
All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)- Page 6

All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#125All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/26/13 at 4:15pm

Tuc Watkins came out add a single, gay dad.

In other news, fish swim.

Any news on him coming back? Vickers is still married to Dorian right? It would be weird for them not to be together, unless Vickers is still shooting his movie. I just remembered the Moroccan prison storyline. Ha!

StockardFan Profile Photo
#126All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/26/13 at 4:53pm

I thought Vickerman was already finished? Didn't they go to a screening or something?


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#127All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 5:08am

Yes, that turned out to be Nate and that character who lasted two seconds' porno (which was a very funny scene, but the actual porn story was a weird mess--were we meant to feel bad that these fresh out of high school kids were essentially blackmailed into porn? yet it was treated like comedy?) They made some quips about a flop Vickerman 2 on General Hospital this past year. But yes, David is bac. I'm glad he finally came out--though I don't thin he ever really hid the fact he was gay (Tuc I mean, not David.) Still, the tv network soap opera world really discouraged actors to come out (just like Hollywood I guess, but with soaps there's even more of a belief that the horny midwestern housewives would never watch a gay actor play straight)--so it's nice that online they don't seem to care.

I do hope they make David a bit less of the buffoon he was the last few years--I prefered him in the 90s when he was comic relief but had more of an edge.

I had a feeling KA might be a recast Serena Baldwin on GH. I dunno, I still think GH doesn't really need the actors on in new roles--at least not all three, the show already has a bunch of characters they barely have time to feature, as is.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#128All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 3:08pm

I forgot about the porn thing. That was pretty disgusting.

What was the movie called again? Hold the Pepperoni or something?


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#129All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 3:41pm

Hold the diploma>? I think the joke was Austin Peck's character had a series of Hold the... porn films. Of course it still looked like one of the classier porn shoots I could imagine with fancy lingerie. Anyway--a mess of a story.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#130All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 4:59pm

I think there was one of them called Hold the Pepperoni though. Ridiculous. And then the guy wanted to produce Starr's music. How was he qualified to do that?


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#131All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 5:15pm

Yes, one of them was called that. I dunno--writer Ron Carlivati tends to have a soft spot for characters like that so used any excuse to keep him on (for a while he was trying to move the character to GH lol.)

In odd news, Michael Nader is coming back as Dimitri for an episode. I'm not sure, with Erica not back on AMC yet, who he has ties to, though he was close with Bianca as a kid--and had a short relationship with Brooke. I loved Dimitri, but I hope Michael has overcome his addiction issues that caused him to be firing--he hasn't been looking great.

And a short clip with Thorston Kaye and Erika Slezak including a scene with a *shock* swear word http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ss4QvHkpjs&feature=player_embedded

StockardFan Profile Photo
#132All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 7:33pm

So we can watch anytime after 5 am the day of the show? Cool!

And thank God they didn't bring that dude to GH. He was creepy.


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#133All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:06pm

Yep they are uploaded to Hulu at 2am PST, 5am EST--and will remain there for two weeks (pay members on Hulu+ apparnetly can watch old episodes indefinitely.)

StockardFan Profile Photo
#134All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:38pm

I'm actually starting to get excited!


Playbilly Profile Photo
#135All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:46pm

Tuc/Vickers comedy is excruciating. Ruined Dorian's character and Strasser was reduced to ridiculous story lines.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#136All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 5:14am

I woke up early to watch AMC- I checked at 4:45am and it was up on Hulu already, so maybe you won't have to wait until 5am everyday.

It was weird seeing it again, like going to a high school reunion and taking a minute to remember names and faces. I haven't followed any of the news leading up to this and just assumed that Lucci would be involved. I have to say it's terribly disappointing not to see her in that episode, but Angie, Jesse, Opal, Brooke and Adam were great to see.

Overall I liked it, but they've got to get Ms. Kane back to Pine Valley!

Edit: I just finished OLTL and it. was. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!

I loved every second of it. That brilliant mix of genuine emotion and camp that OLTL does so well. Plots were set into motion and it was so, so good to see Viki and Dorian again.

I didn't feel so distant from these characters though, like I felt with the AMC ones. Maybe because of their stints on GH, but it feels like things just never ended.

I can't wait until tomorrow!!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
Updated On: 4/29/13 at 05:14 AM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#137All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 10:50am

Hulu is a pay site, right? I never went on it. And is that the only way to see the soap?


WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#138All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 10:57am

Hulu has a lot of free content, but you can get a membership called Hulu Plus for $7.99/month. The membership gives you access to all content and all past episodes of shows.

I think you can watch the episodes for free on Hulu, but after so many days the episode only becomes available to plus customers. If you want to watch for free you will have to not slack on viewing, but since each ep is only 27 minutes that isn't so difficult. I have a membership and love the site. (I believe the commercials are shorter with a membership too.)

If even a tiny bit of the membership fee goes to the soaps, or shows a sign of support that there are people who want to watch them I am happy to pay. This sounds silly, but seeing OLTL again this morning made me SO happy, and I've spent $7.99 on much worse.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#139All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 12:09pm

I cannot WAIT to watch this tonight!

And I have to say, I want to make love to my Hulu+ membership. I think it's utterly worth it.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#140All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 2:48pm

Just watched AMC! It was great seeing everyone. I loved how they brought us up to date in the dialogue.

aw, i didn't realize Tad the Cad Martin wasn't coming back. He was on top of my favs.

One criticism - Adam's mansion looks too dusty, dark, old, and dated. Depressing.


Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#141All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 6:58pm

I watched OLTL at work and my poor coworker couldn't understand what the hell was going on. Or why I was watching it in the first place.

It was weird with the recasting but I think I'll get used to it.

I didn't like Dorian's costume. Made her look really heavy.

Hate the new theme song. I guess the original one is still owned by ABC?

I love that they opened with Vicki.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#142All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 8:32pm

The last 5 seconds of OLTL made the whole thing worth it! Dani is a hot mess isn't she? The scene where Natalie and Cutter were dancing was odd.

AMC was pretty good, but I don't know why they had to make AJ such a dork. And Miranda and AJ were 7 when AMC ended. This is supposed to be 5 years later, so they should be 12. They def SORAS'ed them more than 5 years.


Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#143All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 8:40pm

The dancing scene was odd only because you knew there wasn't any music.

Blair being dissed was pretty funny.

I was hoping for more Vicki and Dorian.

Vickers was annoying, as always. That whole Saturday Night Fever thing was baaaaad!

It's weird when soaps use real locations. It's so obvious.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#144All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 9:13pm

I am just not sure why Nat would be dancing with Cutter? Were they friends? Maybe I'm forgetting something?


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#145All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 9:26pm

Nice to see the discussion! Overall, I'm very pleased.

AMC has always been my big soap love--the first soap I got hooked on, so I am slightly biased to it (though I've watched OLTL nearly as long) though I think OLTL slightly got the edge in terms of which premier was better. That said, I like that they are treating them as different shows with different styles--the way Agnes Nixon intended (AMC being more ttraditional, family and high school based, and OLTL being a bit edgier and more urban.) Brian Frons over the past decade tried to homogenize the shows as a package, and I think that was a bad idea.

AMC though has had to rebuild itself far more than One Life--it was less creatively strong the past few years at ABC (after Frons had Agnes Nixon banned from the writing rooms--I love that she's consulting writer for both of these reboots.) So I think it's gonna be a bit slower getting off the ground (it's also always been a bit slower paced than One Life.)

Some random thoughts. AMC was filmed 6 weeks before OLTL and I think it felt a bit rougher--the same crew filmed both and seemed to have settled into their style better by OLTL. A few more flubbed lines (the only bad one was Angie saying that Lucy just turned 5 and then saying she graduated and got a job in Portland LOL--I assume she meant Maya, her mother, but...

It feels mighty stange to have an AMC without Erica Kane--though the current gossip is she will be back by Summer (now that Lucci's two other shows have finished filming.) I have a feeling we'll see Tad back too--the actor mentioned recently having to deal with some personal issues. That said, I like that this gives a chance to center Pine Valley around Opal (who finally has a set again lol), Adam and Brooke and Jesse and Angie.

I thought the new actors were decent enough--I like that they're playing up AJ and Miranda who grew up together, and Rob Wilson isn't bad as Petey (since his background is all modelling I expected the worst--not that he was brilliant, but...) I like that we aren't finding out straight away what happened with the cliffhanger--is Tad in a coma? JR? I am guessing David was at Marissa's grave, but have no idea. Anyway I liked it--it felt like a nice update of the old AMC, the dialogue was a bit more realistic but the added swearing and sexual innuendo didn't bother me and felt natural. Honestly, a lot of these updates are long past due on soaps--a form that used to be known to be often more progressive than primetime tv, but for the past couple of decades have been stuck.

