
Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants- Page 2

Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants

lildogs Profile Photo
#25re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 1:22pm

I know what you mean, jerb.

But the majority of people who are overweight are so due to their own unhealthy lifestyles. There's not THAT many thyroid conditions running around (pardon the joke).

It's a combination of cheap, readily available fast food, oversize portions, poor health education and lack of emphasis on physical activity.

And of course, there are those who have medical conditions that cause obesity, but in those cases, eating at White Castle is STILL not a healthy choice.

#26re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 2:47pm

But the majority of people who are overweight are so due to their own unhealthy lifestyles.

In this day and age, there are many young adults who are eating well and exercising but are still greatly overweight because they always have been. Which is to say, many people have the mistakes of their parents to account for by the time they're capable of making the absolutely huge changes one needs to make to lose half their body weight. Childhood obesity is even a bigger problem now, so that is what we need to focus on putting an end to. Not putting restrictions on adults going out to eat.

You can say the majority of people are overweight due to their own unhealthy lifestyles, which is basely true, but there is truth to some having a medical proclivity towards easy weight gain and difficult weight loss. If I have two friends who have similarly unhealthy lifestyles, sometimes one of them is obese and sometimes one of them isn't. That's part of what causes the confusion that has let this become a public health crisis.

Anyway, on the drunk comparison...no. You can fake being sober, but I have faith that a bartender can tell the difference between jovial and drunk. Plus, anyone close to an actual alcoholic can tell you that most bars don't really stop serving drunks, anyway. Oh but if they did.

lildogs Profile Photo
#27re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 3:02pm

Not to be nasty, but how can you be "sometimes" obese?

Sure some people are genetic victims and some people simply have no knowledge of how the body processes calories.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#28re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 3:19pm

"but how can you be "sometimes" obese"

Many people's weight fluctuates to the extent that they can become obese, lose the weight, then gain it again.


JailyardGuy Profile Photo
#29re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 3:24pm

You just KNOW this girl would be turned away at the door of the Biloxi Friendly's:



This is the coolest desert in the world!!!
First put on plate, one large piece of chocolate cake.
put on top off that , whip cream
put on top of that , a cookie of your choice
on top of that , vanilla ice cream
on top of that , sprinkles
on top of that , another cookie
on top of that , spread more vanilla ice cream on cookie
on top of that , jell-o
on top of that , lots n lots of whip cream
on top of that , gummie bears




Suzanne: I never use catalogs. I'd rather go in the store and see all the salespeople groveling and sucking up to you. Julia: Pardon me, I never knew they were so solicitous at the K-Mart.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#30re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 3:26pm

Sounds good to me except for the jello and gummy bears.


lildogs Profile Photo
#31re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 3:39pm

Wow--that would really put one's body through the ringer...I can't imagine gaining 100lbs, losing it, and then regaining it. I doubt MY heart could handle that. I feel like hell when I eat just a LITTLE too much.

My dad is obese and his condition is the result of extremely poor lifestyle choices. He used to be my size (5'6", 130) when he was younger and after the Marines and a vasectomy, he's now well over 100lbs heavier.

He eats way too much at once, mostly junk food and gets little to no exercise. He still eats like he did when he was a kid on the farm--which would be fine if he still WORKED like he did when he was on the farm. I think this happens alot with rural adults.

And that sounds icky, Jaily--I can't eat more than one type of dessert at once. It's like 69--I just can't focus...

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#32re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 3:43pm

People need to get off their computers, and get out and exercise. And stop stuffing their faces, ever 5 minutes! Fatsos!

#33re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 3:53pm

Not to be nasty, but how can you be "sometimes" obese?

I wasn't saying the obese one was only obese sometimes. I was saying sometimes it happens that two people with similarly bad eating/exercising habits have completely different physical manifestations from it.

Just as there are obese people whose blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol are all normal and there are thin ones whose are high. While being obese is unhealthy, the concept of healthy behavior isn't so cut and dry that people should judge a person's lifestyle just by looking at them.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#34re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 3:57pm

I've heard that it is more unhealthy to put your body through the "yoyo" ordeal of gaining and losing, gaining and losing, than to just stay at one heavy weight. I wonder if that's true.


lildogs Profile Photo
#35re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:04pm

I'm sure it is Jane--the body thrives on changes, but cmon! You're talking about organ function, the stress on the skeletal system, not to mention the mental stress and mood swings.
Updated On: 2/5/08 at 04:04 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#36re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:17pm

Definitely, lildogs, but then on the other side of the coin, how good is it for your heatlh to lead a life being heavy enough to bring about diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and whatever else? I'm on the fence about this.


lildogs Profile Photo
#37re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:21pm

That's not healthy either...

