
All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)- Page 5

All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
StockardFan Profile Photo
#101All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/5/13 at 7:11pm

Most of the GH fans really want John to stay on GH. They couldn't care less about Starr, but I don't mind her. We all know Todd is coming back to GH so most are cool with him going to OLTL temporarily just knowing he will be back. He's hilarious on GH.


#102All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/5/13 at 7:25pm

Yes, please bring Todd back to GH ASAP. He brings much needed comic relief to the show. The Nurse's Ball was dreadful to watch -- they didn't even give Tracy any good lines and the musical numbers could only have been cheesier had they poured melted Velveeta over the cast members.

Updated On: 4/6/13 at 07:25 PM

Playbilly Profile Photo
#103All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/5/13 at 8:57pm

The farther John stays away from Llanview, the better.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#104All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/6/13 at 8:12am

Stockard--they are coming back as new characters.... Which seems idiotic to me, but it might make Roger H's comedy more entertaining to a lot of long time fans who remember him as a serial rapist.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#105All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/6/13 at 7:36pm

I thought Todd was the only one who was going to stay the same character. But either way, I don't care as long as he's back.


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#106All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/6/13 at 8:11pm

It makes zero sense--and is confusing but the latest is Todd/Roger is the only one returning (briefly) to One Life, but due to ABC idiots none of the characters are allowed back on GH. Which is why this past week on GH Carly's talk about Todd had to be redubbed to say "that guy."

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#107All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/9/13 at 4:59am

New One Life to Live/AMC behind the scenes vid with a few new clips. The sets really do look terrific--I admit a part of me was still expecting uber cheap variations on the old sets.


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#108All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/11/13 at 1:53am

And much more exciting--2 minute preview, all new footage for One Life (AMC is meant to come tomorrow.) They really play up the new dance club, and umm, well skin with the young people which isn't surprising, but it still looks pretty great I think. *excited*


StockardFan Profile Photo
#109All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/11/13 at 2:11am

OK, who is Dani whoring it up with? And are we going to see a resolution with Trevor St. John's character?


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#110All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/11/13 at 2:22am

They are trying to keep things secret, but there's a hooded figure in one shot with a blurred face that all us fans are sure is TSJ (he kept his secret for the finale completely a surprise as well.)

That guy who seems to constantly be in his underwear is the new Matthew. I assume that's who you mean with Danni.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#111All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/14/13 at 2:57pm

I know Snoop Dogg is a huge OLTL fan but not sure about this... Apparently he has just done the new OLTL theme song.

StockardFan Profile Photo
#112All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/14/13 at 10:30pm

I'm not so sure about that idea?


Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#113All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/15/13 at 2:20pm

He's done it before. I think it was new years eve and Blair had him at Capricorn. It was fun.

You'd think it would be tacky, but it wasn't. Look it up.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#114All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/15/13 at 3:15pm

As a huge ant rap fan--it was good. I hope he does something with more substance this time.

And for any other Canadians worried about being able to view either soap--both have been picked up by F/X Canada.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#115All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/15/13 at 3:18pm

I was JUST going to post this for you, Eric! I should have known I couldn't beat you to it!

All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#116All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/16/13 at 5:16pm

Ha, I am *way* too excited--but I appreciate the thought Robbie All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)

AMC 3 minute trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od1LeaCDK5E

StockardFan Profile Photo
#117All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/16/13 at 7:10pm

I'm not sure how I feel about it fast forwarding 5 years.


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#118All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/16/13 at 8:32pm

I like it. Due to AMC being canceled first, it was even harder to secure certain actors than for One Life, so this way--after they were forced to do the cliffhanger ending with the shooting by the original online project which was then canceled--they can deal with that but also explain why some characters are missing, etc.

Also the show really had WAY too many small kids on it (I know it's called All My CHildren but friends used to refer to it as babies rabies since for the past decade or so every story seemed to be about babies.) This way they can age a bunch of the kids and give them story, while still having them connected to major characters. (Of course it's ridiculous that Dixie, for example now has a grandson AJ who is 17 or 18, at her age, but that's always been one of those soap opera cliches fans just sorta take for granted.)

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#119All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/16/13 at 11:41pm

My boyfriend just found out that Thorsten Kaye is on Smash. Here we go!

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#120All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/17/13 at 12:27am

LOL I think he's been relagated to rotting in jail off screen on Smash.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#122All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/26/13 at 2:57pm

IMHO that lawsuit is childish and I wish it would just be dropped--however, legally, I do think PP are in the right. Obviously GH just thought they could hold on to the characters indefinitely and thatthe online soaps would never happen.

A nice behind the scenes piece in Variety that has a lot of info about how the shows are being filmed, etc http://variety.com/2013/tv/news/inside-the-online-revival-of-all-my-children-one-life-to-live-1200412961/#1/robert-scott-wilson-plays-petey-cortlandt/

StockardFan Profile Photo
#123All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/26/13 at 3:31pm

I heard Roger will play either a Cassadine or Quartermaine. Kristen will be Serena Baldwin, and Michael will be a guy named Mark Clay who is a relative of whatsisname who was the vampire.


#124All My Children/One Life To Live online (cast info, discussion, etc)
Posted: 4/26/13 at 4:06pm

Could Roger be the missing Quartermaine heir (although he is too old to play Franco's offspring)?
