Based on the beloved Disney animated film, and featuring a jazzy, upbeat score, Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS is a non-stop thrill ride of feline fun, complete with unbelievable twists and turns.
In the heart of Paris, a kind and eccentric millionairess wills her entire estate to Duchess, her high-society cat, and her three little kittens. Laughs and adventure ensue as the greedy, bumbling butler pulls off the ultimate catnap caper. Now it's up to the rough-and-tumble alley cat, Thomas O'Malley, and his band of swingin' jazz cats to save the day.
Genesis Children's Theatre is at 3100 independence pkwy, Suite 324b, Plano, TX.
Fiddler On The Roof (8/2/24-8/4/24)
The Little Mermaid, Jr. (7/26/24-7/28/24)
The Addams Family, Young@Part (7/12/24-7/14/24)
William Shakespeare's Henry V (6/21/24-6/23/24)
Junie B. Jones, Jr (5/17/24-5/26/24)
Treasure Island (5/9/24-5/12/24)
Seussical, KIDS (5/3/24-5/5/24)
Little Women (4/18/24-4/21/24)
Mary Poppins, Jr. (4/5/24-4/14/24)
Les Miserables School Edition (3/1/24-3/11/24)
Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors
Dallas Theater Center (10/11 - 11/3) | ||
Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike
Allen Contemporary Theatre (10/4 - 10/20) | ||
The Rocky Horror Show
NTPA Repertory Theatre (10/18 - 10/27) | ||
Mark Morris Dance Group
TITAS DANCE UNBOUND (11/23 - 11/23) | ||
Catch Me If You Can, the Musical
Runway Theatre (4/4 - 4/20) | ||
Folding Chairs Comedy Troupe
The Core Theatre (10/18 - 10/20) | ||
The Eight: Reindeer Monologues
Deaf Austin Theatre (12/21 - 12/28) | ||
Little Shop of Horrors
Repertory Company Theatre (10/11 - 10/27) | ||
Doug Varone and Dancers
TITAS DANCE UNBOUND (5/23 - 5/23) | ||
Runway Theatre (7/25 - 8/10) | ||
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