
Active school shooting at Texas campus.- Page 3

Active school shooting at Texas campus.

#50Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 2:50pm

Yep. People are going to shoot up schools and people are going to be killed. Oh well, nothing we can do. Small price to pay to venerate an amendment.


You argued with great fervor that we can't possibly offer food support or welfare to hungry, destitute mothers because DAMN IT YOUR FRIEND GAMED THE SYSTEM AND GOT FOOD STAMPS WHEN THEY SHOULDN'T. Didn't you?


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#51Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 2:55pm

Yes, people die, and the new laws aren't going to stop that from happening, people die every day in Chicago from guns and they have the strictest gun laws in the country, how do you explain that?

Because nationally gun laws vary and Illinois has an open border with the rest of the country?

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#52Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 2:55pm

Abby...why not tell us how many mass shootings Norway had in the past 10 years.
In Norway (and other countries with strict gun regulation) mass shootings are an anomaly. Here they are status quo.

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#53Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 3:30pm

Did you not read my post about Norway? Norway has the highest rate of gun ownership in Western Europe, and the lowest crime rates. They have had one really bad shooting in recent years. The gun regulations there aren't as strict as you think.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#54Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 3:38pm

According to Abby's own link, gun regulation in Norway is categorized as "restrictive" while in the US it is categorized as "permissive."

Updated On: 1/23/13 at 03:38 PM

Wynbish Profile Photo
#55Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 3:39pm

Abby, what's your favorite play?

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#56Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 3:41pm

I have already answered that in another thread wynbish, if you really want to know you can go back and find it.

#57Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 3:45pm

Abby you are flat out wrong about Norway having "permissive" gun laws!

Guns are strictly regulated and if you own a gun IT MUST be stored in a locked gun safe and police have the right to enter your home at any time and verify it's secured.

And gun ownershipin Norway is HALF what it is in the USA Updated On: 1/23/13 at 03:45 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#58Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 3:46pm

Wrong Abby. In Norway there is a total ban on automatic weapons for civilians. Modification of guns is a federal crime. Even hand gun calibre is restricted. They also have very strict gun storage laws.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#59Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 3:49pm

Abby, what's your favorite Golden Age musical?

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#60Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:06pm

Yes, AUTOMATIC weapons. You're an idiot. Automatic weapons are impossible to get in the US too. I'm not talking about automatic weapons. But you sound like another one of the genius's on here who doesn't know the difference between automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Not surprising.

And joe did you not read the link I posted? 26% of civilians in Norway own guns. I'm not saying the gun laws are as lenient as they are here, but they still have the highest percentage of gun ownership in Eastern Europe and they have the least amount of crime. They rank 11th in private gun ownership percentage.

"Because nationally gun laws vary and Illinois has an open border with the rest of the country?"

When they banned handguns in chicago crime went up. Why? Because law abiding citizens weren't allowed to have them anymore so only the criminals had them. That's what's going to happen to the rest of the US too.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#61Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:08pm

What's your take on your link saying that Norway's gun control laws are restrictive to the US's permissive gun laws? Does that mean you agree that more gun control restrictions are the answer?

SNAFU Profile Photo
#62Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:09pm

Abby you fcuking moron, where has ANYONE said they wanted handguns to be taken away. Pull your head from your ass, wipe the **** from your eyes and read!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#63Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:10pm

So, if hammers are way more dangerous, why do gun owners care so much about owning guns and just buy more hammers instead?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#64Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:20pm

I just saw this on facebook, it turns out the connecticut shooter probably didn't even use the AR-15, he only used hand guns. Hmmm, maybe all this uproar about "assault" rifles has been total BS. I know how much you guys like MSNBC so you should believe it. They jumped on the chance to make rifles look like killing machines and turned out to be wrong. I know if it was only fox reporting this you wouldn't believe it, but maybe since it's not, you might actually believe it. The media jumped on the fact that an AR-15 was found, but not used in the attack at all. It was in his car.


And no phyllis, I'm just saying you keep saying europe has really strict gun laws and very little crime, but the country in europe with the most guns has the least amount of crime. And what about Russia? Very strict gun laws but they have an extremely high homicide rate.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#65Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:21pm

Abby is a good example of how No Child Left Behind has destroyed education in the US. Absolutely no critical thinking skills.

AbbyNormal13 Profile Photo
#66Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:27pm

If you think I'm stupid because of my education you can thank my liberal high school teachers for that. So thank you, you just blamed the reason you think I'm so stupid on people like yourselves.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#67Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:36pm

This thread is ridiculous.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#68Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 4:44pm

Active school shooting at Texas campus.

No, this is ridiculous.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#69Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 5:15pm

Read the Troll Moratorium thread. Do not engage the troll. Ignore them.

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#70Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 5:23pm

Abby. I'm not even going to argue with you anymore because as other's have pointed out time after time, you are a troll. Plain and simple. This is a theater board. Have you ever really posted anything in the Broadway message boards? No. The only time you raise your sh*t stained hand is when something political is brought up that you happen to have SO much knowledge about (that's sarcastic by the way.)
The point is, we have far too many mass shootings in this country. Britain had ONE shooting, and they learned from that event and moved forward as a nation to make gun laws restrictive. Have they had a mass shooting since? Nope.

So I raise this question to you Abby. And rather then go on and on about how your "facts" prove everything everyone on here has said (most of the time backed up with substantial REAL facts,) I ask you to just answer this question.

How can we stop mass shootings from happening? What measures do you propose to cut down on the number of people (over 10,000 a year) killed in this nation by guns?

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

~tiny~ Profile Photo
#71Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 5:27pm

Fingerlakes is ABBY. No doubt. Everybody else, good work!!

"Anyone who isn't confused really doesn't understand the situation" ~~ Edward R. Murrow

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#72Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 5:29pm

How the hell did you figure it out!?? I thought I was being discreet!

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#73Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 5:31pm

The best way to avoid arguing with a troll is to not ask it any questions. Especially those you know it won't answer.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#74Active school shooting at Texas campus.
Posted: 1/23/13 at 5:34pm

Hmm. True.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."
