
re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005- Page 1

re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005

Winston2 Profile Photo
#0BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 2:20pm

BroadwayWorld Curtain Call

Greetings, Earthbound Souls! To those who have not had the extreme pleasure of meeting me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Winston. I used to be an accountant, but don’t hold that against me. (Ha!) (I will never understand why that line doesn’t get a laugh.) But now I am one of God’s “Special” Angels and I have been given the assignment of writing/directing and starring in “God’s BroadwayWorld 2005 Year End Revue”. I know that by “revue” He probably expects singing and dancing and some dumb ass skits, but I, being the cleverest Angel, have taken the literary route. I recently tried to stage an Opera for the Almighty, and I don’t have to tell you how THAT turned out. It was just a car wreck. But it really wasn’t my fault. You try working with that material. I digress. So anyway, I thought I would try a different approach. Instead of staging a full production with flying and scooters and dancing skeletons, I will simply be writing a “review”.

I have been lurking amongst all of you special, funny, talented, delusional and oh-so-bitchy mortals all year long. You are all drawn together by a passion for the performing arts, Broadway in particular, and musicals most of all. It has been AMUSING, to say the least. Goodness, you people are all over the map both literally and figuratively. Luckily I have experience sifting through crap and trying to make sense out of chaos in order to bring some sort of meaning to it all. So here goes nothing. Sit back and enjoy my enlightened and totally subjective look back at your shenanigans from 2005. (Oh, and by the way, there will be no intermission for fear you will not come back, so go now or forever hold your pee.)

And remember, I only write what I see…don’t blame me. You brought ALL of this on yourselves. Now in order to have some semblance of a “revue” with cute little songs, I have introduced each little chapter with the title of a fabulous Broadway show tune! So let’s get started, shall we?


Many BWWers received great acclaim this year... some on the stage, some on the page, and at least one on the silver screen!

Standing Ovations III & IV provided a wonderful showcase for some extraordinary talent. Eddie Varley, Rob Diamond, Craig Brockman and a certain redheaded kilt-wearing Irishman worked so hard to make these events happen that God threatened to get them to stage his next Opera. Thankfully, I was able to put a stop to that by convincing Him that even the little people on Earth need some classy entertainment from time to time. Bravo! But next time feel free to call me if you need some heavenly advice.

And speaking of Mr. Varley, any of you who missed his performance in Move It and It's Yours, missed a true tour-de-farce. Eddie played several characters, including an extreme nerd, an old lady in a housecoat, and sang a kick-ass rock and
roll song dressed as a British punk in leather. The man really does have stage appeal and talent.

Stud Muffin Jerby had his NYC Cabaret debut. And let us just say he wasn’t the only one that was Fully Loaded!

Even Jerby’s ersatz boy- toy, bwaysInger, made a flashy appearance in the Fringe Festival, and in what many have called the “most popular musical never to appear on Broadway” (if you go by the number of threads started about it), The Last 5 Years.

And speaking of Cabaret, I must make special mention of our little birthday girl Do_Re_ Milla. Not only is she one of the most talented Cabaret performers in NYC, she is also a great champion for the rights of all singers who forged a mighty fight with the MAC BOD for the “little people” the likes of which has not been seen since Les Miz closed. It’s nice to know there are people out there who will put their careers on the line in order to do what they believe is right.

There were others scattered throughout the land who worked their magic on stage and screen.

In the hinterlands, there was Windy City Actor. When he wasn’t causing a stampede wearing his leather chaps and cruising the Bahamas, he won some great reviews for his stage work in 2005.

On the West Coast, eslgr8, Stephen Stanley, knocked them dead in a funny little show that I hear is being developed as a pilot for the LOGO network. Stephen is not sure if he will take the job, however, since that might make him “Gay for Pay.”

And the lovely and talented Erika Amato graced the musical stage and made her film debut, too. She will be a major star very soon, but she may have to wait A Couple of Days and Nights.

Others used their talents to tell everyone about someone else’s talents.

The Saintly Dollypop and the Martyr Corine provided many laughs with their in- depth interviews; and some of his were actually conducted in person! Why does he only interview pretty boys, you may ask? The answer, of course, is because life it too freaking short to talk to ugly people!

