
Summer TV Finales That Are Worth Watching

Summer TV Finales That Are Worth Watching

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#1Summer TV Finales That Are Worth Watching
Posted: 9/11/19 at 11:52am

Two TV shows I'm disappointed didn't get more love, here: Songland and So You Think You Can Dance. Both have their season finales this week and next.

Songland has its finale tonight (9/11/19 @ 9PM/8PM CST) on NBC. I've LOVED this series because it shows a (usually) unseen process that begins with songwriters demo-ing their songs for an artist, and three additional professional collaborators. The process continues with the collaborators working with selected songwriters (chosen by the artist, after their 'audition'Summer TV Finales That Are Worth Watching to tailor their songs to fit the artist. The final songwriters then demo their re-tooled songs for the artist, and the artist selects which song will be recorded. 

I found the process VERY interesting and enjoyable!

So You Think You Can Dance has its finale this Monday (9/16/19 @ 8PM/7PM CST) on FOX. It always surprises me that this show never gets a thread each summer (especially over a show like Big Brother), but each to his/her own...

The finale is worth watching because each judge selects their favorite routine (the show chooses to call them 'routines' instead of something a little more estimable) to reprise. This season has had some INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL choreography, and the talent has been exceptional.

Many of these dancers show up in subsequent Broadway shows, and alumni of previous seasons return to the show as All-Stars and choreographers. Two of my favorites are Robert Roldan and Travis Wall. It's hard for me to pick one dancer I would want to win because they have all been exceptionally talented.

...and just FTR, I think Cat Deeley never gets enough love from the Emmys as host. She is so beautiful, and warm, and personable (at least she LOOKS that way on TV!). wink

Even if you don't, or haven't watched the whole series, the finale of SYTYCD is always an amazing showcase of dance, and dancers.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Summer TV Finales That Are Worth Watching
Posted: 9/11/19 at 10:09pm

I love SYTYCD. Watch it religiously but I was terribly disappointed in the format, the imbalance between auditions and the actual live show makes it hard to get involved. I believe this was the 2nd year of only a top 10 making the live show. Its barely enought time to get to know them.

Ive never heard of the other show you mentioned.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

David10086 Profile Photo
#3Summer TV Finales That Are Worth Watching
Posted: 9/15/19 at 11:01am

I stuck with the summer series "Grand Hotel" only because just about every episode had a shirtless scene of hot actor Lincoln Younes.The camera loved panning his body slowly from his shoulders to his waist - and I didn't mind one bit.   And he was talented too! Who knew?

Aside from Younes, the other talented star on the show was Roselyn Sanchez, who could've easily been cast in 'The Cher Show' playing Cher in the 70s. She added some comical relief in the show.

What distracted from the show was the cliched storylines and characters. I mean do we really need the 'twins' being the Miami Kardashians ? 

The season finale was a 'snooze', and from what I've read the ratings didn't take off. So who knows if it will return next summer on ABC. 

There's always hope Younes will make it to B'way, though - maybe in that revival of 'Take Me Out' ? One can hope. 

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#4Summer TV Finales That Are Worth Watching
Posted: 9/15/19 at 3:58pm


There was a series called Platinum Hit hosted by Jewel and Kara DioGuardi back in 2011 that I really enjoyed but unfortunately it only lasted one season.  I enjoyed Songland this season and hope it gets renewed.  I just wish they would spend a bit more time on the actual creative process of writing a good song.

I have been a longtime fan of SYTYCD but I found myself saying that I am going to skip the audition part next year and strictly tune into the dancing when the competition begins. Way too much time spent on the auditions and "package" stories vs. choreographed pieces.  And I completely agree with you that Cat should get more love from the Emmy's. She has been and continues to be a great host.  I thought the judges panel was way above average this year as well.   

I am rooting for Mariah but think that Bailey will be crowned the winner.
