
Another Young Frankenstein thread.. no spoilers :)

Another Young Frankenstein thread.. no spoilers :)

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#1Another Young Frankenstein thread.. no spoilers :)
Posted: 8/13/07 at 3:01am

Saw Young Frankenstein tonight, wow.. This show is AMAZING. When it is done with all its' tweaking its gonna be a HIT. I am not going to give a REVIEW as there have been a few great ones already posted.. Heres my opinion of some of the show, really no spoilers...

The show has 5 major parts: Frederick Frankenstein (Roger Bart) is perfect as Frederick, he is so talented! Both Frau Blucher (Andrea Martin) and Igor (Christopher Fitzgerald)are superb. In my opinion all 3 deserve Tony nominations, they were definitely GREAT. Elizabeth, played by one of my all time favorites Megan Mullally, was fun and good.. However, I hate to say it, Megan broke into "Karen" from Will & Grace a few times.. But otherwise she was sooooo enjoyable- one of my favorite characters. Sutton Foster plays Inga. I think Sutton is a great performer, but I personally think this part could have been better casted. Sutton is just too sophisticated (looking and acting) for this part, I wish she would "dumb it up" a bit... Her Yodeling is UNBELIEVABLE though- simply wonderful!!

I loved the sets, special effects, and costumes. Thought the choreography was great.
There are a few numbers that need a little tweaking while other numbers should be completely cut. But I would say that its close to 75% dialed in...

Stage doored it afterwards, only Roger Bart came to the fans.. But he told us today they performed the entire show 4 times.. 2 complete rehearsals and 2 performances.. Megan did enthusiastically wave from her car, and Andrea and Christopher waved as they walked away.. Sutton left without acknowledging the fans. (what's up with her doing this! JEEZ she did this for Drowsy too)..

Roger, Andrea and Christopher walk the 2 blocks to their hotels, while Megan and Sutton are driven in town cars.

I heard that Mel Brooks has been to all performances so far (I didn't see him tonite) and that many stars have already been here to see the show...

I cant wait to see it on Broadway!
Updated On: 8/13/07 at 03:01 AM

MillieDillmount Profile Photo
#2re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 3:11am

Glad you enjoyed the show too! Man, all these amazing reviews is making me sooo excited for this show!! Isn't it Nov yet? I hope I can go during Thanksgiving break. I need to get tickets NOW!!!

It makes me mad that Sutton doesn't really stage door anymore. But, it's better to just meet her before the show. When I met her before the show at Drowsy it was just me and her and she talked for about five mins. She was such a sweetheart! And I'm done my Sutton rant.

But, YAY for YF!! I'm soo wishing I lived in Seattle right now! Well, at least not on the other side of the country.


WickedForever2 Profile Photo
#2re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 3:17am

AH! Sutton yodeling, how could I forget!! And Mel has been at every show... I talked to a guy Saturday night who was just Stage Dooring it and he saw Mel go backstage during the curtail call. Then there was a black town car waiting and we all expected him to come out, but he never did. It was interesting to see all the people sitting in the back with ENORMOUS stacks of notecards after the show sorting them all out by name. That was a boatload of notes for a single show, wow!

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#3re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 8:46am

WickedForever2, I am SO jealous of your avatar! I LOVE HER!!

Steve2 Profile Photo
#4re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 8:50am

It sounds that Mel and company are taking this very seriously and not resting on the success of the Producers. I give him credit for that, at least. I imagine it will be a huge it after all, in spite of the high ticket prices.

romantico Profile Photo
#5re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 9:17am

Is Gene WIlder getting credit for this as well? As much as I love Mel Brooks I think alot of people forget YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN was Gene Wilders idea and story.I dont see him getting the credit I feel he deserves.Its Mel Brook's YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN only.Maybe I'm wrong.I am certain Wilder is getting a hefty part of the proceeds.If anyone is intereste,theres a great documentary on the DVD of the making of YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN thats really interesting.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

#6re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 9:27am

Mr. Wilder has no part of the show, but I'm sure he's credited in the Playbill and is getting part of the proceeds.

He said in an interview he didn't want Mel to make this into a musical, but then Anne Bancroft died. He said that Mel needed to work to get his mind off of it and to help him from falling into a deep depression. So he gave him his permission to do it.

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey
Updated On: 8/13/07 at 09:27 AM

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#7re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 10:00am

I am sure Wilder has at least a small interest in this project.

And once again people get "so mad" that actors do not stop and mingle with the crowd? If they do it at all it is out of the kindness of their hearts and not in any way part of their contract. And your purchasing a ticket does not entitle you to a meet and greet. Be thankful for the ones who do stop and chat and respect the other's privacy.


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#8re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 11:29am

Gene Wilders name is in the Playbill twice:
In Mel's Bio it says he starred in Mel Brooks 1st movie- The Producers. Then on the title page.. the page that lists all the producers, stars etc.. His name is listed in like .05 font saying "Based on the story and screenplay by Gene wilder and Mel Brooks..."
The book was written by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan
and Music and Lyrics by Mel Brooks

#9re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 3:22pm

"It makes me mad that Sutton doesn't really stage door anymore."

You know the last time I stagedoored a show she was in was last year during previews of Drowsy and she came out afterwards and signed and posed for photos and was really sweet.

I'm hoping to do the rush or lotto or whatever the 25 dollar orchestra seats are going to be when it comes to NYC.

#10re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 6:45pm

please I want to know more about sutton acts!!! how many songs? who des she sing with? explain more about her please!!!

#11re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 7:09pm

I'm so excited for this show! I'm seeing it on the twenty-second. I'm so glad to hear that Christopher Fitzgerald is great... I have always liked him as a performer, but Marty Feldman was such a one-off that I was a little apprehensive about seeing another interpretation of Igor.

As for Sutton Foster stage-dooring... if she doesn't want to, she shouldn't have to, especially considering how creepy a lot of Broadway fans tend to be. (Case in point: Spring Awakening and Wicked).

However, I think it is INCREDIBLY rude that someone would approach her as she's going into the theatre. First off, it means someone was lying in wait for her (something that would make me uncomfortable), and...well, the performers on Broadway tend to have a half-hour call (depending on circumstance), but get there earlier depending on what they personally feel they need to get done. Interrupting that time is rude beyond measure.

"Well, obviously Company is about the Kennedy family. Bobby is played by Raul, and JFK is played by Harvey Fierstein." -vfd88

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#12re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 7:12pm

she sings:
Roll in the Hay
and Listen to your heart

Also sings with the company:
Transylvania Mania, Puttin on the Ritz, and the Finale.

WickedForever2 Profile Photo
#13re: Another Young Frankenstein thread..
Posted: 8/13/07 at 8:04pm

I think at this point, Sutton's role is the most underwritten and needs the most work. She's got those two numbers, Roll in the Hay and Listen to Your Heart but she spends a lot of the rest of the time just kinda hanging out onstage. But then again, she is the "lab assistant" and I'm not sure how she could be given more to do that wouldn't add a whole 'nother story line or something. But I have complete faith in the fact that this show is being worked on tirelessly and will be greatly improved before it's Broadway opening.

As for the stage door, she came out both times I was there and was willing to sign without even being asked. She even came back as she was walking away cuz a girl wanted her windowcard signed... So I'm not sure what the deal is. Maybe she only does some days? And she walked back to her hotel Saturday night as did Megan so again, who knows what the deal is!