And the gayest straight man alive, Michael Dale, provided great insight and his own twisted observations in his reviews. He heaps the praise when earned, but is quick to point out the shortcomings, too.

The ever-irrepressible PatiB kept us all informed of the Arts Happenings in the City of Brotherly Love…just in case you ever found yourself stranded there during a bartender’s strike with nothing else to do.

Although not of the performing variety, special mention must go to that cute little painter, Orion, who attained some acclaim in the cutthroat Art World. He found a demand for his colorful and twisted paintings that made the Madonna blush. Bless his soul, he actually sent the pictures when he received the money. Now if we could just get him to do a portrait of me!

But the true rising star of BroadwayWorld 2005 has to be some guy named Rob Maitner. Somehow this incredible performer managed to upstage Jennifer Holliday, Andrea McArdle, and even Jesus Christ! And J.C. is not one to give focus to anyone…believe me, I’ve tried. So, congratulations to this guy who seemed to come out of nowhere and blew everybody out of the water they are walking on. Now if he could only turn some of it into a nice Merlot.

I am sure there were more of you down there that did something worthy of mentioning here, and to those talented people I simply say, “Get yourselves a freaking publicist, for pity’s sake!”

Romance abounded throughout BWW and warmed the cockles of my heart. If there is one thing I miss up here in Heaven, it is sex…er…I mean LOVE… true, unconditional, hot, messy love. Some of your lovers took you away from it all and some just took advantage of you. Others tried to take your breath away, and not in the good sense, either. To those lovers we say, go to your corner! That kind of kinky activity is FORBIDDEN! Can we talk Broadway, Love?

Shira discovered just how much she LOVES chocolate. Especially the really high priced, comes in a pretty gold boxed variety. Ah, true Love!

Glitzguy stalked Pip until the cutie agreed to move in with the old geezer. Ah, true Lust…er…Love!

And then there was the Captain of the Love Boat…adrift on a river of love in the Wine Country one week …shacking up on the Vegas Strip the next. Ah, true manipulation…er…Love!

And of course we can’t mention romance without speaking of all the predatory pedophiles who sought true felonious accord…er…LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!! with many a pre-legal pubescent willing to chat, PM, or just plain old “get a room”.

The ongoing love affairs between Mr. Matt & his Spanish Main Squeeze, and Joey Joe & his chanteuse, Redhotinnyc, provided continuing inspiration to the terminally single. May all the love keep flowing in the coming year! And may all who seek a significant other find the hot steamy sex…SHOOT, I mean LOVE… they seek. But girls, hang onto your man. There is a hot Mamamia out there ready to snatch him away from you as soon as you turn your back. And Shira, that goes for you too. MamamiaSammy isn’t just partial to the male animal, I hear.


Each year always brings a round of sad farewells and exuberant hellos. Often these are directed at the same person! It is always great to see these people leave, but even better to see them back, no matter what new screen name they may use. This is what makes on-line relationships so fun. Wouldn’t it be great if in real life you could just create a new identity every time you pissed someone off, said something you regretted, or just plain old screwed people over enough that turning into someone totally different was the only way to go on living?

Some come and go of their own volition, prompted by some real or imagined indignity (often self induced) that causes a major meltdown. Some are forced to leave, or BANNED if you will, but somehow summon up the gumption to try to sneak back in, determined to be accepted and not be sniffed out. But most, let’s face it, just can’t take a hint. So to these posters we suggest you ask yourself the following questions:

1) What would Madonna do?

2) If I DID receive my trust fund, would they REALLY like me any better? Or would it be too Obvious I was trying to buy their love?

3) If I posted under the name Robert Goulet, would anyone think that I was the REAL Robert Goulet? Or would they just think I was some other old drunk?

4) If my boyfriend ever found out that I told everyone where we lived and where we worked, would he still take me for GRANTed?

5) If they all knew that I moved to NYC with nothing in my pockets except for lint but soon enough discovered the magic of the in call/out call business which allowed me to spend endless nights at THERAPY and find half-price TKTS for BROADWAY…(Guy, to live like this is a dream!)…would they REALLY still be jealous?

