
Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!- Page 3

Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!

#50re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:04pm

ARF, I am still trying to figure out the 'videos' thing. They show like 10 videos during the day and the rest during the midnight hours when everyone is asleep. the ones shown on the actual 'music video' channels aren't even nominated!

I dunno. I never really got into the whole MTV thing. The shows on that channel are so idiotic most of the time.

And like you were saying, ever rap video is the same!! A male rapper in gawdy gold jewelty with ugly gold teeth and wearing pants that are WAYY to big sagging down to the knees and looking like a damn fool whil women with fake boobs and big buts run aroung in nothing more that two bandaides and a piece of cheese cloth, grinding and jiggling while they get gropped and the "singer" sings about bitches and hos.

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#51re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:08pm

"Bitches and Hos"


Could be a new musical!!

"Life without music equals death."

#52re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:09pm

I gave up on the music vids a long time ago--Guess that's a sign of MY growing old-- re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!

I'm afraid I don't get the pants that are way to big. We had a young guy on the bus just the other day that had pants that were so big on him that when he got up he had to keep a hand on them or they would have been down around his ankles. I sat there and thought, "Someone should tell him there's a simple cure for that--It's called a BELT!" What is it about showing your underwear in public?



#53re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:12pm

When I first saw this on TV, I was shocked because, like your said AnnReinkingFan, this would not have happened a couple years ago. I thought I would post it because I was so shocked (posted seconds after it aired). I didn't expect people to say: Ewwww, gross, I can't believe they did that. So just to let you know, I did go on with my life that second after I saw it, it just was shocking. That is why I posted this thread. I wanted to hear everyone's MATURE opinion.

CCM '10!
Updated On: 8/30/03 at 08:12 PM

#54re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:13pm

I am still trying to figure out sagging. I HATE when I see guys walking around having to hold the pants up. Don't they realise how stupid they look?? How can they possibly think they look good?!
Besides I know that most girls and gay guys would much rather see a well fitting pair of jeans that show off the euipment in front and back rather than seeing a guy and thinking that he needs his diaper changed.

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#55re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:13pm

I tried asking some young people about that once, and didn't really get a definant, strong response. I asked some girls if they thought that sagging pants and underwear display was attractive to them, and they said YES!


I wonder what guys would think if women started dressing like that? And I mean, baggy big ass jeans and boxer shorts hanging out.

"Life without music equals death."

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#56re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:14pm

I saw it on the news as MTV is simply out of my league . I am an old fart & MTV is for the younger generation. Madonna has a ton of talent but ....

I have to take my Geritol before I fall asleep . To Broadway Guy 2, the guys with the sagging pants are as funny as a guy wearing a business suit, burberry overcoat & wearing a knapsack. Call out the fashion police. I once saw a guy wearing baggy pants jump a turnstyle on the NYC subway. He got stuck until a cop came , helped him off & than gave him a ticket for farebeating.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 8/30/03 at 08:14 PM

#57re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:14pm

Some girls in my school do wear that!

CCM '10!

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#58re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:15pm

I appreciate that BwayTheatre11.

"Life without music equals death."

#59re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:16pm

And I appreciate your post! re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!

CCM '10!

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#60 re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:16pm

Do they REALLY??

"Life without music equals death."

#61re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:17pm

Some do. I guess they would be called part of the "female punk" group.

CCM '10!

#62re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:19pm

ha ha. I only found out about it when someone IMed me about it. that's why I watched.

Am I odd to be 20 and to have never gone through the hardcore MTV fan phase??
I watched TRL a few times and a.) the videos were SOOOO stupid and b.) what is up with the kids in the street?? Don't they have more constructive things to do than stand in Times Square and scream about how Justin Timberlake is a greats inger because he has nice abs?? And some of the hosts??? Sway?? (who is a homophobe by the way) La La?? ::rolls eyes::

dave Holmes was the only one I could tolerate on that channel. then he left and came out of teh closet. I had picked on his 'gayness' a long time before, biut a lot of people my age were shocked that he was gay... just becasue he wasn't a screaming, nelly queen.

I don't like teenagers much. Some are Ok. Most are not.

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#63 re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:19pm

Wow! You learn something new every day. ( :

"Life without music equals death."

#64re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:20pm

Sagging? Is the that name for it? Well, once again this board has improved my education. Bling Blings and Sagging. Ok--What's next sagging bling blings?!

D Updated On: 8/30/03 at 08:20 PM

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#65re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:22pm

Ha ha.

And what the Sam Hell is "schizza mah nizza"???

I realize that it has something to do with Snoop Doggy Dork, but that is about it.

"Life without music equals death."

#66re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:23pm

Did you know that they ACTUALLY added 'bling bling' to the newest edition of Webster's Dictionary???? How LOW have the standars of our language become when bling bling is put in a dictionary??

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#67re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:24pm

Something must be done to keep the world safe from sagging bling blings. The politician who promises that has my vote as there is nothing worse than sagging bling blings . I hear tell that bada bing is now in the dictionary as well. Webster is turning over in his grave

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 8/30/03 at 08:24 PM

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#68re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:25pm

Ann Reinking has my vote!

She schizzas mah nizza.

"Life without music equals death."

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#69re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:27pm

I go along with Ann Reinking fan. Sounds good to me. Good to see some old fashioned silliness on the board

Poster Emeritus

#70re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:27pm

Amen! Maybe Arnie should make that part of his platform in the race for Gov. of CA!


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#71re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:32pm

Someone should make a soap opera of the California mess & call it " As The Stomach Turns". If Ahnold makes it, he could use California's school system to get a refresher course in english. If Gary Coleman gets in he would have to stand on an orange crate to reach the podium . Larry Flynt as Govenor . This is as bad as sagging bling blings

Do you call Snoop Doggy Dog Snoop or Mr Dog or what. Just curious

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 8/30/03 at 08:32 PM

#72re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:36pm

And if I'm elected there will be a belt for every sagging bling bling in the state.....

re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!


#73re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:38pm

I never severely went through the MTV phase. Sometimes I would watch TRL and Say What Kareoke (sp?) because there was nothing else on. Now the only thing I listen to are showtunes and I am always on Bwayworld.com.

CCM '10!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#74re: re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 8:40pm

To D of B 5, you have my vote . No more sagging bling blings. I can rest easy tonight

Poster Emeritus
