Mermaid casting

#75re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 2:09pm

Sierra Boggess is Ariel. (look above, i just posted it!)

tell me more, tell me much dough did he spend?

*brina-doll* Profile Photo
#76re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 3:21pm

Hmmm, I guess Sierra Boggess is a good choice, she does look like Ariel; and she kind of sounds like her too.

Your aspirations are your possibilities-Samuel Johnson (and a little help from nomdeplume)

#77re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 3:22pm

It is to my understanding that aforementioned Boston Conservatory senior Chelsea Stock has been cast as a member of the ensemble and as an Ariel cover. That's all I know though.

broadway_show_fan Profile Photo
#78re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 3:54pm

I wonder about the Flouder boys. Boys because, being Disney, I'm sure there are two...

I am personally hoping for Henry Hodges and Alex Rutherford. =)

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#79re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 5:50pm

"Boys because, being Disney, I'm sure there are two... "

I highly doubt that is a Disney-exclusive policy.


Heybeenfood Profile Photo
#80re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 6:22pm

What about Eartha Kitt as Ursula?

Weez Profile Photo
#81re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 6:27pm

If they want the same actress to play Ursula and Vanessa (Ursula in disguise as pretty young human), then she's not quite within the sought-after age range.

I still want Sara Ramirez. *pouts*

desiree armfeldt Profile Photo
desiree armfeldt
#82re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 8:56pm

not to be annoying...but how do we know all of this abt sierra and sherie and everything. ive heard abt this chelsea stock girl from someone who knows her....but everything else...?

#83re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 9:27pm

If Sierra Boggess is cast as Ariel, she must be leaving Phantom in Vegas soon.

Neverandy Profile Photo
#84re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/19/07 at 11:52pm

Some of us are in the industry and have access to insider casting info. We do not divulge specifics of exactly where we get our information so as to protect our sources from getting in trouble.
Sometimes things turn out not to be true but it all gets verified or unverified when the press release comes out.
As far as I know from my sources, the info in this thread so far is pretty accurate.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

#85re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 1:15am

Four words:

Updated On: 1/20/07 at 01:15 AM

#86re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 2:30am

Idina as Ursula.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#87re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 2:41am

Cyni Lauper as Ursula.


BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#88re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 3:58am

re: Mermaid casting

#89re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 4:03am

Woah I did childrens theatre with Chelsea Stock in San Jose! Way to go Chelsea!

We were brother and sister in THE SOUND OF MUSIC, this clearly means I should be Eric to her Ariel when she is bumped up to the little fish herself...

Weez Profile Photo
#90re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 4:57am

Harvey as Ursula? ^_^

#91re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 8:51am

Is Sherie Renee Scott alto? That's what they're looking for for the role of Ursula. Plus her voice sounds a bit too young to play her. And, Ursula is supposed to envy Ariel's beautiful voice and I don't think Sherie's voice would leave anything to be envied...

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#92re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 9:52am

Lea DeLaria as Ursula... !!!

Love Kelli O'Hara, but strikes me as a bit too old to play Ariel.

Kerry Butler would seem so obvious.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#93re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 10:02am

Sierra Boggess was a stellar Cosette on tour with "Les Mis," as well as a wonderful Christine in the Vegas production of "Phantom." I'm sure she will make a first rate Ariel.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

catstagestud Profile Photo
#94re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 10:33am

Sierra Boggess has been cast, just happened within the last week or so I believe. As far as the others go I don't know how much is set in stone but I'd like to see Ursula go to someone like Emily Skinner. I hope they officially announce the cast soon though, then I can decide whether to trip to Denver this summer or not.



#95re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 10:52am

Sheri Renee Scott is Ursula, an interesting choice.

mikeyb16 Profile Photo
#96re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 11:13am

I read Pat Carroll was going to be Ursula, but as the voice of the Ursula Puppet. Probably a rumour I guess.

Still voting for Kerry to be Ariel, shes 'BEAUTIFUL'

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#97re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 12:09pm

So anyone know how they are going to get away with the fish tails on the mermaids, without the use of water or airial stunts? Any news leaked on this yet?

As for Eric, if he wasn't tied up with Pirate Queen, Hadley Fraser all the way. Or Marcus Chait for that matter. re: Mermaid casting

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#98re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 12:20pm

re: Mermaid casting

I was thinking like they do for Disney On Ice. (^) But They would have to walk across the stage... wouldn't they? Will they use wires for the swimming effect?

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#99re: Mermaid casting
Posted: 1/20/07 at 12:24pm

"Sierra Boggess HAS been cast as Ariel. "

How do you know? Who is Sierra Boggess?? Can she sing like Ariel as good as Jodi Benson and Kerri Butler?
