
The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17

The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#1The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 1:57am

So I just returned from Denver! and I'd like to report that I loved it! I'll give a breakdown! This is gonna be annoyingly long. I also may be assuming that the reader may know more about the show, so if something doesn't make sense just ask! i'll clarify.

Fathoms Below/Where I Belong-Great. It's a great opening number, and Eric (Sean Palmer) is charming from the start. Though some of the lyrics ( ala 'I don't want to be a prince, I want to sail the sea!' reminded me of Pirate Queen :) but in a good way!) The transitions from surface to under the sea are just perfect!

Daughters of Triton-The mersisters ROCK. Adorable, energetic, and obviously having so much fun on that stage. Great to watch.

The World Above-We see Ariel for the first time, and Sierra is gorgeous. Her facials, her voice, her line delivery could not be better. As a girl who has seen the movie more times than I can even begin to count I was expecting a LOT from the girl. I can say she delivers all that and more. The song is gorgeous too and a great introduction to Ariel.

Human Stuff- the song is great to watch. It was kinda annoying on the demo but on stage it's delightful! Eddie Korbich is a fantasic Scuttle and the three seagulls that accompany him are hilarious to watch.

I Want the Good Times Back-Ahhhh Sherie. the woman is a goddess. The number is great, and Tyler and Derrick as Flotsam and Jetsam (respectively) are fantastic as well. The bond the three have tight, and the dynamic makes for great theatre.

Part of Your World- PERFECTION. I have seen/heard hundreds of people sing this song, everyone with a "that was...good" from me. I cried. Both times I saw the show. Sierra is GREAT and owns the song. One pet peeve, assumably from her training she says the word "Whosits" very strangely. it's really swallowed and "oo" like in some french words. Hard to explain, but it stuck out to me. But a small drop in a bucket of amazingness (awesome metaphor, no?)

The Storm/Part of your World(reprise)---beautifully done. There were audible gasps both times i saw the show when Eric sinks in the water. It's a beautiful visual. Sierra goes up the octave on the end of POYW, which is MIND BLOWING! (someday i'll BE PART OF YOUR WORLD--and it's clear as a bell belt...ahhhh)

She's in Love-the mersisters and Flounder's number. A show-stopper, really fun and hilarious. Both J.J. Singleton and Cody Handford are fabulous FLounders.

Her Voice-This song is probably one of the greatest written for teh theatre in a while. Sean does a wonderful job with it. Stand out moment

The WOrld Above (reprise)-Norm Lewis is fantastic,but I almost feel like he's underused in this show. Nevertheless he is a qualified performer and his voice is perfect for the role. Also, don't let all the reprises scare you-they aren't distractingly the same song as previous. In fact this one and a few of the others are very different from the first version.

Under the Sea-Fantastic. Tituss does a wonderful job translating Sebastian to the stage. he also does lots of up the octave crazy high wondeful singing, which is orgasmic. Love it!

Sweet Child-one of my favorite new songs as well, mainly because of the great harmonies and the fact that Derrick and Tyler are sooo much fun to watch.

Poor Unfortunate Souls-Of course a wonderful act one closer-ending with Ariel's transformation.

Positoovity-Scuttle and the seagulls (plus some extra seagulls) are back to help Ariel walk, and this time--THEY TAP! SO much fun. Sierra is even more fun, cute, perfect as the now mute Ariel. She also dances quite well (seriously, what else can she do!?).

Beyond My Wildest Dreams-I have been in love with this song since the demo, and Sierra is great at it. We see a change in Ariel now that she can't express herself withher voice,and even though she IS technically singing this song you feel like it would be sung different if Ariel could sing aloud (does that make sense?). It obviously comes across as in her head. The first night I heard alot of whispers of "Now she can talk!?" but Friday night's audience was much smarter.

Les Poissons--got a lot of laughs. Very well translated-BUT sebastian is under the table and doesn't do much. I wished that during the early pars ofthe song "first I CUT off their heads and I pull out their bones...!" we could have had some facials from Sebastian. Also, small pet peeve: a lyric at the end was changed from "...gonna be hot in the big silver pot" to "...big copper pot" which I wouldn't mind if the pot was indeed copper, but it was definitely silver. so why change it? And the reprise, with the ensemble singing it I realized how much Les Poissons sounds like Be Our Guest. LOL

One Step Closer-I liked this. Cute. Eric teaching Ariel to dance and telling her she can speak/sing and express her emotions that way. Quite a beautiful thought actually.

