Cast for a particular night

#1Cast for a particular night
Posted: 7/26/18 at 9:35pm

How does one find out who was on for a particular performance? I saw the 26 July 7:30pm performance of Hamilton. I know there were some substitutions. How can I find a list? I'm used to the little slips of paper they give out on Broadway. I wasn't that familiar with the cast on the West End but I'm pretty sure there were a couple of substitutions at least. I very much enjoyed the performance though.

#2Cast for a particular night
Posted: 7/29/18 at 1:39pm

I should specify, in case anyone responds at some point, I know that Angelica, Peggy, Washington, and Samuel Seabury were all understudies. I'm wanting to make sure I didn't miss anyone and to find out who replaced in the ensemble.

#3Cast for a particular night
Posted: 7/31/18 at 11:14am

This is something the West End is very bad at doing officially. Sometimes there's a notice up at the theatre, but not always. Good Twitter accounts track understudies, like @WestEndCovers

But I'd love to see performers announced and celebrated more openly ahead of the show. Michael Xavier just tweeted about it:

#4Cast for a particular night
Posted: 8/2/18 at 4:56pm

About 2 years ago, DMT started explicitly banning cast members from announcing vacations/scheduled understudy dates - the transparency used to be a lot better before that. 

Hamilton seems to be a moderate exception as some cast members have been pretty open about scheduled dates and WestEndCovers reports pretty accurately. For future references, they have a screen with the nightly cast near the box office.

