He was convicted of lying and posing as SINGLE.


Dana Pugach of the Noga Legal Center for Victims of Crime:

"As for this particular case, it is not the fact that he was an Arab and claimed to be Jewish. The court emphasized the fact that he claimed to be single while he was married, which would be relevant in the context of a romantic relationship."
Israeli Palestinian man to appeal rape-by-deception conviction

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#15Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 8:43pm

Yes, but would she have charged and the courts convicted a man who merely lied about his marital status if he weren't Arab? This is only the second time this charge has been used, and there is no way this is the only the second time a married man has lied about being single for a casual hookup.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#16Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 8:51pm

Yes, but would she have charged and the courts convicted a man who merely lied about his marital status if he weren't Arab?

Far be it from me to try to give any definite answer to that question, but let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. However, you never know. Over-zealous prosecutors and dingbat judges can strike anywhere. Maybe they're just being idiots rather than racists.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#17Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 8:54pm

So theoretically a man could charge a woman with rape by deception if she, for example, lied about her age? Or marital status?

I truly find this fascinating (and appalling).

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#18Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 8:58pm

Why did I think all along he was convicted for lying about his ethnicity?

Cause that's what the Huffington Post said?

It's even more f*cked up if it's because he said he was single.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#19Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 9:03pm

Criminal law rarely applies to minor lies, like dyed hair or a changed name," said Dana Pugach of the Noga Legal Center for Victims of Crime. "But it would apply to the more meaningful lies," she said.

I'm guessing, Reg, that lying about your age would fall into the dyed hair/changed name category.

You'd think this would be a win for Palestinian/Israeli relations. The sex part. Not the convicted of rape part.
Updated On: 7/22/10 at 09:03 PM

StockardFan Profile Photo
#20Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 9:10pm

This whole story is totally bizarre to me.


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#21Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 9:12pm

Watch the video. That Dana Pugach isn't quoted correctly in the text version.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#22Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 9:14pm

I'll watch it when my son goes to bed. He's sitting right next to me.


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#23Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 9:18pm

Well, I was directing that everyone. I don't think it's a misquote so much as her saying something different, but her exact words in the video are "He did say he was single when he was married and actually the court decision emphasized much more the fact that he claimed to be single than the fact that he claimed to be Jewish." That quote seems to reaffirm that the deception about implying he was Jewish did have something to do with it.
Updated On: 7/22/10 at 09:18 PM

StockardFan Profile Photo
#24Arab Man Convicted Of Rape After Posing As Jew To Seduce Woman
Posted: 7/22/10 at 9:25pm

She's still a hoochie mama.