The way to be healthy is no fun--exercise, eating a wide array of foods based on the nutritional value rather than taste appeal. It takes patience and discipline to lose the weight--gaining it is easy and the fun!

Who wouldn't want to eat anything he wanted and not work out? That was a privilege at one time reserved for the very wealthy--the poor were lean and lithe--now it's just the opposite.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#38re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:25pm

"now it's just the opposite."

How true-interesting, isn't it.


lildogs Profile Photo
#39re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:29pm

There's a book called THE BEST THING I EVER ATE and it's (in part) about the food culture of the rich and the poor and how they always trade places: turn of the century rich people relished canned goods, ketchup and many of the foods we now consider "junk" foods, whereas the poor ate from the farm, organic, wild greens, the sort of thing that the elite classes eat now. The same goes for flour--there was a time when only the poor ate the whole wheat, artisan breads we now associate with Amy's or Bouchon Bakery. The rich have also gotten into "poverty" ingredients like sweetbreads, livers, brains, pigs feet, etc.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#40re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:37pm

Very interesting, lildogs, I wasn't aware of that.


lildogs Profile Photo
#41re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:47pm

I simplified that a great deal, but you should check out the book. There's also a chapter on "whiteness" in food--it was once linked to purity of ingredients--now, not so much. (Think white flour and sugar)

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#42re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:55pm

"People need to get off their computers, and get out and exercise. And stop stuffing their faces, ever 5 minutes! Fatsos!"

Says the kid whose metabolism is still running like a hamster on an exercise wheel.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#43re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 4:55pm

That does sound intriguing. Although, is it possible it's called The Best Thing I Ever Tasted? I'm finding that, but not the other title.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#44re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 5:02pm

"Must be a lot of obese people here on BWW. I see nothing wrong with it. In fact, I'd go a step further and arrest obese people, for even attempting to eat in a public place. Why should non-obese people be subjected to the sight of obese people eating?"

Above is an earlier post on this thread by Johnboy. I had hoped he was kidding but I'm afraid not.


jrb_actor Profile Photo
#45re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 5:29pm

I know and agree that most people are obese by their own fault. but my point is that it's not fair to discriminate, particularly when many people can't help their weight. this is not the way to tackle this issue.

it's, of course, entirely possible that the McDonald's coffee was a person/store problem. but my friend specifically asked if that was always how the coffee was prepared and the person said yes. I would hope that other people/stores had the brains to skip the syrup when Splenda was requested. not only is it a weight loss issue, but what if a customer was diabetic?

regardless, the point is that the food industry needs to be open about what they put in our food and drink.

#46re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 5:35pm

Not to mention, corn syrup is just plain nasty.

#47re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 6:04pm

Per the original article, the lawmaker who proposed the bill did not intend for it to actually become law; his goal was to provoke discussion of the issue and give it some prominence. While the approach is extreme and sensationalistic, sometimes that's the only way to get a topic into the headlines.

EVIE Profile Photo
#48re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 6:15pm

"Must be a lot of obese people here on BWW. I see nothing wrong with it. In fact, I'd go a step further and arrest obese people, for even attempting to eat in a public place. Why should non-obese people be subjected to the sight of obese people eating?"


Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#49re: Miss. Bill to Ban Obese from restaurants
Posted: 2/5/08 at 8:06pm

I worked at McDonald's as a manager for years. They do not put corn syrup in the coffee. I've never even seen corn syrup in a McDonald's restaurant.

Maybe he saw them adding the flavored syrup for a flavored coffee and thought it was corn syrup. Did he actually confirm with anyone that it was corn syrup?

That is just gross. A coffee at McDonald's comes with coffee (made with grounds and water), and whatever creamer/sweetener the customer requests. Flavored coffees get flavor syrups, which include sugar (last I knew, they did not carry sugar-free syrups).

Also, the politician who proposed this law stated himself that he was not intending for it to become a law. He just wanted to draw attention to the problem of obesity. The proposal started plenty of conversations (such as this one), so I'd say he succeeded.

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Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

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