
"Hair" At the Hollywood Bowl- Page 4

"Hair" At the Hollywood Bowl

keb2 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/5/14 at 1:23am

Claude was at the front, singing "Where Do I Go." The cast members who didn't get naked were placed around the stage/on the scaffolding. The ones who did get naked were playing with a parachute, and then at the end, they all went under/in the parachute, and emerged gradually, naked.

DAME Profile Photo
Posted: 8/5/14 at 6:42pm

I guess I am a little late to the game... I went Sunday night. Had a nice night at the Bowl. But I thought the show was mediocre at best. Voices were rough. No one really stood out ( except for Constatntine.. but for the obvious reason) . Maybe because of the size of the place; but I thought the whole thing came thru as kind of bland. The light rain was about the most exciting thing to happen in the evening and even that was a drizzle at best. The girl from Modern Family came thru the best of the bunch.. but she was pretty much doing the same thing she does on her show.

Nice seeing you Diva, You look wonderful. Thank you for making the shlep up there to see me. HAIR TONIGHT