
What is the meaning of the title of The Shipment?

What is the meaning of the title of The Shipment?

Alex Kulak2
#1What is the meaning of the title of The Shipment?
Posted: 6/13/17 at 10:49am

For our final assignment in my theatre studies class, we had to give a presentation about The Shipment, a play by Young Jean Lee. We analyzed ever word of that play, and between the four of us, we couldn't figure out why it was called The Shipment. Does anyone have any theories?

The closest idea we got was that it was a play about African American entertainers, and the title referenced how their ancestors were "shipped" over from Africa. Probably not it, but it was the only thing we could think of.

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#2What is the meaning of the title of The Shipment?
Posted: 6/13/17 at 11:03am

Research, dude. Research. 


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