
A Love Letter To Dear Evan Hansen and Review on DCMetroTheaterArts

A Love Letter To Dear Evan Hansen and Review on DCMetroTheaterArts

#1A Love Letter To Dear Evan Hansen and Review on DCMetroTheaterArts
Posted: 8/4/15 at 8:05pm

A Love Letter to Dear Evan Hansen by John Stoltenberg on DCMetroTheaterArts 

and Derek Mong's Review of Dear Evan Hansen on DCMetroTheaterArts 

I will be posting an interview tomorrow morning with a cast member of the show. You can find it here.

Interviews on DCMTA

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#2A Love Letter To Dear Evan Hansen and Review on DCMetroTheaterArts
Posted: 8/5/15 at 10:03am

I take it you work for DCMETRO TheaterArts. I have a quick question: What happened to the "Other Review" page? When I go their now I see reviews for 2013.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#3A Love Letter To Dear Evan Hansen and Review on DCMetroTheaterArts
Posted: 8/5/15 at 10:04am

The main Dear Evan Hansen thread wasn't good enough for you? https://forum.broadwayworld.com/readmessage.php?page=4&thread=1084737&dt=82 

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