6) If I Googled enough trivia and make it seem I know everything, would I be as popular as any old Tom, Dick or Mary_?

But the saddest departure this year was the banishment of papalovesmambo to the State of Ohio where the Bush Administration closely monitors his Internet access. But don’t worry. This is simply his “Fortress of Solitude.” He will be back stronger than ever to twist the last nerve of every Democrat on the board. Until then, he is giving Pal Joey and Auggie a false sense of power in order to take them by surprise. Keep your eyes open for the return of superpapalovesmambo coming soon to devastate the open-minded. It will make Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf look like Peter Pan.


The “Appreciation” Threads seemed to take over like a nasty virus. Not a day would go by without someone starting a new “Let’s hear it for so-and-so” or a “What BWWer would you most like to…?” thread. Although filled with good intentions and warm fuzzies, one has to wonder how it made those who did NOT get an appreciation thread with their name in it feel. It’s okay, SueellenGay, I am sure SOMEBODY loves you. It was like reliving High School. Or for those who haven’t lived through High School yet, a scary preview of things to come. Get used to it, losers, cuz not being POPULAR makes it REALLY suck to be you. Not that Yours Truly ever had that problem.


What an obsession you all have with eating. It’s either too much or not enough. You had the BWW Weight Watchers Club, led by the newly svelte Jerby.
There was the fascination with the celebrity diets, exemplified by the vanishing Star Jones seen CONSTANTLY in MamamiaSammy’s icons. Just a word to the surgically inclined… just because you can afford to have your stomach stapled does not mean we have to respect you. Neither does marrying a homosexual.
There was the invaluable input of Corine’s restaurant reviews! (Mmmmm, sushi!) She was even kind enough to insist that the BWW Girl’s Night Out be held at a specific restaurant, tried changing it from Girl’s NIGHT Out to Girl’s BRUNCH out, and pushed to include Phanty on the invite list because she thought it would be more entertaining that way, even though she herself could not attend. ‘Atta girl!

There were innumerable Hot or Not food threads and the “What did you have for (insert meal here)” threads that numbed the mind, even if they didn’t seem to put a damper on the appetite.

I have a marvelous suggestion. Let’s throw a year-end party and have it catered by Chef Obvious! I am sure he could come up with a menu that would please everyone’s dietary likes and needs! Bon Appetit!


BWW became the unofficial E-bay of Theater this year, with all sorts of things being traded. Some things were sold, some given, and some were just outright stolen. But we won’t talk about those for fear of legal action. Let it suffice to say that I bought these really cool, um, “SHOES”…they are actually high-tops, made out of leather, and cover most of the bottom part of my LOWER EXTREMITIES! (wink wink) And who could forget that Faerie Tale about the money that was supposed to magically turn into some videotapes but ended up starting an ugly war, causing grief throughout the land…. Happy endings, my ass.


The Lord was certainly busy this year trying to answer all of the prayers that posters sent up. No wonder He needed to take a break. People were motivated to light votives for every sort of ailment known to man. Everything from heart attacks and strokes to hemorrhoids and hangnails brought people to their knees. Of course, we should point out that many were there to begin with, but even still… People even prayed for material things, which is a big no-no up here. You do NOT pray for iPods and Fire Trucks, no matter how much you want one. Nobody knows the denizens of the message boards quite like the person responsible for the advertisement for Famvir: Famciclovir Tablets for the Treatment of Genital Herpes that appeared with some regularity on BWW. The Lord works in mysterious ways. I hope those who needed this treatment were comforted by it. However, as you learned from IN MY LIFE, (or as some bitchy queen called it, “Lemony Ticks Series of Unfortunate Songs”) sometimes the Big Guy is just too busy to care. Sometimes a ride on a bike is more important than the Rent box office returns. That is when he sends in the ANGELS to perform the MIRACLES. (CUE HOSHANNA CHOIR) My fellow Angels showered their well wishes and miracle mindlessness and wrapped them all in warm fuzzy blankets. The sick and decrepit, the over-sexed and the under-sexed, the too fat, the too thin, folks bitten by the flu bug or a virus carrying mosquito, those poor souls who were overworked, and even those woefully unemployed (“GET A JOB!” Sorry, I just love Q.) basked in the glow of the Heavenly Hosts who helped them find some way to get by. Hallelujah. HALLELUJAH!