Oh and I LOVED Francesca James' 30 seconds appearance at the end lol. I still wonder if they'll connect her to her famous 1970s character on the show--but she's a great addition.

Both shows ran 26 minutes or so without commercials here on Canadian FX TV--which means that really they are just ten minutes shorter than the hour long soaps were on ABC--not a big difference.

One Life was great I thought. The recasts weren't bad (Matthew seems like the sorta jerky Matthew we knew the past few years--Destiny, besdies being so skinny now, wasn't great but she's new to acing and can improve--and the old Destiny was hardly a great thesbians.) Kelly M as Dani reallyw as great I think--I always thought she was one of the better teen actors, but she was stuck with bad stories (the internet used to comment about how most of her lines were shouting--calling her daniYELLa). The night club set is great--by far the most realistic club set I've seen on a soap (it helps that Prospect Park owns all that music licensing so they can play songs you might actually hear in a club, not the generic muzak they played on ABC.)

Considering the new studio situation I thought the sets for both shows looked great. You can tell some were shared between the two, just with different dressing (Celia's bedroom in AMC was Tea's nursery and Dorian's house was Opal's), but it doesn't bug me. Seriously, when these soaps first were announced online I expecfted them to look MUCH more cheap than they did on network. THe location shooting on both was stronger than most soap location shooting too.

I hate both new theme songs and title sequences. LOL Jungle--they owned the rights to the network themes, but wanted to promote some of their own music artists. But I can live with them (One Life's was written and produced by big fan Snoop Dogg as mentioned.)

AMC was pretty good, but I don't know why they had to make AJ such a dork. And Miranda and AJ were 7 when AMC ended. This is supposed to be 5 years later, so they should be 12. They def SORAS'ed them more than 5 years. "

Ha yeah it was odd they mentioned AJ defending Miranda when they were in kindergarten--something that happened in the last few months of AMC--so definitely this is more than five years. Still I guess I'm so used to how messed up SORASing is on soaps, I can live with it. It makes sense to me toi have AJ be a bit of a dork--look at his messed up childhood, though it's funny that he seems more like Petey who was always shown as a geeky klid, than Petey does now.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#146All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 9:30pm


If even a tiny bit of the membership fee goes to the soaps, or shows a sign of support that there are people who want to watch them I am happy to pay. This sounds silly, but seeing OLTL again this morning made me SO happy, and I've spent $7.99 on much worse.think you can watch the episodes for free on Hulu, but after so many days the episode only becomes available to plus customers. If you want to watch for free you will have to not slack on viewing, but since each ep is only 27 minutes that isn't so difficult. I have a membership and love the site. (I believe the commercials are shorter with a membership too.)

If even a tiny bit of the membership fee goes to the soaps, or shows a sign of support that there are people who want to watch them I am happy to pay. This sounds silly, but seeing OLTL again this morning made me SO happy, and I've spent $7.99 on much worse."

Apparently most of their financial support will be from Hulu+ so the money does go to them. I know a lot of people complain about the price--but as you say, you can watch free on Hulu--episodes will be up for two weeks--and really, $8 a month isn't much in the long run (I mean that's how much I paid for *one* drink at the overpriced bar I went to on the weekend.)

I hope this is a big success and proves all the more to ABC that it was a mistake to cancel the shows in the first place--and I'm excited that the new format will allow them to modernize a bit more. Apparently they need to get half a million views to make a profit (which isn't so bad--both shows were hovering around the 3 million mark when they were canceled.)

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#147All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 9:56pm

I've been a paying Hulu member for years. It's great. And OLTL? Totally worth it.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#148All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 10:18pm

"I am just not sure why Nat would be dancing with Cutter? Were they friends? Maybe I'm forgetting something?"

Well, while not a time jump with AMC, we are meant to think of a "real life" time jump for OLTL--so it's been a year or so (though obviously the young set have been raised a bit older.) So maybe they connected in that time--but she made it clear she thinks he's scum, I assume for what he did to Jessica when she was Tess...

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#149All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/29/13 at 10:31pm

Is Jess still at St Anne's? What happened to Brody? The original Destiny wasn't a very good actress, but she warmed up to the part. Here's hoping the new young cast does the same.