Kiss the Girl-GREAT!!! that is all.
If Only/Her voice quartet-Gorgeous,.
The Contest: Doesn't bother me, obviously I would have liked them to not deviate from the movie at all, but this seems like a fine solution to the complications of translating the movie and doesn't feel weird in the scheme of the story. the ensemble ladies are wonderful.

The Finale is a bit anticlimatic with Ursulas death, but really how could it be done differently? When I saw it it is Ariel breaking the shell which is Ursula's power source if you will. it takes someone much more creative then myself to think of anything better, and the way it's done is just fine. I'm sure it will be changing in the next few weeks though.

The ending is truly a fairy tale ending and very fitting.

GRIPES: There are very few!
sets-I loved just about everything, lighting/projections, the pieces used the proscenium. I didn't really like the two large things that were used. I call them things because I'mnot sure what they were. they are used in the undersea stuff, possibly as coral? and in the castle as...?? not sure.

costumes- I really liked the way the mermaids were designed. I didn't really like Flounders costume (a big yellow tee shirt?) or Flotsam and Jetsam (sea iguanas?) but once again I don't have a solution to fixing them so...
Also, Ariel's Act Two pink dress was disgusting. It made her look like Barbie when they do the Barbie's Dream house sketch on Saturday Night Live. it was terrible. The next dress she wears is a pretty blue dress, that was ok. It wasn't amazing but a vast improvement to the pink one. Also a little disappointed that Ariel doesn't have a wedding dress.

Random notes: on the 16th the lights on the tentacles that come out of the proscenium during the finale didn't work, and the bottom right hand corner one didn't come out at all. The 17th it all worked fine. BUT on the 17th the show was stopped after Sebastian leaves the stage in the Under the Sea reprise. One of the producers came out and made a (humorous) speech explaining that one of the waves didn't retract correctly (I believe that was what was said) and they would resume shortly. I believe the show started from where it stopped about 10 minutes later. The rest went on without a hitch!

Someone of importance walked by during hte last half of Act two and then sat behind me and took notes. It was either this same producer, or maybe Menken himself--before I knew he was important from hearing the note taking I saw a random man and thought "OMG that looks like Alan Menken!" but that could have been wishful thinking :)

SOOO long, and probably bad spelling and what not, but i'm sleepy-forgive me! I loved it though--it's on the right track for sure.

any questions--shoot them my way.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#2re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 4:24am

How funny, I was there the same two nights as you were. I'm working on a review as well. I think the show will be successful on Broadway. All the performers were excellent, but Norm Lewis and Sierra were stand outs.

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#2re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 8:27am

Thank you for the review!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#3re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 10:19am

Thanks for taking the time, and the review!!

Going to 1st preview in NYC- Very excited !!!

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#4re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 10:58am

OMG - so there IS a giant ursula???!!!!! YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#5re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 12:47pm

I think as Ariel breaks the shell which contains her voice, Ursula suddenly dies. I don't think that there's a giant Ursula. When I read the review of the finale, I thought of how they could possibly change it. In the beginning of the show or something Ursula should make a reference that she is so close to dying and that she needs a powerful source (in this case Ariel's voice) to stay alive. Almost like the new "Stardust" movie with Michelle Pfeiffer or "Hocus Pocus" with Bette Midler.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#6re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 12:54pm

So, so, SO GLAD that you enjoyed the performance(s)! I'm seeing it in January, and I CANNOT wait! re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17 I'm taking my older sister, who by the by, also claims to be "The Biggest and Bestest LITTLE MERMAID fan EVER!"

- Mike re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#7re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 2:03pm

Yeah, no giant ursula. Though the way the costume is, with the tentacles that can be held up so they are surrounding Sherie, makes her look large and it does take up a large amount of space.

Your welcome for the reviews! I had a thousand things to say the nights I saw teh show but no computer--it's hard to remember all your thoughts days later.

p.s. Stage Door notes: Sierra came out rather quickly and was soooo adorable. Sherie, too came out pretty fast but wasn't the nicest. She kinda acted like I was inconvienancing her asking for a picture (and there weren't that many people there), but she still was friendly enough (I'm just used to the Stephanie J. Blocks of the theatre community I guess). Norm Lewis talked to me FOREVER and was awesome. Tyler and Derrick and Tituss were all very,very sweet. Eddie Korbich, too. So--EVERYONE. lol they were all adorable and kind and obviously very excited to be part of such a great show.

Sean Palmer---yeah, snuck out a different entrance. BETCH.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#8re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 3:59pm

Sherie isn't very nice at the stage door?