But then there were the HEATHEN. The lost souls who are going straight to hell and don’t seem to mind it…and to those poor pitiful posters, I sadly say, “So long, suckers. Don’t let the Pearly Gates hit you in the ass on the way out!”


Let us take a walk through the BroadwayWorld Wing of the Betty Ford Clinic, or BWWWBFC for short, shall we? Many a denizen of BWW has had an occasion to check in here from time to time. Some never check out.

Let us start our tour in room 420. You will find a whole slew of BWW posters there just huffing and puffing away the hours. And you will find room 420 conveniently located near the cafeteria, where cookies and pastries are always available for when you get the munchies.

The biggest group you will find here at the BWWWBFC is the “Pink Ladies”. They get together every afternoon on the veranda for a huge pitcher of Pink Drinks. No one really knows what is in this concoction, but they sure pack a wallop. You just have to trust the bar wench that serves them up that they will make you happy and giddy…just like the Pretty-in-Pink hostess that serves them. Bartender, I’ll take a double! Just kidding…I never drink and fly.

Our next stop will be the Snake Pit. This is where all the vicious and nasty people are sent to have it out. The venom is transferred from one “snake” to the other so that at times you can’t tell which venom comes from which snake. The King Cobra here is Finding Namo. He strikes at anything that moves. His strike will stun you…then it is Suellen Gay’s turn. She slithers under her king and just rubs it in. And in and in…she never stops…until Etoile moves in for the kill. She masks her venom in the “you can’t handle the truth/this is for your own good” mantra, but be warned, her bite is just as deadly. This leaves RobbO and his sidekick, Marquise, to bring up the rear. They have had plenty of practice doing that. It is best to stay far away from these asp-kissers.

WARNING: DO NOT GO IN THE BASEMENT! Here lurks the secret cult of The Artful Med Dodgers. Beware. These people are very scary. They are the ones who, despite what the doctor ordered, refuse to take their medication no matter what the tragic results may be. And it is no use trying to slip their medication in a minty-rum drink or even dip it in white chocolate because they can sniff it out faster than a bloodhound. Tom Cruise is always watching to make sure no one tries to slip them anything that might cause them to think or act rationally.

All right, that is enough of that awful place…on to more pleasant things…


Taking center stage this year were a number of high profile celebrities who blessed you with their participation. Like a smart older sibling you wisely look up to, they taught you that even by using your own well-known name, it is possible to have honest and open communication with people on the Internet.

Anthony Rapp was on hand to give a wonderful and much needed push for RENT. I don't think anyone on the board would have gone to see this film if Anthony had not reminded us that it was being released. R-i-i-i-g-g-h-h-t. Anyway...thank you, Mark...er, Anthony. You add that certain touch of class that is so desperately needed. And when you get up Here, do I have a performing gig for YOU! And it has NOTHING to do with singing or acting.

Jason Robert Brown popped his head in a few times to let us know that he has written something besides The Last Five Years. I am not sure how it happened or the order, but BroadwayWorld fell in love with the Last Five Years. Hundreds of threads were dedicated to it. Someone told JRB how much he was beloved here. JRB started posting. BroadwayWorld lost interest in L5Y. Adam Guettel’s new musical opened. Everyone loved Light in the Piazza more. .

Or …did everyone love Light in the Piazza. Adam Guettel’s new musical opened. Broadway World lost interest in L5Y. JRB started posting. Someone told JRB just how much he was beloved here. Hundreds of threads were dedicated to L5Y. Everyone fell in love with L5Y… And WHOSE FAULT WAS THE BREAKUP!!?? It is all so topsy-turvy.

And that Shaiman guy still hung out with the cool people. He was always checking in. The last time I looked I think there was something like 50 Checks.

