
LITTLE WARS opens tonight in NYC....

LITTLE WARS opens tonight in NYC....

#1LITTLE WARS opens tonight in NYC....
Posted: 4/23/14 at 10:56am

Hey, friends - I know some of you caught my last play in NYC - neat & tidy - and enjoyed it. So I hope you'll pardon the shill.

A play I wrote opens this evening for a one-week run here in NY. LITTLE WARS is inspired by the events that would eventually lead to Lillian Hellman's famous "Julia" scandal. Characters include: Gertrude Stein, Agatha Christie, Dorothy Parker, Alice B. Toklas and, of course, Lillian Hellman.

Here is more info on the show (tickets are just $18, with $9 tickets also available on TDF's Off-Off board to members AND non-members.)


Hope to see you there!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#2LITTLE WARS opens tonight in NYC....
Posted: 4/23/14 at 1:58pm

I probably won't be able to make it, but congratulations and here's to a successful run!