"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

#9re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 4:01pm

Stephanie thanks for the awesome review; you've made me even more excited about this production!

uncageg Profile Photo
#11re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 4:31pm

I see it on Tuesday evening. Just watched the movie on Saturday for the 1st time. (Thought I had seen it years ago but didn't). Will be interesting to see how they turn the 80 minute movie into a 2 hour plus stage show. What time did it let out?

Just give the world Love.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#12re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 6:37pm

Both nights the show let out around 10:30, so it seems to be running at 2 hours and 15 minutes +15 minute intermission.

and Sherie was nice, just not as nice as everyone else :) But, come on, she's Sherie Rene Scott!! lol she could have signed my poster "**** you! Sherie Rene" and I would have been happy. LOL.

I think people who love the movie, Ariel, and hold it near and dear to their heart like myself will love the show. If it's not your cup of tea to begin with you may not enjoy it as much.

But I found myself crying, smiling ear to ear whenever Sierra smiled, and laughing aloud with lines that I knew were coming (since I'm able to recite the movie in character voices start to finish! lol).

I loved it. and I hope you all will, too!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

#13re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 6:46pm

"Thanks for taking the time, and the review!!

Going to 1st preview in NYC- Very excited !!!"

Hah! I will see you there!

I want to apologize for some offensive messages posted on this board under my name. The night 0f 12-15-08 I did not have internet access, and someone had used my name to post something offensive. My avatar was also changed. I dont' know what else was posted, or if anyone recieved bad PMs, but I want to apologize for that. I've changed my password, and even though I was not the one posting these messages it still needed to be corrected.

#14re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 6:48pm

its so reassuring to hear some good things about this show, as other people are eager to bash it and dish the dirt on the previews they've seen. I'm definitely rooting for the show. its disappointing to hear that the general consensus among reviewers is that this production doesnt compare with the magic and excitement of other disney productions, but lets hope that the changes made over the next month can help!!

thanks for your review!
can you or anyone else give a more detailed description of these two weird scenic objects that nobody understands or likes?

people on broadwayworld.com can be rude and scary

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#15re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 7:04pm

I'll try!

You know hooka pipes? they kinda look like that...lol...

They are really tall, as tall as the stage. about 6 feet wide at the base I'd guess and have two "arms" on the sides that can be at the sides or extended making a sort of "T" shape. They have seats on the ends of the arms which they don't use until Kiss the Girl and they aren't used again.

I don't like them mainly because in the undersea stuff they don't really resemble anything under the sea, and in the palace scenes they kinda modern and out of place as well. I'd say they are most successful in the "kiss the girl" scene because if you remember the scene from the movie it's kinda tropical and full and these set pieces do a good job of filling the stage.

As far as magic is concerned, there are some beautifully magical moments currently, and I can only imagine that there will be lots more by the time it gets to Bway :)

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#16re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 8:12pm

StephanietheStar - Sorry that I'm about to be another one of those people nagging for answers to questions! - but....

What are the giant tentacles you spoke of coming out of the proscenium? Sounds like a giant Ursula to me...:)?

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#17re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 8:26pm

Ursula stays on the stage (same size) and tentacles come from the side walls and above the stage.

vfd88 Profile Photo
#18re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 8:38pm

Thanks for the review! I can't wait to see this.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#19re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 10:37pm

It'sjustshowbiz is correct, sorry I wasn't clear on that.

It's a kinda cool effect, but actually I think they need to make the tentacles go out toward the walls, from my seat on the side of the house the bottom tentacle blocked some of the upstage action.:/

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

#20re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 10:42pm

It sounds like you had a good time! I hope this show does well and we see some pictures, footage of it soon. I'm new too hey!

Edit: Was that an okay thing to write? I hope I am not like being an annoying poster haha Updated On: 8/19/07 at 10:42 PM

caitlinette Profile Photo
#21re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/19/07 at 10:47pm

Is is true that Ariel has a belly button ring?

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#22re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/20/07 at 2:02am

It was either a ring or a "jewel" type thing. It wasn't very noticeable, and it looked classy.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#23re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/20/07 at 2:46am

a belly button ring? wow I didn't notice that!

I suppose that makes it ok, since it wasn't distracting.

and I don't find questions annoying at all, if you have any I'll do my best to answer!!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

joe5 Profile Photo
#24re: The biggest Little Mermaid fan EVER'S review of the show! 8/16 and 8/17
Posted: 8/20/07 at 9:29am

Thanks for the posting! Sounds like u enjoyed it!