Presentarán Reedición Discográfica De La Obra Completa Para Piano De Manuel M. Ponce, De Héctor Rojas
by A.A. Cristi
- Jun 5, 2024
La SecretarÃa de Cultura del Gobierno de México y el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (Inbal), a través de la Coordinación Nacional de Música y Ópera (CNMO), presentarán la reedición de la Obra completa para piano de Manuel M. Ponce, por el sello discográfico Tempus Clásico, en una colección de siete CDs del pianista Héctor Rojas, concertista de Bellas Artes., el domingo 9 de junio a las 18:00 h en la Sala Manuel M. Ponce.
Review: ROMEO ET JULIETTE at Arizona Opera
by Herbert Paine
- Mar 5, 2024
Arizona Opera's revival of Charles Gounod’s ROMEO ET JULIETTE is, by all measures, a triumph of staging and performance. Following its performances in Phoenix, the production moves to the Temple of Music and Art in Tucson AZ (March 9th and 10th).
Master Drawings New York Announces Spring Exhibitions
by A.A. Cristi
- Jan 12, 2024
Master Drawings New York, the premier U.S. drawings showcase, will take place from January 27 through February 3, 2024. The exhibition will feature exceptional and rare works on paper from the 15th to the 21st centuries, as well as paintings and sculpture. Don't miss this highly anticipated event!
Nombran A MarÃa Katzarava Directora ArtÃstica De La CompañÃa Nacional De Ã"pera
by A.A. Cristi
- Nov 2, 2023
El Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (INBAL), instancia de la SecretarÃa de Cultura del Gobierno de México, informa que a partir de 1º de noviembre la reconocida soprano mexicana MarÃa Katzarava, quien se desempeñaba como directora del Estudio de la Ópera de Bellas Artes (EOBA) ha sido nombrada directora artÃstica de la CompañÃa Nacional de Ópera (CNO), en relevo de Alonso Escalante, quien presentó su renuncia para vincularse con otro proyecto. Asimismo, fue designada la maestra mezzosoprano Gabriela Flores al frente del EOBA.
Opera Atelier's 23/24 Season Opens With ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE
by A.A. Cristi
- Sep 20, 2023
Opera Atelier launches its 2023/24 season with the French 1774 version of Gluck's Orpheus and Eurydice, written expressly for Marie Antoinette, on stage October 26 and 28 at 7:30pm, and October 29 and November 1 at 2:30pm at Toronto's historic Elgin Theatre.
El EOBA Escenificará Misa De Seis, ópera Mexicana De Jiménez Mabarak Y Emilio Carballido
by A.A. Cristi
- Sep 5, 2023
El Estudio de la Ópera de Bellas Artes (EOBA) del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (Inbal), que dirige la soprano MarÃa Katzarava, estrenará su versión de la ópera mexicana Misa de seis, con texto de Emilio Carballido y música de Carlos Jiménez Mabarak, el próximo jueves 14 de septiembre a las 20:30 horas en el Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris.Â
Brooklyn Art Song Society Announces 2023â€"24 Season
by A.A. Cristi
- Aug 11, 2023
Brooklyn Art Song Society (BASS) announced its 2023-24 season, which features Circles, a six-part series following friendships between composers throughout history, as well as the return of the Dichter Project and New Voices Festival. Led by Artistic Director Michael Brofman, the organization, which plays a vital role in keeping the tradition of art song alive, presents ten full-length concerts highlighting 37 composers and 56 performers.
Opera Atelier Reveals 2023/24 Season Lineup
by Stephi Wild
- May 30, 2023
Opera Atelier's founding Co-artistic Directors Marshall Pynkoski and Jeannette Lajeunesse Zingg announced the company's celebratory 2023/24 season, featuring the 1774 French version of Gluck's Orpheus and Eurydice - written expressly for Marie Antoinette - on stage October 26 to November 1, 2023, followed by the groundbreaking mixed program, featuring music by Debussy, Hahn, Handel, Lully, Purcell and Rameau in All Is Love, on stage April 11 to 14, 2024.