Hey, Mr. Brown and Mr. Shaiman, we could use a couple of good composers up Here. The last guy I worked with really wasn’t up to the job. Not to rush you or anything, but when you are good and ready, I will welcome you both with open wings. Anyway…

Those are the stars that identified themselves. There were others who slipped in “incognito”. I can’t tell you who they are, of course, because I am sworn to secrecy. But lets just say that if they did Christopher Columbus: The Musical, one of the three boats would be played by a certain Long-Legged Latin Lady who may be getting a little recognition for her current work come the first Sunday in June. And I ain’t talking about the Pinta or the Santa Maria. But I won’t KISS and tell any of that JAZZ.


There was a high interest in the photographic arts this year as well. If you have not checked out the Fan Photos section, what are you waiting for? Here you will find all sorts of fun-filled photos. Everything from “Me and Sara Ramirez’s stand-by’s understudy at the stage door! ” to “Idina’s back running to her Limo…she was so AWESOME and she STOLE MY PEN!!!!!” You will even find some photos that were deemed too “hot” for the big board and were deleted by the trigger-happy Jose.
But the best use of pictures has to be in the “Lets see a show of Old Hands” thread. Here we got a glimpse of what everyone looks like in everyday life.
The good (convinceme2) the bad (Dollypop and Liam) and the downright UGLY (too many to mention.) RobbO certainly took advantage of his inner Dorian Gray to show us all how pretty life really is. And if for some reason you did not want your picture taken, there were plenty of brown paper bags handy.


A few of your members were doted on more than others. They are the ones who infuse the board with positive vibes and make perusing a joyous occasion. But there is one who is adored more than any of the others. The Grand Dame of the BroadwayWorld Message Board has to be Miss Margo Channing. Margo’s expertise and willingness to share everything she knows is unequalled by any other poster. People wait for Margo’s opinion on the latest show to open, run to her with any question they may have about a famous actor or infamous flop. Throngs wait by their computer screens on opening nights waiting for Miss Channing to weigh in on the latest production the way Margo herself would sit by her radio and listen for the further adventures of Little Orphan Annie or The Green Lantern back when she was just a blooming girl. Margo’s use of a screen name that conjures up the epitome of cattiness belies her true gentility, accessibility and non-condescending demeanor. Many suspect that like the playwright, Jane Martin, Margo is not really just one person, but rather a committee, a multi-person database, because she is just too knowledgeable to be true... Walter Kerr and George Jean Nathan rolled into one with a smidge of IBDB thrown in for good measure. She truly is the Queen of BroadwayWorld. But I would watch your back, Channing, cuz there is a young Eve Harrington snapping at your rear end like a bloodhound! He is after that younger audience and goes by the name “munkustrap178”. And if you are not careful, he will be trying on your clothes and practicing his acceptance speech in front of your mirror before you know it.

(Sorry, but I can’t get this freaking song out of my mind)

In case your little world should get too crazy and overwhelm you, you can always turn to the Mothers of BroadwayWorld. One is so powerful she is even called the Mominator! The other is as sweet and peaceful as a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. And then there is the Mother whose very screen name implies a nurturing nature that one can only find at a mother’s breast. The Mominator will bake you cookies and encourage you to play nice, while Iflitifloat will soothe you and guide you into making the mature decision and discourage you from making the same stupid, idiotic and lame-assed mistakes she made as a drugged-out, sex-crazed, establishment-bashing Sixties radical. And Broadway Boobs will inspire you to face each day of the week with laughter…the best medicine, unless you count Viagra. Peace to all our Mothers.


One of the things that impressed me about this Family of yours is their willingness to trust one another and shower us with every small detail of their lives. Thanks to their eagerness to be liked, or perhaps their inability to comprehend the extent of the internet, you can now drive to some people’s homes, knock on their doors, call them and every member of their family by first and last names (thanks to all the family pictures that were posted!), crank- call them, bring their homework to their school if they leave it at home, or pick them up at work for a night on the town! They may not know who YOU are, but we sure know who THEY are. How nice to see such trusting and forthright individuals handing out personal information to total strangers that only their closest friends (or the government) should know. Some may call it “nivitay”, but I call it “spektaqularlee sweete!”


