Broadway VS Out of town

jamiekennywicked Profile Photo
#1Broadway VS Out of town
Posted: 9/29/11 at 4:53pm

I was talking with a friend about Shrek The Musical. They were at the show in both Seattle then Broadway and mentioned they thought the Seattle production was much better bar 1 or two things. I was just wondering:

1. Which shows do you think were better 'out of town' and
2. which shows had MAJOR re-writes between out of town and Broadway?

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threetwoone Profile Photo
#2Broadway VS Out of town
Posted: 9/29/11 at 4:59pm

I thought that both SHREK and CATCH ME IF YOU CAN were better in Seattle.

Shrek was basically the same show, but the changes they made for broadway made it less unique and more like the movie. I felt it had a lot more heart in Seattle.

CATCH ME was a lot different in Seattle, so it's really a matter of opinion I suppose. I think if the creative team took a step back and looked at both productions, they would be smart to meld the two together for the upcoming tour.

I liked Young Frankenstein better on Broadway, however. Not many changes were made though, from its Seattle production.

These are just my personal opinions of course!

Proper Villain Profile Photo
Proper Villain
#2Broadway VS Out of town
Posted: 9/29/11 at 4:59pm

Spamelot in Chicago (no flaming!). I really missed the Cow's chanson.

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philly03 Profile Photo
#3Broadway VS Out of town
Posted: 9/29/11 at 5:07pm

WONDERLAND was different each time it was in Tampa (twice) and Houston, then did a complete 180 rewrite in the two months before Broadway.

It was most certainly better out of town.

The Addams Family was also pretty much re-written as well from out of town in Chicago.

#4Broadway VS Out of town
Posted: 9/29/11 at 5:14pm

I didn't see Addams Family in New York, but I saw the tryout early on in Chicago. Can't speak for the changes to the book, but I *much* preferred the original opening ("Clandango") to the current opening number "When You're an Addams". Better job setting the tone and a much catchier tune if you ask me. Can't figure otu why they changed that.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#5Broadway VS Out of town
Posted: 9/29/11 at 7:20pm

I saw Millie, La Bohème, Lestat, and Wicked out of town, but I only saw Wicked on Broadway. I appreciated what had been tightened, but there were so many moments where I thought, "Wait, I assumed they'd have cut this."

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best12bars Profile Photo
#6Broadway VS Out of town
Posted: 9/29/11 at 7:28pm

A big change in Drowsy Chaperone was cutting the big "Monkey Ballet" in Act II. I thought it was hilarious when I saw it in L.A. (prior to Broadway), and they retooled the song to feature Sutton more than Troy Britten Johnson, and they cut the dance entirely, which was reminiscent of things like the dream ballet in "Singin' in the Rain" or "An American in Paris." It was a great send-up, but I guess they cut it for time, more than anything else.

EDIT: I should also add that while it wasn't exactly "out of town," I prefer the Off-Broadway version of Grey Gardens to the changes made when it transferred.

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Updated On: 9/29/11 at 07:28 PM
