
DOWNTON ABBEY Season 4 Discussion Thread - SPOILERS WITHIN- Page 4

DOWNTON ABBEY Season 4 Discussion Thread - SPOILERS WITHIN

NYadgal Profile Photo
#75DOWNTON ABBEY Season 4 Discussion Thread - SPOILERS WITHIN
Posted: 2/25/14 at 12:45pm

EDIT: One other nitpicky point ... After they jumped eight months to 1923, and Edith already had the baby ... I didn't like that she was still reacting (and whimpering and sobbing) about her fiancé as if she were suddenly just now getting used to the idea that he might not come back. It seemed to be dawning on her as a new thought, which may have worked if EIGHT MONTHS hadn't passed, her baby born, etc. It just seemed like someone (the director) forgot to remind the actress that a lot of time has passed for her to deal with the idea that he might not return. It's fine for her to get emotional about it, but it shouldn't come across as a brand new thought. It felt very false (and inappropriate) as a reaction.

I had a very different reaction to it. I felt that her storyline seemed very real, and the passage of time made the unknown - and loss - even more painful, as she now had to deal with the loss of both her love and her child. Eight months isn't that long, especially having just given birth to a child she wanted to love but had to give up.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#76DOWNTON ABBEY Season 4 Discussion Thread - SPOILERS WITHIN
Posted: 2/25/14 at 12:53pm

Maggie Smith's face in her final shot last night was heartbreaking (after being told her way of life would soon be a thing of the past). A very haunting moment.

Actually, she seemed to be having a little distress before that moment. While watching that scene I kept expecting her to collapse or something. I recall reading/hearing that Maggie Smith would like her character killed off eventually. That was on my mind while watching that scene.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#77DOWNTON ABBEY Season 4 Discussion Thread - SPOILERS WITHIN
Posted: 2/25/14 at 1:01pm

"In terms of episode length, at the televisionwithoutpity.com message boards, there are several comments about specific scenes and lines that weren't in the UK broadcast version. We'll see what the DVDs are like. In terms of episode length, at the televisionwithoutpity.com message boards, there are several comments about specific scenes and lines that weren't in the UK broadcast version. We'll see what the DVDs are like. "

I don't doubt what you read, I'd just like to hear specifics. I watched about four episodes with my Grandma from PBS, and while I watched the Uk broadcast back in the Fall, I certainly noticed nothing. The actual episode lengths seem to be exactly the same too from doing a quick comparison.

best12bars Profile Photo
#78DOWNTON ABBEY Season 4 Discussion Thread - SPOILERS WITHIN
Posted: 3/2/14 at 8:25am

I just couldn't resist ...

Sorry, Lady Edith, but I find it funny ...

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