There certainly was no shortage of “Officials” this last year. There were more “Official” threads than discount tickets sold for BR KLYN. We had the “Official insert favorite celebrity name here Love” threads, there were the “Official insert show title here Review” threads. I was half expecting to see an “Official insert your favorite body part here” thread.

But the only true “Officials” on BroadwayWorld are the Moderators. I mean, of course the ones with all the power. The Holy Triumvirate of Diamond, Brockman and Valdez watch over all of you and are ready to deliver you from evil or keep you in line at the touch of a delete button. Do not cross them, do not test them do, not push them. Just behave. These are the true Angels of BWW.com. Bless The Mod Squad, oh Lord, and guide them towards a better BroadwayWorld for all.


And so, my dear friends, I must be on my merry way. Thank you for letting me invade your little BroadwayWorld. I will be watching you all in the coming year, so remember… NO FITS, NO FIGHTS NO FEUDS AND NO EGOS! Or you will be forced to sit through my next Opera endlessly without a potty break throughout all of eternity

#1re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 2:23pm

What the puck?!
Updated On: 11/10/06 at 02:23 PM

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#2re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 2:28pm

Yowzah. Just really...wow.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#3re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 2:35pm

Winston, I hope that Nina reference was a deflection.

If not, you have quite invaded her privacy.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

orion59 Profile Photo
#4re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 2:59pm

I second that reaction, Iflit. Wow!
Apparently Winston doesn't care about anyone's privacy....except his/her own.


iflitifloat Profile Photo
#5re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:03pm

I'm perplexed though, O...I thought the person in question was a *different* someone who has, shall we say, a loving and bubbly personality. Hmmmm....

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

orion59 Profile Photo
#6re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:11pm

I was thinking of the thinly veiled refrences to a number of people. However, Winston hides his/her own identity.
Pretty well done though. That must have required quite a bit of observation and work.


broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#7re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:15pm

bravo! encore! encore! very insightufl, that just made my week!

shameless Profile Photo
#8re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:16pm

That was the sweetest (and longest) love letter I've ever read.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

#9re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:22pm

Don't pay stick-in-the-mud Rath no never mind. She's cranky cuz she didn't even merit a mention.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#10re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:30pm

Yeah. That's it.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

ljay889 Profile Photo
#11re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:34pm

I don't know how to feel about this thread.

It just seems odd that someone has been secretly watching everything that happens on here, and decides to just join "today" and post about it.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#12re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:36pm

They didn't join today. They created this identity today.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#13re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:37pm

If people post things on the web they should probably go ahead and assume that other people can see what they post. Most people respond or ignore. And, apparently, some people take notes.

You can't control what other people do.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

ljay889 Profile Photo
#14re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:39pm

That's what I figured, Rath.

orion59 Profile Photo
#15re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:59pm

Yeah, thinly veiled is an understatement. However, in reading it again, I realize that much of the information is public knowledge. Most of it came from events that were played out on the boards. Some of it seems to come from the persons personal knowledge of people and events that were not mentioned on the boards.

Makes me wonder who Winston2 could be and why the need to refrence things that are not public knowledge.


Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#16re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:01pm

Most of it is public knowledge. However, outing a poster's actual identity when they've chosen to remain anonymous is reprehensible. It doesn't matter who they are - or aren't.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#17re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:03pm


I only interview pretty boys? Geeze, my last interview was with a Czech puppeteer who really wasn't "pretty", but some of his marionettes were!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#18re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:05pm

Rath, didn't you announce to the world who Wildcat was not all that long ago?

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#19re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:06pm

I never announced to the world who Wildcat was.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#20re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:09pm

Yeah, Rath DEFINITELY never outed Wildcat. I would have remembered it if something like that happened...

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#22re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:11pm

OH - that was a joke! He's not. Definitely not!

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#24re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:12pm

I believe they'd be in BIG trouble if he were on the team.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#25re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:21pm

Oh, sh*t. Guess I shouldn't have sent that fan letter to Australia then, eh?

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10
Updated On: 12/26/05 at 04:21 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#26re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005
Posted: 12/26/05 at 4:22pm

re: BroadwayWorld Curtain Call 2005

Sorry - I thought it was quite obviously a joke.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson